Influence of Others 1+2 - 10 Flashcards
Norman Triplett- conducted first social psychology study
o Hypothesized the presence of others was a variable in how we act around others
o Co-actor: individuals performing the same task as you
o Audience: group of people watching an individual perform a take
o Social facilitation: increased or decrease performance with a co-actor or audience
compared to doing it alone
- Zajonc- in 1965, published a paper about social facilitation
-The presentation of others increases physiological activity (arousal)
-For simple and well-practiced tasks, performance is enhanced
-For difficult and not-practiced tasks, performance is hindered
-Added the ‘decrease performance’ part to the social facilitation definition
Social learning theory
we model and imitate
the behaviours of others
- Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment
o Children between ages 3-6 were given a choice of toys to play
o The adult in the room would either engage in gentle or aggressive behaviour with
the bobo doll- the children who had viewed the aggressive play model were much
more prone to spontaneously act the same when put into a different room
Norms (conformity)
Norms: unwritten but commonly accepted rules for how to behave, help guide how we
interact with others and the world
o Leads to conformity
Sherif’s autokinetic effect
o A stationary light in a pitch black room appears to move when it doesn’t- as we
scan the room, we mistake the image on our retina to be an actual motion
o When comparing results with other participants (after being in the same room at
the same time), the results will start to concur between participants (indicating
o In a later trial, there was a confederate in the room that said the value was much
larger, and the participants’ estimate increased, indicating that they accounted for
the confederate’s opinion
* Laugh tracks during comedies are examples of this
- Asch wanted to know why people converge to the norm
o Asked people which comparison line is the same length as the sample
o In the group, only one person is a real participant (others are confederates) and
respond after most of the confederates
o All the confederates say the obviously wrong answer, but 75% of participants
conformed to an incorrect answer on at least 1 trial
o This occurred even with anonymity
Normative function
role of others in setting standards
for our conduct, and we follow them in fear of criticism
and social rejection for not following them
Normative function chart in note from Maddy
Informational function
role of others in providing
information about an ambiguous situation
* Normative and informational functions both contribute to conformity
Group Dynamics (Stoner)
Risky shift effect: tested the idea that groups were more cautious when making
decisions than individuals; individuals came up with their own ideas before
coming together as a group
o Groups do not always cause riskier decisions than individuals- it depends on the
Group polarization
decision making in a group tends to strengthen inclinations of
individual group members
o Encompasses the risky shift and cautious shift effects
o Supported by many experiments
group decision making environment when group cohesiveness becomes so
strong it overrides realistic appraisals of reality and alternative opinions
o These groups think they are right and all others are wrong
o Fail to critically think about other perspectives
o High conformity pressure
o Preventing groupthink: be impartial, encourage critical evaluation and
disagreement (assign a devil’s advocate), subdivide group and later reunite,
provide a second chance
The bystander effect
-The presence of other witnesses led to a diffusion
of responsibility to act
Pluralistic ignorance
when each individual in a
group sees nobody responding in a given
situation, they conclude the situation is not an
Diffusion of responsibility
in deciding whether
to act, we determine that someone else in the
room is more qualified
* Being direct avoids the bystander effect
* Seeing helpful behaviour increases probability of helping others in the future