Flight Instruction And Check Flashcards
Diferenças de Altímetro
The maximum difference is: ±20 ft between both PFDs And depending on the aircraft configuration: ±60 ft between ISIS and PFDs, or ±300 ft between mechanical standby altimeter and PFDs.
Contingências ETOPS
The procedures given in the EASA approved Airbus ETOPS CMP document are applicable. The SOP (refer to chapters PRO, NOR, SOP) and the ABNORMAL and EMERGENCY procedures (refer to chapters PRO, ABN) apply. For ETOPS flights, the following additional procedure apply: GEN 1 or 2 FAULT When in ETOPS segment : APU GEN (if available)……………………………………………………………………………………………….USE
PRO-SPO-40A-50 P 1/2
Contingências ICAO
ICAO Doc 4444, In-flight Contingency Proce-dures. Chapter 15 of ICAO Doc 4444 (Proce-dures for Air Navigation Services — Air Traf-fic Management (PANS-ATM)) contains impor-tant guidance for pilot training programs. Chap-ter 15 includes Special Procedures for In-flight Contingencies in Oceanic Airspace, as well as Weather Deviation Procedures. Chapter 15 cov-ers in-flight diversion and turn-back scenarios, loss of navigation capability, and procedures to follow for weather avoidance. This critical guid-ance is reprinted in the Oceanic Operations sec-tion of the U.S. Aeronautical Information Pub-lication (AIP), the International section of the Notices to Airmen Publication, and FAA Advi-sory Circular 91-70, Oceanic and Remote Con-tinental Airspace Operations.
Aerovia Y USA Y ROUTES: localizado na parte ENRT do manual Jeppesen: São rotas que requerem equipamento GNSS e capacidade de navegação RNAV 2. Para empresas aéreas de fora dos Estados Unidos é requerido uma autorização prévia para voar este tipo de rota. Não é permitido realizar SLOP neste tipo de rota. Devemos ter capacidade RAIM continua na rota, sendo autorizado somente 5 minutos de perda do PRAIM.
The Y-routes are designated RNAV 2 with GNSS required. Aircraft flying the Y-routes must be equipped with GNSS and able to meet RNAV 2 performance requirements. RNAV systems relying solely on DME/DME or inertial navigation are not suitable (and therefore not authorized) for use on any Y-route.
Engine Fail in cruise flight
When an engine failure occurs during cruise, three possible strategies apply: ‐ The standard strategy ‐ The obstacle strategy ‐ The fixed speed strategy.
Decolagem para aeródromo com previsão de estar fechado na hora prevista de chegada, pode? Pode sim, desde que seja indicado dois aeródromos de alternativa e que sejam adicionadas algumas margens de teto e visibilidade para estes aeródromos. As condições devem se manter até 1 hora após a decolagem.
Previsão de destino fechado (Despacho ou Liberação de voo sobre grandes extensões de água)
Na eventualidade do aeroporto de destino estar com previsão meteorológica abaixo dos mínimos requeridos para a operação pretendida, a Azul faz o despacho considerando dois aeródromos de alternativa. A previsão meteorológica deve indicar que a condição se mantém entre o momento estimado para o pouso e até uma hora após
MGOA 271
Emergency Descent
EMER DESCENT - INITIATE If A/THR not active: THR LEVERS - IDLE SPD BRK - FULL When descent established: SPEED - MAX/APPROPRIATE If structural damage suspected : MANEUVER WITH CARE
Funcionamento da porta da cabine (como fazer o check pré-voo)
COCKPIT DOOR If required by local Airworthiness Authorities: ANN LT selector…………………………………………………………………………………………………………TEST Check that the OPEN and FAULT light (on the pedestal), and the three LED light (on the overhead panel) come on. ANN LT selector…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..BRT Check that all lights go off. CKPT DOOR………………………………………………………………………CHECK CORRECT OPERATION Set the toggle switch to the UNLOCK position. Check that the door opens, and that the OPEN light comes on. Then, with the door fully opened, release the toggle switch (check that it returns to the NORM position). Close the door. Check that it is locked, and that the OPEN indicator goes off. CKPT DOOR MECHANICAL OVERRIDE…………………………………………………………………..CHECK Check that the door opens normally, and that it closes when the mechanical override is used.
Falha de Comunicação
COMMUNICATIONS FAILURE 6.1 GENERAL RULES 6.1.1 An aircraft operated as a controlled flight shall maintain continuous air-ground voice commu-nication watch on the appropriate communication channel of, and establish two-way communication as necessary with, the appropriate air traffic control unit, except as may be prescribed by the appropriate ATS authority in respect of aircraft forming part of aerodrome traffic at a controlled aerodrome. (Annex 2, NOTE 1: SELCAL or similar automatic signalling devices satisfy the requirement to maintain a listen-ing watch. NOTE 2: The requirement for an aircraft to maintain an air-ground voice communication watch remains in affect after CPDLC has been established.
