Insights and Analytics (14%) - Email Campaign Metrics Flashcards
What does Send Performance in Email Tracking display?
Displays the delivery rate, total delivered and various bounce statistics
What does Open Performance in Email Tracking show?
Shows open rate, total opens, and unique opens
What does Inbox Activity in Email Tracking compare?
Compares total vs. unique metrics for opens, clicks, forwards, surveys, and unsubscribes
What does Unengaged Subscribers in Email Tracking highlight?
Highlights the number of recipients who did not perform a specific action.
What does Forward to a Friend Activity in Email Tracking include?
Includes statistics regarding how many subscribers forwarded emails to friends.
What does the Unengaged Subscribers section focus on?
The Unengaged Subscribers section focuses specifically on unique actions that were not taken. ie:
Did not click
Did not open.
Where can Tracking Data be found in Email Studio?
Tracking Data can be found in Email Studio under the Tracking Tab
What does Tracking Data in Email Studio show>
Data Tracking allows you to view important elements like Email Opens, Clicks, and Unsubscribes.
What does the Forward to a Friend Activity section show in Email Studio track?
The number of email forwards and the number of new subscribers generated by each forward.
How are the Email Tracking Metrics broken down in Email Studio Tracking?
Email Tracking Metrics are broken down into sections based on Send Performance, Open Performance, Inbox Activity, Unengaged Subscribers, and Forward to a Friend Activity.
What does Delivery Rate measure?
Measures delivered emails compared to sent emails, displayed as a percentage.
What does Total Bounces show?
The total number of Hard Bounces, Soft Bounces, and Block Bounces.
What is a Hard Bounce?
Emails that bounce due to PERMANENT conditions such as user unknown or domain not found.
What is a Soft Bounce?
Emails rejected by server due to a potentially SHORT-TERM condition, such as a full inbox, disabled settings, or not accepting mail.
What is a Block Bounce?
Emails rejected by the server because they lack authentication or are blocked by a blocklist. (After a block bounce is received, the next email will be sent to the subscriber again).
What does Delivered measured?
Emails that are successfully delivered to the recipient’s inbox.
What does Open Rate measure?
The number of email opens divided by the total number of emails delivered, displayed as a percentage.
What does Total Opens count?
Counts the number of times it has been opens, regardless of how many subscribers generated the opens.
What does Unique Opens measure?
Measures how many Subscribers opened your Email, regardless of how many times they did it.
What does the ‘A/B Test Summary’ Report summarise?
Summarises and compares one or more A/B test campaigns for the date range you specify
What does the ‘Account Send Summary’ Report provide?
Provides a list of all possible response counts or rates for an account, sorted by send.
What does the ‘Attribute by Tracking Event’ Report provide?
Provides an overview of how your subscribers responded to a particular email send based on a specific tracking event.
What does the ‘Campaign Email Job Tracking Summary’ Report provide?
Provide emails tracking data for each job sent under the selected campaign
What does the ‘Campaign Email Tracking Summary’ Report show?
Quickly view the tracking statistics of your campaign’s emails sent in multiple jobs
What does the ‘Carrier Deactivation Summary’ Report verify?
Verifies the accuracy of the opt-out process as well as to identify potential customer to retarget for SMS opt-in
What does the ‘Conversion Tracking Statistics’ Report provide?
Provides an overview of all conversion activity across all your email campaigns
What does the ‘Email Message Frequency’ Report count ?
The number of customers who received more than one email message during a given period
What does the ‘Email Performance by Attribute’ Report provide ?
Provides a way to evaluate email send results based on subscriber attributes and preferences.
What does the ‘Email Performance by Domain’ Report compare?
Compares email send results for each domain sent to.
What does the ‘Email Performance by List’ Report asses?
Assess response, bounce, and click-through rates for each list or group
What does the ‘Email Performance for All Domains’ Report evaluate?
Evaluate the results for each domain for a single email send
What does the ‘Email Performance Over Time’ Report display?
Displays data for all sends during a specific period
What does the ‘Email Send’ Report show?
Shows how many emails have been sent from each account within a specified time frame
What does the ‘Email Sends by User’ Report show?
Shows how many emails were sent by each account user during the specified date range
What does the ‘Email Send Performance by Audience Builder Segment’ Report show?
Data on send performance is displayed by audience segment
What does the ‘Forwarding Activity Details’ Report contain?
Contains information about the emails that are forwarded from subscribers to others
What does the ‘Impression Tracking by Job’ Report provide?
Provides a count one the number of times the content area has been sent
What does the ‘Impression Tracking for Triggered Send by Period’ Report display?
Displays impression performance for triggered sends over a specified time period.
What does the ‘List Demographics’ Report provide?
Provides a breakdown of subscribers by status, domain, and subscription tool for your lists.
What does the ‘List Performance Over Time’ Report evaluate?
Evaluates how well lists perform over time and across multiple sends
What does the ‘List Size Over Time’ Report provide?
Provides statistics about subscribers on a list over time
What is the ‘Multi-Campaign Tracking Summary’ Report ?
This report can be used to compare the performance of multiple email campaigns at the same time
What does the ‘Recent Email Sends Summary’ Report provide?
Provides an overview of recent account activity
What does the ‘Region Performance for Triggered Sends Over Time’ Report analyse ?
Analyses performance of one section of content across multiple triggered sends over time
What does the ‘Region Performance Over Time’ Report show?
Shows the performance of a section of content across multiple jobs over a period of time
What does the ‘Response Trend Analysis for Email Send’ Report summarise?
Summarises how an email send has performed over time.
What does the ‘Send Classification by Email Tracking’ Report compare?
Compares transactional and commercial send performance data
What does the ‘Sendable Data Extension Demographics’ Report chart?
Charts subscriber status breakdown and top-level overview of which domains are best represented
What does the ‘Sendable Data Extension Performance Over Time’ Report provide?
Provides an overview of the change over time in a sendable data extension
What does the ‘Single Email Performance by Device’ Report show?
Shows email open and click activity on mobile and desktop devices.
What does the ‘Spam Complaints Over Time’ Report provide?
Provides information about spam complains received in the past
What does the ‘Subscriber Engagement’ Report analyse?
Analyses how engaged the subscribers are by using the number of emails sent to each subscriber over a specified time, and the number of emails the subscriber has opened or clicked.
What does the ‘Subscriber Most Recent Activity’ Report detail?
Details the most recent open and click activity of all subscribers
What does the ‘Subscribers Not Sent to’ Report display?
Displays a list of subscribers who have not received an email during a specified period of time.
What does the ‘Triggered Sends Tracking’ Report display?
Displays detailed tracking information for a single triggered send over a specified period of time.