Deck 7 Flashcards
Observational research
Studies conducted without manipulating a variable (for unethical or unreasonable research)
Classical conditioning
Association between 2 related events (aka Pavlovian conditioning)
Contingent relationship
Presence of 1 stimulus leads to the presentation of another stimulus
Classical contingency
Learning a contingency between a signal and event that are paired closely in time and/or space
the moment a response is established in conditioning
Loss of contingency, CS no longer predicts the US
New inhibitory response
Interacts/competes with original contingency
Develop through a CS that’s similar to a US that also elicits fear
Implosive therapy
Person confronts CS with their imagination; CS is presented without the US
Systematic desensitization
Gradual exposure to a stimulus
Compensatory response
natural mechanism we have to try to restore homestasis when stressed - grabbing a beer after work
Drug withdrawal responses
mere presentation of environemntal cues can trigger response (seeing empty syriinge
Instrumental conditioning
Training a contingency between voluntary behaviour and its consequences
Stimulus presented after a response that affects the frequency of which that response is performed
Shaping by successive approximation
Teaching complex behaviours by reinforcing smaller steps
succesive approximation = rewarding small steps towards ideal behaviour
shaping = learning
Cognitive ability to learn from experience, reason, remember important information, and cope with daily demands of living
Problem solving
Ability to create solutions
Gardner’s 8 types of intelligence
Verbal, mathematical, musical, spatial, kinaesthetic, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic
Piaget intelligence development
Schema: mental framework to help interpret the surrounding world
Association assimilation: incorporating new information into existing schemas or modifying the schema to incorporate new information
Stages of Piaget intelligence development
2 Preoperational stage: 2-7 yrs, geocentricism, seriation, reversible relationships, and conservation tasks
1# Sensorimotor stage: 0-2 yrs old, child discovers they can modify the world around them
Object permanence: objects still exist outside of their range of sight
Phenomenon of Decalage
Children may develop skills out of Piaget’s order
Mental shortcuts
Criteria to qualify as language
Arbitrary, regular, and productive
Infant language milestones
8 wks- cooing, vowel sounds
16 wks- turns head towards voices
6 mo- babbling
8 mo- complex, non-random babbling
2 yo- 50-250 words, 2 word phrases
2.5 yo- vocabulary over 805 words
Language explosion
Between 1.5-6 yrs, children rapidly expand their vocabulary