Jeppesen Emergency chapter 6
Quando usar Anti-Ice,: Quando o acumulo de gelo estiver acima de 5mm de espessura ou mais. vamos usar ENG ANTI ICE com temperatura menor ou igual 10. Em voo com temperatura menor ou igual 10C de TAT e com visibilidade menor 1SM ou 1600m, vamos ligar o ENG ANTI ICE. Se a temperatura estiver menor que -40C de SAT não precisamos ligar na Subida e em Cruzeiro, contudo na descida é preciso ligar pois o motor vai estar em IDLE por muito tempo.
Deicing/anti-icing fluids must be able to remove ice and to prevent its accumulation on aircraft surfaces until the beginning of the takeoff. In addition, the fluids must flow off the surfaces of the aircraft during takeoff, in order not to degrade takeoff performance. Several types of fluids can be used. These fluids have different characteristics:
PR-NP-SP-10-10-1 P 2/8
Sequência de abastecimento automático
Inner Tank até 4500 de cada lado, total de 9.000kg, Outter Tank são enchidos, Inner Tank ate 15.385kg de cada lado, Trim tank ate 2400, Inner Tank é completado até encher e por fim o Trim Tank e o Center Tank são enchidos
The center tank pumps run continuously, whenever there is fuel in the center tank. Each inner tank inlet valve controls the transfer by cycling its inner tank contents between full and approximately 2 000 kg (4 415 lb) below full. When the center tank is empty, both center tank pumps temporarily stop, and both inner tank inlet valves close.
The outer tank fuel is transferred to the inner tanks by gravity. Each outer tank transfer valve controls the transfer by cycling the associated inner tanks contents between 3 500 kg (7 720 lb) and 4 000 kg (8 830 lb). When each outer tank has been empty for 5 min, its outer tank transfer valves close.
Fluxo de Dump Fuel
1000kg ou 2200lb/min desconsiderando a queima de combustível
The Jettison system: ‐ Makes it possible to jettison fuel in flight. ‐ Output rate is approximate 1 000 kg (2 200 lb) per minute, excluding fuel burn. ‐ Is manually activated by two JETTISON pushbuttons, located on the overhead panel. Both pushbuttons must be pressed to select the jettison.
FCOM DSC-28-10-120 P 1/4
Rotas, MDT, MTT etc
MTT = Minimum Time Track
MFT = Minimum Fuel Track MCT = Minimum Cost Track MDT = Minimum Distance Track R= com restrição E = ETOPS
O que informar nas mensagens de emergência?
Mayday Mayday Mayday Perigo
Pan Pan, Pan Pan, Pan Pan Urgencia
Pessoas a bordo, combustível em kg e se tem ou não cargas perigosas a bordo.
DOC 4444 ATC Jepp
The radiotelephony distress signal (MAYDAY) or urgency signal (PAN PAN) preferably spoken three times shall be used as appropriate. Subsequent ATC action with respect to that aircraft shall be based on the intentions of the pilot and the overall air traffic situation.
Mensagem de Emergencia deve conter:
A: MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY OU PAN PAN PAN B: Nome da estação C: Call Sign D: Tipo de Aeronave E: Natureza da emergência F: Intenções G: Posição, Nivel Altitude e Proa. Para cencelar? Cancel Mayday
5.2.1 Action by the Aircraft in Distress In addition to being preceded by the radiotelephony distress signal MAYDAY, preferably spoken three times, the distress message to be sent by an aircraft in distress shall: a. be on the air-ground frequency in use at the time; b. consist of as many as possible of the following elements spoken distinctly and, if possible, in the following order: 1. name of the station addressed (time and circumstances permitting); 2. the identification of the aircraft; 3. the nature of the distress condition; 4. intention of the person in command; 5. present position, level (i.e., flight level, alti-tude, etc., as appropriate) and heading. (Annex 10, Vol II,
Manobras e Fraseologia TCAS.
Azul 4288 TCAS RA
MGO capítulo 18, fraseologia: Azul 4288 TCAS RA, AZUL 4288 clear of conflict returning to FL….
