Indicating and Recording Flashcards
Electronic Instrument System EIS comprised by:
6 Display Units DUs. DUs full cathode raytubes and identical
Electronic Instrument System EIS:
Electronic Flight Instrument System EFIS; Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor ECAM
ECAM comprised by:
Engine / Warning Display E/WD; System Display SD
Display Management Computers – 3. Sensors:
NAV Data/ ADIRS data – DMC 1,2,3
Each DMC has
2 independent channels
2 identical FWCs :
Red warnings, amber cautions, alert messages, memos, aural alerts, synthetic voice messages
ECAM/ND XFR: allows ECAM system display to be shown on
Either the Captain’s or FO’s ND
DMC sw in AUTO:
DMC3 supplies data for both ECAM DUs
Pulling barometric knob will set
QNH pressure
Flight data recording system:
Flight data interface and management unit, digital flight data recorder DFDR, linear accelerometer LA
Digital Flight Data Recorder DFDR -
25h, underwater locator beacom
If PFD – if bank angle exceeds 45º, all PFD symbols disappear, except for
Attitude, speed, heading, altitude, and vertical speed
Between 30º up and 10º down, markers set every
Pitch attitude and roll angle protection symbols represent max bank
67º and max pitch 30ºup and 15ºdown
Side slip blue if EO, config 1, 1+F, 2,3, or full (beta target) >1.3 EPR or difference ENG EPR
> .25
Airspeed scale- speed trend arrow – predicted speed in
10 sec (at constant rate); pointer appears if rate of change >2kt; pointer disappears if rate of change < 1kt or FMGC fail
Blue triangle = selected speed from FCU
Magenta triangle -
Managed speed
Green Mach number when current speed > M 0.5
Speed protection symbol VMO +4kt / MMO +
0.006 overspeed
VLS – minimum selectable speed – top of amber strip -
Indication 1 sec after airborn – disappears upon touchdown
Alpha protection speed =
Top of black and amber strip along speed scale. AOA= Alpha protection active
Alpha protection speed =
Top of black and amber strip along speed scale. AOA= Alpha protection active
Alpha Max Speed = top of red strip along speed scale=
speed maximum AOA acft in pitch normal law
VMAX = the lowest of
Vsw – stall warning only in
Pitch alternate / pitch direct law – top of red and black strip
PFD symbols – 1=V1 / 0=
VR /
VFE max = bottom of
Red and black strip
VFE orange = VFE next – only
Below 20,000ft
S speed = flap in
position 1
0 green =
Flap in position 1
0 green = green dot= best
Lift-to-drag ratio. It appears when acft in clean configuration
Managed DES speed =
Upper speed range
Acft flies in this range for profile =
Managed target / lower speed range
Altitude display pulses if
Acft below transient level alt not selected; acft above trans alt knob not set; acft below 2,500ft if transition level not available
Vertical deviation circle – also on PROG MCDU – displayed from
TOD to MAPT altitude
Brown horizontal landing elevation (at destination) shown from
800ft radio alt until 80kt decelerating if QNH is selected
Ground reference Ribbon – LFE -
<570 ft radio alt
Vertical speed scale – first inertial data – should it fail -
Barometric source
Bird = FPV -
HDG / TRK / VS FPA selected
FPA = difference between
Horizon and FPV
When will Flt Director bars flash for 10 sec and remain steady?
Reversion manual/auto – HDG / VS; capture selected flt level already ALT capture; loss of LOC or GS in LAND mode at first AP/FD engangement
Localizer and Glide Slope deviation scales:
Displayed as soon as LS is pressed
Grid track – when switch in true reference and latitude
> 65º north or < 65ºsouth
CSTR pb on -
FL MORA displayed
ILS APP message on ND:
“ILS on MCDU and FMS flight phase in DES, APPR, GO AROUND
FMS phase CRZ <250NM”
Windshier in Auto for
Engine thrust is constant and speed is controlled by
Varying the aircraft pitch attitude.