Deck 3 Flashcards
Extent to which the scores in a data set tend to vary from each other and the mean
Conditional response (CR)
Automatic response established by training to the CS (which was once neutral)
Conditional stimulus (CS)
Stimulus associated with a US and triggers a CR
Conditioning trials
Making the association between the US and CS
cs and us ocur together - stoping at a stop sign
When the presence of the CS reliably predicts the presence of the US
Increasing response that follows a change in a previously habituated stimulus
Drug tolerance
Decreased effectiveness of drug when repeatedly administered
Excitatory conditioning
Presence of the CS predicts the presence of the US
Extinction/ extinction trials
When the CS is repeatedly presented along to extinguish the CS-US relationship, resulting in the CS no longer eliciting the CR
Decrease in response to stimulus after it’s repeatedly presented without consequence
Higher-order conditioning
Once neutral stimulus paired with a CS to produce same CR as the CS
**Making a new CS from a different CS
Body’s tendency towards maintaining equilibrium
Inhibitory conditioning
Presence of CS predicts the absence of the US
Mechanisms of behaviour changing based on experience
Orienting response
Automatic shift of attention towards a stimulus
Repairing US and CS, occurs much quicker than creating the initial contingency
Increase in responsiveness to a particular stimulus
Spontaneous recovery
Re-emergence of a previously extinguished CS after a temporary delay
Stimulus discrimination
Ability to fine tune response to the CR does not occur to stimuli similar to the CS
Stimulus generalization
Application of the CR to a new stimulus that is similar to the CS
Test trial
When the CS is presented without the US to determine if a contingency has been made
Unconditioned response (UR)
Biological response evoked by the US and without training
Unconditioned stimulus (US)
Stimulus evoking the UR