Passageiro deportado (MGO capitulo 8 security): comandante deve ser avisado da presença de um deportado e sua localização na aeronave, também deve ser informado se o passageiro esta sendo acompanhado por escoltas. Comandante pode negar o transporte, contudo a empresa vai ter que fornecer por escrito ao estado deportador o motivo dessa negação. O passageiro deportado deve embarcar antes dos demais passageiros e desembarcar por ultimo. O deportado e as escoltas devem sentar nos últimos assentos ao fundo da cabine de clientes, sendo que o deportado deve sentar na janela e as escoltas no corredor. Não devem ser servidos bebidas alcoólicas nem talheres de metal.
MGOA 8.10. Clientes Sob Custódia
[Ref.: FLT 3.9.3(vii)]
O transporte aéreo de Clientes sob condições judiciais e sob escolta deve ser coordenado, com antecedência, entre o órgão policial responsável, a administração aeroportuária e a Empresa, de modo a: a. Estabelecer medidas especiais de segurança; b. Embarcar e desembarcar os Clientes discretamente e dentro das necessidades policiais; e c. Estabelecer a conduta a bordo da aeronave.
A periculosidade da pessoa sob custódia deve ser considerada pela autoridade policial para transportá-los em voos de Clientes, uma vez que a Empresa poderá negar seu embarque, pela potencial ameaça que representem à segurança do voo e a dos demais Clientes
Cliente Sob Custódia:
As pessoas sob custódia, devem: a. Ser embarcadas antes dos demais Clientes e desembarcadas depois de todos os outros terem deixado a aeronave; b. Estar sempre acompanhadas e mantidas sob vigilância, inclusive no uso dos sanitários. c. Ocupar os assentos finais da cabine de passageiros, fora das saídas de emergência, em fileiras com dois ou mais assentos e, no mínimo, com um policial de escolta sentado entre ela e o corredor de passagem.
ERA = Equipment Restrain Area, área restrita onde a aeronave vai parar no gate, o tamanho é definido pela maior aeronave que para naquela posição. ASL = linhas que definem até onde os equipamentos de solo podem estar. Estas informações podem ser encontradas nos anexos da ICAO, mais especificamente no anexo 14, aeródromos.
Apron Safety Lines Apron safety lines shall be of a conspicuous colour which shall contrast with that used for aircraft stand markings.
Annex 14
Abastecimento Manual: Podemos encontrar o procedimento no FCOM, Normal Procedures, Suplementos, Fuel e Abastecimento Manual.
MANUAL REFUELING DETERMINE FUEL QUANTITY IN EACH TANK Respect distribution in accordance with applicable REFUEL DISTRIBUTION graph . Note: To refuel the trim tank, one of these conditions must be fulfilled. ‐ the two inner tank inlet valves are open. ‐ both inner tank quantities are each greater than 14 000 kg. ‐ one inner tank quantity is greater than 14 000 kg and the other inner tank inlet valve is open. REFUEL VALVES sel…………………………………………………………………………………………………SHUT
REFUEL VALVES sel (tank(s) to be filled)……………………………………………………………………OPEN Note: Because the Fuel Control and Monitoring System (FCMS) does not have control of all the tanks, the END light will flash. MODE SELECT sw………………………………………………………………………………………………..REFUEL FUEL QTY…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..MONITOR When the tank contents reach the required level : Corresponding REFUEL VALVES sel……………………………………………………………………..SHUT MODE SELECT sw………………………………………………………………………….OFF and GUARDED REFUEL VALVES sel…………………………………………………………………..NORM and GUARDED
If required by local Airworthiness Authorities:
ANN LT selector………………………………………………………………………………………………………… TEST Check that the OPEN and FAULT light (on the pedestal), and the three LED light (on the overhead panel) come on.
ANN LT selector………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. BRT Check that all lights go off.
CKPT DOOR………………………………………………………………………CHECK CORRECT OPERATION Set the toggle switch to the UNLOCK position. Check that the door opens, and that the OPEN light comes on.
Then, with the door fully opened, release the toggle switch (check that it returns to the NORM position).
Close the door. Check that it is locked, and that the OPEN indicator goes off.
CKPT DOOR MECHANICAL OVERRIDE………………………………………………………………….. CHECK
Check that the door opens normally, and that it closes when the mechanical override is used.
PANS OPS holding speeds
Level / normal conditions / turbulence
Up to 4250 m (14000 ft) inclusive/425 km/h (230 kt)/520 km/h (280 kt)
Above 4250 m (14000 ft) to 6100 m (20000 ft) inclusive 445 km/h (240 kt)
Above 6100 m (20000 ft ) to 10350 m (34000 ft) inclusive 490 km/h (265 kt)
520 km/h (280 kt) or 0.8 Mach, whichever is less
Above 10350 m (34000 ft) 0.83 Mach 0.83 Mach
Table IV-1-1 (or I-6-1-1 in PANS-OPS). Holding speeds - Categories A through E