Images of the immune system Flashcards
Bl = plasma cells, note negative halo RD = lymphocytes
Connective tissue capsule of thymus.
Connective tissue capsule of thymus ii
Trabeculae of thymus
Trabeculae of thymus
Thymic lobule
Bk - cortex BL - medulla RD - Thymic corpuscles
Thymus Bk- cortex Bl - medulla.
Cortex of thymus
Medulla of thymus
Outlining of thymic corpuscles located in the medulla of the thymus
Thymic Medulla Bk- epithelioreticular cells Bl - T cells
1- Capsule 2 - trabeculae 3 - splenic nodule 4 - trabecular vein 5 - red pulp.
Spleen A - capsule, OG - red pulp Bl - white pulp YW - Trabeculae
Bk - capsule bx - red pulp
Spleen A - Red pulp YW - white pulp BK - trabeculae.
Spleen White pulp YW - splenic nodule Bl - PALS ( PeriArteriolar Lymphoid Sheath)
A - T Cells B - B Cells Bl - splenic nodule BK - PALS
Lymph Node
Lymph Node A - cortex B - medulla PP - lymphoid follicles Bk- capsule