Infection Prevention And Control Flashcards
What is hand hygiene?
One of the most important ways to reduce the transmission of infectious agents that cause healthcare associated infections (HCAIs).
Before performing hand hygiene, what steps should be taken regarding forearms?
Expose forearms (bare below the elbow).
What type of hand jewelry is permitted during hand hygiene?
A single, plain metal finger ring, such as a wedding band, is permitted but should be removed or moved up during hand hygiene.
What is the guideline for fingernails before hand hygiene?
Ensure fingernails are clean and short, and do not wear artificial nails or nail products.
What should be done with cuts or abrasions before hand hygiene?
Cover all cuts or abrasions with a waterproof dressing.
When should hands be washed with non-antimicrobial liquid soap and water?
If hands are visibly soiled or dirty, caring for patients with vomiting or diarrhoeal illnesses, or caring for a patient with a suspected or known gastrointestinal infection.
In what circumstances should alcohol-based hand rubs (ABHRs) be used?
For routine hand hygiene during care, except when hands are visibly soiled.
When should hands be cleaned?
Before touching a patient, before clean or aseptic procedures, after body fluid exposure risk, after touching a patient, and after touching a patient’s immediate surroundings.
What should you always do before putting on and after removing gloves?
Perform hand hygiene.
What is the recommended method for drying hands after washing?
Dry hands thoroughly using disposable paper towels.
How often should emollient hand cream be used?
Regularly, such as during breaks and when off duty.
What should staff with skin problems do?
Seek advice from occupational health or their GP.
What is the purpose of respiratory and cough hygiene?
To minimize the risk of cross transmission of known or suspected respiratory illness.
How should one cover their nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing?
With a disposable tissue; if unavailable, use the crook of the arm.
What should be done with used tissues?
Dispose of all used tissues promptly into a waste bin.
What should be done after coughing, sneezing, or using tissues?
Wash hands with non-antimicrobial liquid soap and warm water.
What should be done if there is no running water available for hand hygiene?
Use hand wipes followed by ABHR and wash hands at the first available opportunity.
What should be avoided with contaminated hands?
Keep contaminated hands away from the eyes, nose, and mouth.
What should staff assess before undertaking any procedure?
Any likely exposure to blood and/or other body fluids, non-intact skin or mucous membranes.
What is a key principle regarding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)?
Avoid overuse or inappropriate use to minimize environmental impact.
What types of waste should PPE be disposed of into?
Correct waste stream, such as domestic waste, offensive (non-infectious) or clinical waste.
When should gloves be worn?
When exposure to blood and/or other body fluids, non-intact skin or mucous membranes is anticipated.
What should be done if a glove is suspected to be perforated or punctured?
Change the glove immediately.
What is the definition of clinical waste?
Contains viable micro-organisms or their toxins known to cause disease in humans or other living organisms.
Contain contaminated medicine
Biological material (animal or human tissue ) conataminated with dangerous substances e
What does offensive waste contain?
May contain body fluids, secretions, or excretions but is not infectious.
Not clinical waste
Non hazardous
What type of cleaning product is recommended for routine cleaning of surfaces?
A fresh solution of general-purpose neutral detergent in warm water.
What is the recommended chlorine concentration for routine cleaning of sanitary fittings?
1,000ppm available chlorine.