Flight Controls 2 Flashcards
Low energy warning inhibited when
Below 100ft RA; above 2,000ft RA; TOGA; A.FLOOR or GPWS alert triggered; normal law is lost; both RAs failed
Pitch attitude limited to
30º up, progressively reduced to 25º at low speed, limited to 15ºdown
Load factor automatically limited to
+2.5g to -1g slats retracted / +2.0g to 0g extended
In flight, roll rate proportional to deflection up to max
If rudder pedals depressed when sidestick neutral,
Lateral controls attempt to zero the roll rate, and sideslip is automatically performed. i.e. crosswind landing
In normal turns up to ____ bank, no pitch correction by Pilot
In flight mode, normal law, sidestick controls ailerons,
Roll spoilers and the rudder for banking and turn coordination
Roll rate proportional to sidestick deflection, with a max of ___ per second when sidestick is at stop
Bank angle limitation
67º = design G factor limitation 2.5g
Full lateral deflexion -
Aircraft bank 67º
Alpha prot / high speed prot – max bank 45º
> 45º bank – AP / FD (disappears – reappears <40º bank) off
EO – Rudder pedals for
Engine out
Sky vector beta target
Beta target – sideslip indicator on PFD to ensure that is centered:
Optimum clim performance; neutral aileron; spoilers are retracted
Beta target:
Zero, beta target for optimum performance with proper rudder; accelerate if beta target cannot be zeroed with full rudder
Beta target in case of:
Takeoff config; asymmetric thrust; at least on engine> 1.3 EPR
Maneuver load alleviation (MLA) =
Redistribute lift over the wing to relieve structural loads on outer wing surfaces
MLA deflects ailerons / spoilers symmetrically upwards if sidestick pulled >
8ºaft and load factor >2g
Aileron symmetric max
11º + to roll demand
Spoilers 4,5,6 symmetric max 9º+ roll demand – deflection proportional to excess of
MLA only on normal / alternate law when
Acft > 250kt / flap lever 0
Turbulence damping function
In flight ; >250kt; A/P on normal law; normal flt envelope
Overhead panel
Maneuver Load Alleviation when
Sidestick >8º, load factor >2g. MLA uses ailerons and spoilers 4,5,6
Max bank 67º / alpha prot or high speed protection is operative bank limited to
Reconfiguration control laws:
Alternate, direct, abnormal attitude, mechanical backup
Multiple hydraulic system, control surface, computer failures can degrade
Flight Control System
Depending on type of failure affecting flight control system or peripherals, three possible reconfiguration levels:
Alternate law (ALT1 , ALT2), Direct law, mechanical backup
Certain failures – normal law characteristics / protections reduced or lost, acft reverts to
Alternate law
Ground/flare – alternate =
normal law
Flight mode – pitch control follows load factor demand law, similar to
Normal law, but with limited feedback
Alternate law keeps
Load factor limitation, low speed stability, high speed stability
Alternate law – high angle of attack protection
Is lost
Low speed stability – nose pitch down added to IAS, instead of
Angle. In this case, alternate law changes to Direct Law
Low speed stability – override- if Pilot continues to pull back,
He overrides nose down order and stall occurs
Alternate law – VSW, stall warning speed instead of
VLS, Vangle protection, Vangle max
Alternate law – nose up stability to avoid
Excessive speed
If failure of 2/3 ADRS no low / high speed stability; Alternate law without any
Low/high speed stability
Alternate law (limitations and warnings):
Load factor limitation, stall, overspeed warnings
Bank angle protection lost in
ALT 2 law
Direct Law is a direct
Sidestick – control surface relationship where control surface deflection is proportional to sidestick deflection
Direct Law covers:
Aural overspeed warning, aural stall warning, no protections, no autopilot, no yaw damping, no turn coordination
No A.FLOOR during
Flight in direct law
MAN PITCH TRIM ONLY in red on PFD, elevator control is lost. This is mechanical Backup that allows pilot to control acft during temporary complete loss
of electrical power, loss of five FCCs, or complete loss of elevator, aileron and spoiler control.
