Deck 5 Flashcards
Availability heuristic
Tendency to make decisions based on easily available information
Deductive reasoning
Using a theory to arrive at a conclusion
Flynn effect
Raw IQ scores have increased about 3 points per decade
Functional fixedness
Not seeing other uses for an object beyond its common uses
Spearman’s g Factor and Beyond
-intelligence influences how well you do (2 parts to intelligence)
-g factor overall smarts
-s factor specific to certain tasks
g influence - people who did well on 1 task tend to do better on others too - only 1 type smart
Ill-defined problem
When the starting position, rules, and end goal are not clearly stated. Most problems in every day life
Inductive reasoning
Using a fact to make a general conclusion
Interrater reliability
how much observers agree on an event they both witnessed
Predictive validity
Extent to which a test or score can preduct future behaviour
Representativeness heuristic
makes us estimate the probability of something based how it resembles a familiar situation
Test-retest method
measures the consistency of results when you repeat the same test on the same sample at a different point in time
Twin studies
Mono and dizygotic (fraternal) twins being assessed to determine how genetics influence a particular trait
Extent to which a test measures the outcome it’s meant to measure
Well defined problem
When the starting position, rules, and end goal are clearly known
Arbitrary (random) association
Word representing something does not represent the characteristics of that thing