Information Processing (Chapter 2) Flashcards
what are the 3 information processing stages?
1) input
2) decision making
3) execution

what is input?
relevant and irrelevant sensory input

what is decision making?
decide appropriate response
step 2
what is execution?
excecute actions
step 3

what is relevant input?
you do need to know information
ex: shooter tendancies, location/speed of shooter, keeper start position
what is irrelevant input?
don’t need to know information
ex: popcorn smell, annoucer
what is open skill versus closed skill?
open skill:
unpredictable environment, context ever changing
ex: every shot is new
closed skill:
predictable, performer acts on object, context does not change
ex: coach throwing to same spot
how do we measure ability to process infomation?
1) reaction time (RT)
2) movement time (MT)
3) Response time
what is reaction time (RT)?
time between presentation of stimulus to beginning of response
= sound to 1st body movement

what is movement time (MT)?
time betwen initiation of movement to the end of the response
1st movement - left leg ground contact (end of start)

what is response time?
time between presentation of stimulus to the end of the response
sound - left leg ground contact (end of start)

what are the factors that influence decision making?
1) number of options
2) stimulus- response orientation (compatibility)
3) anticipation errors
4) level of anxiety/arousal
ex: bop it
what is Hicks law?
as choices increase, reaction time increase

How does Hicks Law describe compatibility as a factor that influence decision making?
if the relationship between stimulus and response is not “natural” (incompatible) = increases response time

what is anticipaton?
what or when an event will happen
what is event versus temporal anticipation?
what event will occur
ex: soccer kick
when an event will occur
ex: red light
what is psychological refractory period (PRP)?
delay in responding to the 2nd of two closely spaced stimuli (still reacting to fake 1st)

what is interstimulus interval (ISI)?
time between two stimulus
needs to be just right