Mechanical backup – pitch – pitch trim wheel / lateral-
BCM – pedals
ABNORM ATT limits – the law becomes active when any of the following limits are exceed:
Pitch - 50º up / 30ºdown / bank > 125º angle +30º, -10º / airspeed >440kt (0.96M)
Abnormal att law has __________ protection
Load factor
Abnormal att and alternate law -
No pitch autotrim
Abnormal att law in roll is a full
Authority direct law with alternate yaw
Abnormal attitude recovery pitch:
Pitch: alternate law, load factor protection law, autotrim restored
Abnormal attitude recovery roll:
Direct law, yaw damping restored, no turn coordination
Abnormal attitude recovery yaw:
Alternate law
Abnormal attitude law in pitch and roll if
Pitch>50º up, > 30ºdown, bank> 125º speed >440kt or <60kt, angle>30º or
During complete loss of electrical power acft is controlled
Pitch mechanical – THS pitch trimwheel / lateral – rudder pedals
Direct law, overspeed and stall warnings are available. As well, all protections are inoperative,
stall and overspeed warnings available, and pilot must manually trim
Flaps and slats subjects:
Main components, configurations, automatic retraction system ARS, flap load relief system FLRS, slats Alpha/speed lock function
Each wing has seven slats and
Two trailing edge flaps
Slats/flaps control computers
Flap selection with flaps lever, a signal sent to
SFCC that sends signal to Power Control Units
PCU – Power Control Units are
Hydraulic motors
Blue/green hydraulic – slats ____________ hydraulic – flaps
Selected position reached – pressure off brakes lock transmission. Also lock in case of
Hydraulic power failure
SFCC monitor
Asymmetry position pick off units APPU , and feedback position pickoff units FPPUs
APPU/FPPU – measure slat / flap position for
Asymmetry, runaway, uncommanded movement, other failure conditions
If both SFCC detect asymmetry, overspeed, symmetrical runaway; wing tip brakes WTBs lock
Slats / flaps and warning to ECAM. WTB cannot be released in flight.
Two indication position pickoff units send
Position data to upper ECAM
On ground for takeoff, flaps 1 selected
Both slats and flaps extend to Conf 1+F position
In flight, flaps 1 selected
Only slats extended, flaps will extend when lever in flaps 2 position
Airborne, after flap retraction, Config 1+F no longer available until speed
100kt or less. Except if flap 2 or more has been previously selected.
After takeoff, flaps automatically retract at
200kt. Slats extended
Flap Load Relief System FLRS
Auto retraction in VFE exceedance, available in Conf 2,3, or Full; Conf 2 – Conf 1; Conf 3 – conf 2; conf full – conf 3
In the event of VFE exceedance of more than 2,5kt, FLRS retracts
1 stage
SFCC use corrected angle or airspeed to guard against a stall by inhibit slat retraction
Angle> 8,5ºor airspeed <148kt, slat retraction from 1 to 0 inhibited
Angle < 8.2º or IAS > 154kt
No slat retract inhibit
Flaps extended – ailerons droop
5º conf 1+F, 10ºother flaps
Conf 1+ F, flaps auto-retraction to 0 occurs at
Auto-retraction of flaps occurs in case of
VFE exceedance of VFE + 2,5kt
During takeoff roll, control deflection in direct proportion to
sidestick movement
Not recommended into wind
Aileron for crosswind takeoffs
VR sidestick rate of about 3º/sec
AEO - 15º / OEI – 12,5º
SRS – AEO – V2 +10kt / OEI
ACC ALT – slats / flaps
Personal note: no VAPP indication
If brakes are applied , with nose high,
Pilot must be prepared to use full back stick to restrain the nose down pitching moment
Hot weather, AIR WING LEAK, avoid
Keeping slats in CONF 1 when OAT >30
Figure of merit=
A term which quantifies the estimated position accuracy of the IRS system
MCDU colors =
White – title or lable/ cyan- modifiable value / green – temporary flight plan
Activation of the second database must never be done
In flight, as all current, active data would be lost
When in a holding pattern, the DES mode commands a vertical speed of 1,000ft / min while the A/THR
Maintains holding speed
A330 wing span
60.3 m / 197ft 10in
Symmetric thrust and no differential braking, A330 requires
44m / 142ft for a 180ºturn
Autoflight system has 4 main sections
Computation and processing; information sources; pilot input devices; output devides
