Infectious Dz Flashcards
Fungus, lungs, CNS, HIV, Papilledema, CT scan, Cryptococcal antigen, India ink stain, Amphotericin B, Fluconazole
Fungus, bird and bat droppings, Lung, Hilar/Mediastinal lymphadenopathy, histoplasma antigen, Itraconazole
AIDS, <200 CD4 count, bilateral interstitial infiltrates, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole
Strep pharyngitis, 2 weeks post-infxn, Jones criteria, PCN
Rheumatic fever
JONES (Joint involvement, O looks like a heart = myocarditis, Noduls (subQ), Erythema marginatum, Sydenham chorea)
Sydenham chorea (SD) is characterized by rapid, irregular, and aimless involuntary movements of the arms and legs, trunk, and facial muscles.
Descending weakness/paralysis, canned food, raw honey in infants, PCN, Antitoxin through CDC
Profuse rice water diarrhea
Pharyngitis, gray membrane, antitoxin, PCN or erythromycin
Trismus (lock jaw), contraction, spasms, dirty wound, immunization
Mycoplasma, night sweats, productive cough, hemoptysis, CXR with apical infiltrates, acid fast bacilli smear, RIPE, Isoniazid + B6
RIPE (Rifampin, Isoniazid, Pyrazinamide, Ethambutol)
Cat feces, undercooked meat, pregnancy, cerebral abscess, multiple ring enhancing lesions
Deer tick, Northeastern states, erythema migrans, carditis, AV block, Bells palsy, clinical dx, doxycycline, amoxicillin, cerufoxime
Lyme dz
Mononucleoiss, pharyngitis, posterior cervical lymph nodes, morbilliform rash with amoxicillin/ampicillin, splenomegaly
Epstein Barr Virus
Painful vesicles that ulcerate, prodrome, PCR, culture, or serology, antivirals
Herpes simplex virus
Varicella zoster virus, >50 y/o women, pain before rash, dermatome, hutchinson’s sign, post-herpetic neuralgia, antivirals
Herpes zoster
Hutchinson’s sign is defined as skin lesions at the tip, side, or root of the nose. This is a strong predictor of ocular inflammation and corneal denervation in HZO, especially if both branches of the nasociliary nerve are involved.
Cough, coryza, conjunctivitis, koplik spots