Important: Exam 2 Flashcards
True or false: HPV encodes two oncogenes L1, L2
true or false: HPV knocks out p53 and pRb
true or false: HPV 16,18 are HIGH risk causing cancer
true or false: Deinococcus radiodurans is a extremeophilic bacterium able to survive extremely high temperatures
true or false: Deinococcus radiodurans was discovered when packaging cans irradiated with gamma-rays and the canned meat spoiled
true or false: Deinococcus radiodurans GC content is at 67% and is similar to thermotolernt species
movement toward a chemical attractant or away from a chemical repellent
in presence of attractant/repellent tumbling frequency is __; runs toward/away from compound are __
reduced, longer
behavior of bacterium altered by temporal concentration of __
the __ is a group of proteins needed for DNA synthesis that assembles at the origin of replication
proteins are synthesized on structures called
the major site of cell membrane synthesis is the
endoplasmic reiculum
the plasma membrane of eukaryotes contain all of the following except A. phosphoglycerides B. sphingolipids C. sterols D. peptidoglycan
which of the following is a function: A. tricarboxylic acid enzyme reactions B. electron transport C. ATP synthesis D. all of the above
all of the above
membrane delimited intracellular structures that perform specific functions in cells are called
the organelle responsible for harvesting light as an energy source for photosynthesis is the
T/F: Flagellar synthesis is a complex process involving many gene/genes products
what does the new flagellin molecules get transport through for flagella synthesis
a hollow filament
why do flagella disrupt run causing the cell to stop and tumble?
because it senses molecules so it goes to them
changing concentration of chemical attractants and chemical repellents bind __ of chemosensory system
in presence of attracts/ repellent, tumbling frequency is __ ; runs forward/away compound are ___
reduced, longer
behavior of bacterium altered by what?
temporal concentration of chemical
temp range for psychrophiles
0 to 20 degrees Celsius
temp range for psychotrophs
0 to 35 degrees celsius
temp range for mesophiles
20 to 45 degrees celsius
temp range for thermophiles
55 to 85 degrees celsius
temp range for hyperthermophiles
85 to 113 degrees celsius
growth in prescence of different oxygen concentrations depends on:
metabolize processes, electron transport chains (ETC), terminal electron acceptor used
strict anaerobic microbes lack/have very low quantities of:
superoxide dismutase, catalase
attack only a few different pathogens
narrow spectrum drugs
attack many different pathogens
broad -spectrum drugs
kills microbes
cidal agent
inhibits growth of microbes
static agent
penicillin prevents the synthesis of complete __ __ leading to lysis of cell
cell wall
Penicillin acts only on growing bacteria that are synthesizing new __
structurally and functionally similar to penicillins
broad-spectrum antibiotics that can be used by most patients that are allergic to penicillin
vancomycin and teicoplanin are both what kind of antibiotics?
vancomycom amd teicoplanin inhibits or does not inhibit cell wall synthesis?
important for treatment of antibiotic resistant staphylococcal and enterococcal infections
previously considered “ drug of last resort” so rise in resistance to this drug is of great concern
many antibiotics bind specifically to the bacterial __
large group, all with a cyclohexane ring, amino sugars
aminogylcoside antibiotics
aminogylcoside antibiotics bind t 30S ribosomal subunit, interfere with protein synthesis by directly doing what ? and by causing misreading of what?
directly inhibiting the process and messenger RNA (mRNA)
grow optimally in the presence of NaCL or other salts at a concentration above about 0.2M
requires salt concentration of 2M and 6.2 M. also extremely concentrations of potassium
extreme halohpiles
for extreme halophiles, what require high salt to maintain stability and activity
cell wall, proteins, and plasma membrane
usually killed in presence of )2
obligate anaerobe
requires 2-10% O2
grow with or without O2
aerotolerant anerobes
strict anerobic microbes lack/have very lo quantities of:
superoxide dismutase and catalase
these attached microbes are members of complex, slime enclosed communities called
is an autoinducer molecule produced by many gram0negative organisms
acylhomoserine lactone
favor the growth of some microorganisms and inhibit growth of others
selective media
distinguish between different groups of microorganisms based on their biological characteristics
differential media
closed system population growth eventually stops, total number of viable cells remains constant
stationary phase
direct cellcan measure changes in number of cells in a population and change in mass of population
measurement of microbial growth