Deck 4 Flashcards
Break a task in to steps- each step is reinforced one at a time
Continuous reinforcement (CRF)
Reinforcer follows every correct response made by the indivudal
-everytime a dog shakes a paw, they get a treat
Contrasting effects
Changes in value of a reward leads to shift in response rates. Can be positive or negative
Cumulative recorder
device that records rate pattern of responding over time
Discriminative stimuli
when a child engages in the target behavior of cleaning their room when a parent is present, but not engaging in the behavior when the parent is not present
s+ reinforcer is present
s- reiforcer is not present
Escape training
-child learns to be loud so teacher is distracted and escapes learning
-person leaves a noisy room
Fixed interval (FI) schedule
provides rewards at consistent times
Fixed ratio (FR) schedule
Reinforcement after a fixed number of correct responses
Law of Effect
Response followed by a satisfying effect is strengthened and likely to occur again, and vice versa
-awarding good grades
Mirror neuron
respond to actions that we observe in others - also empathy
Omission training
losing privileges so person starts doing wanted behaviour
Operant chamber
Aka Skinner box. Chamber with a lever or other mechanism for an animal to produce a reinforcer- see how long it takes them to understand desired behaviour
Overjustification effect
-child is rewarded for drawing will start to unenjoy drawing and only want the reward
Partial reinforcement (PRF)
Reinforcement only occurs after some responses
Post-reinforcmenet pause
After reinforcment on a fixed ration schedule, the time where the organism stops before resuming the task