FMGEC processes protection speeds. Flight Control Primary Computers FCPC also process
Some protection speeds
The FMGECs each send commands to the Autothrust system but only one FMGEC
Is active at any one time
If case of MCDU 1 or 2 failure, its brightness knob has to be
Switched off to allow MCDU 3 connection to corresponding FMGC
Lateral MCDU Menu (white) =
Peripheral systems linked to the MCDU require displaying because information is waiting for response or page cancellation
Transition SID kt – Mach at around
ALT pb to immediate leveloff
V/S FPA push to immediate leveloff
SPEED mode:
A/THR varies thrust while pitch remains constant
THR mode:
Thrust remains constant while AP varies pitch
When AP/FD adjusts pitch to maintain spd/Mach, the A/T is in
THR mode
Caution: If the thrust lever position is reduced below the Climb Detent, available engine thrust
Will be limited to that thrust lever position
Autoflight system has:
“2FMGC Flight Management Guidance and Envelope Computers, 3 Multipurpose Control and Display Units MCDUs, 1 FCU Flight Control Units, 1 Flight Management Source Selection device
FCOM DSC 22 10-10 P 2/8”
“Each PFD displays status automatic modes selected,
target guidance parameters
FCOM DSC 22 10-10 P 3/8”
Long term – managed – FMS for
“Autothrust, pitch, lateral guidance – MCDU inputs
FCOM DSC 22 10-10 P 2/8”
Short term – selected -
Speed, lateral, vertical inputs – not thrust, lateral, vertical of flight plan
Flight management source selector- IF
FMGC failures, source selector switches data offside MCDU + EFIS display
FMGS – signals to operate -
Autopilots, autothrust – guidance Flt directors+displays EFIS
FMGS described
“Flight management, flight guidance, flight envelope, fault isolation and detection system FIDS
DSC 22 10-10 p3/8”
Flight Management:
Position determination, navigation lateral flight plan + management navigation radios, performance optimization, predictions, display management
Flight guidance:
Auto pilot, auto thrust, flight director
Flight envelope:
Computations speed minimum selected speed VLS, max VMO, VFE, monitoring FD/FE; windshear and aft CG detection; computation GW CG
Maintenanace data acquisition / concentration; interface central maintenance computer CMC
Glareshield – next to FCU – Rose selected inputs:
“ARC, ROSE NAV, ROSE VOR, ROSE ILS, PLAN and ENG output displays on ND
DSC 22 10-10 p 7/8”
Thrust levers never automatically
Thrust lever positions:
Go around, max to, max cont MCT, flex to FLX, max climb; TO GA (go around / max to TO); Flex MCT (flex to (FLX) / CL max climb (CL)
FM source selector enables crew to transfer FMGEC data to the
“Offside MCDU and EFIS in case of FM failure
DSC 22 10-10 p.6/8”
Thrust levers arm the autothrust at takeoff when crew selects
The flight crew can access the INIT A page for flight plan initialization only in the
Preflight phase. In flight, only alternate flight plan can be modified. The INIT B page is not accessible after engine start.
MCDU – holding speed is the lowest of:
Maximum endurance speed (green dot), ICAO limit holding speed, performance or ATC speed constraint (if any)
Three ways to exit the hold:
“IMM EXIT displayed LSK 3R – acft will exit at next fix overfly (acft immediate turns to the fix hold will be exited)
Lateral revision DIR TO to another waypoint
Pull HDG”
Vertical profile – MCDU – Takeoff phase – SRS targets
V2+10 ; THR CLB, ALT CRZ, DES, and Vapp target FMGEC computed speed
Vertical revisions are accessed
Right LSK
“CI=0 = min fuel consumption or max range
CI=999 =”
min time
“Alt constraints – amber star – FMGEC predicted crossing alt
ND -“
Amber circle around waypoint – original constraint in magenta
Three sources block fuel
Total indicated fuel on board; flight plan fuel from flight plan; the FUEL PLANNING prompt
If AP/FD controls vertical trajectory (V/S / FPA, ALT/ALT*), DES on a geometric descend segment,
When AP/FD controls vertical trajectory (VS/FPA ALT Managed DES) using calculated geometric descent path:
A/THR varies thrust levers to control speed or Mach.
AP/FD controls speed target by adjusting pitch in open CLB, OPEN DES, SRS takeoff and go around modes – A/THR -
In Thrust mode
If AP/FD targets speed – A/T
If AP/FD targets trajectory – A/T