Complete Class 12/21/24
when two disorders are seperated by the word and it is interpreted as “and/or” and indicates that either of the two disorders is associated withthte code number.
used in the index to identify manifestation codes and in the index and tabular list to enclose abbreviations, synonyms, alternate wording, or explanatory phrases.
code also
ICD-10-CM tablulsr list instruction that indicates two codes may be required to fully describe a condition with sequencing depending on circumstances of the encounter.
code first underlysing disease
appears when the code refrenced is to be sequenced as a secondary code; the code, title, and instructions are italicized.
code is applicable, any casual condition first
requires casual condition to be sequenced first if present; a casual condition is a disease that manifests (or results in) another condition.
colon :
used after an incomplete term and id followed by one or more modifiers (additional terms).
default code
listed next to a main term in the ICD-10-CM condition that is most commonly associated with the main term or is the unspecified code for the condition.
due to
located in the index in alphabetical order to indicate the presence of a cause-and-effect (or casual) relationship between two cnditions.
diseases and procedures named for people, such as BArlow’s disease.
Excludes1 note
a “pure” excludes which means”not coded here” and indicates mutually exclusive codes: in other words, two conditions that cannot be reported togeteher.
Excludes2 note
means “not included here” and indicates that although the excluded condition is not classified as pat of the conditions at the same time; therefore, it may be acceptable to assign both the code and the excluded code(s) together if supported by medical documentation.
located in alphabetical order below the main term; to assign a code from the list of qulaifiers below the word “in,” the provider must document both coditions in the patient’s record: ICD-10-CM classifies certain conditions as if there were a cause-and-effect relationship present becasue they occur together much fo the time, such as pneumonia in Q fever.
in disease classified elsewhere
indicates that the manifestation code are a component of the etiology/manidestation coding convention.
includes note
appear below certain tabular list categories to further define, clarify, or provide examples.
ICD-10-CM specifically classifies that occur on the left, right, or bilaterally.
condition that occurs as the result of another condition;manifestation codes are always reported as secondary codes.
NEC (not elsewhere classifiable)
means “other” or “other specified” and identifies codes that are assigned when informatin needed to assign a more specfic code cannot be located.
NOS (not otherwise specified)
indicates tha the code is unspecified; coders should ask the provider for a more specific disgnosis before assigned the code.
other codes
when this word appears in an ICD-10-CM tabular list code description, the code is assigned when patient record documentation provides detail for which a specific code does not exist.
other specfied codes
when this phrase appears in an ICD-10-CM code description, the code is assigned when patient record documentation provides detail for which a specific code does not exist.
enclose supplementary words that may be present or absent in the diagnotic statement, without affecting assignment of the code number.
use of character “X” as a placeholder to allow for future expansion of certain codes; used when a code contains fewer than six characters and a seventh character applies
cross-refernce that provides direction to different index main term or main term and subterm
see also
cross-refernce that provides direction to an additional main term.
see category
instruction directs the coder to the ICD-10-CM tabular list, where a code can be selected from the options provided there.
see condition
directs the coder to the main term for a condition, dound in the index.
Tbale of Drugs and Chemicals
alphabteical index of medicinal, chemical, and biological substances that result in poisoning, adverse effects, and over and/or underdosings.
Table of Neoplasms
alphabetical index of anatomic sites for which there are six possible codes according to whether the neoplasm in question is malignant benign, in situ, of uncertain behavior, or unspecified nature.
unspecified codes
when patient record documentation is insufficient to assign a more specific code, this (unspecified) code is assigned.
use additional code
indicates that a second code is to be reported to provide more information about the diagnosis
when codes combine one disorder with another (e.g. code that combines primary condition with a complication), the provider’s diagnostic statement must clealry indicate that both conditions are preset and that a relationship exsists between the conditions
qualifies the main term by listing alternativ sites, etiology, or clinical status; it is indented two spaces under the main term.