Fuel Flashcards
Fuel system stores fuel, controls and monitors quantity of fuel, supplies
Fuel to engines and APU, allows fuel jettison, controls refueling and defueling and controls forward and aft transfer of fuel to maintain CG within limits.
Fuel is stored in the wings, center section and
Trimmable Horizontal Stabilizer THS, and wings each have an inner and outer tank
Wings have an inner outer tank. Each inner tank is divided
Into two parts that have one collector cell that maintains a reservoir for the fuel booster pumps and provides negative G protection to feed the engines.
Each collector cell is maintained full and contains
Approximately 1,000kg / 2,200 lbs of fuel
Fuel system is controlled by
two Fuel Control and Monitoring Computers FCMC
FCMC calculates fuel quantity by:
Volume, density, horizontal stabilizer angle, fuel electrical characteristics and aircraft attitude
FCMC uses information from fuel sensors to control transfers and to provide warnings independently of fuel indication system from:
Low level sensors; high level sensors; vent surge tank level sensors
FCMC calculates GW and GWCG based on Zero Fuel Weight Center of Gravity and
Zero Fuel Weight entered by the crew.
There are two main fuel pumps and one
Standby to supply fuel from inner tanks
A main or standby fuel pump can supply
Any engine
ECAM FUEL erroneous value by more than
136kg/ 300 lbs
APU is fed from ENG 1 collector box (in the left Inner Tank) through APU FWD pump and APU ISOL valve when:
On ground after 2 min (expect during Trim Tank refueling); in flight below FL 255; above FL 255; when Trim Tank is empty.
During ELEC EMER CONFIG, aircraft electrically powered by EMER GEN which is powered by RAT – crossfeed valve automatically
Opens and the left pump remains powered
Both side couplings used, refueling time at max pressure of
50 psi is 33 minutes
Refueling / defueling can be supplied either by External power,
APU generator online, the batteries