Chapter 3 Cardiovascular System Flashcards
ACE Inhibitor
Perscription med that blocks the enzyme action that causes blood vessels to constrict causing elevated BP
AKA: medicine that lowers your BP by blocking action of ACE or ACEnzyme
lower than normal count of erythrocytes (red blood cells) in the blood
a localized ballooon-like enlargmemnt of the arterial wall. Now leaves the artery wall weak in that local area.
sever chest pain due to lack of blood flow to the myocardium (heart muscles)
surgical technique of mechanically widening a narrowed or obstructed blood vessel.
medication that slows coagulation and prevents clots from forming.
aplastic anemia
a conidtion where the bone marrow has failed to produce any more erythrocytes or all formed blood cell elements.
loss of normal heartbeat rythm
surgical removal of plaque buildup in artery wall lining
a deposit of plaque on or within arterial wall
abnormal hardening and narrowing of arteries due to cholesterol plaque buildup on artery walls
atrial fibrillation
Charecterized by having nomral rythmic atria contractions be replaced with uncontrolled twitching of the atrial myocardium
AKA: A-Fib
AED Machine
automated external defibrillator
electronic equipment that samples the hearts electrical rythm and externally shocks and restores the hearts nomral rythm when needed
perscription med that reduces the heart’s workload by slowing down the heart rate.
blood dyscrasia
any pathologic condition or disorder of the cellular blood elements
Examples: anemia, hemophilia, blood clots, blood cancers, and sickle cel
abnomrally slow heart rate at rest
cardiac arrest
an event which the heart adruptly stops beating or develops an arrythmia preventing blood to pump effectively
cardiac catherization
diagnostic/treatment procedure where a catheter is passed into a vein or an artery and is guided into the heart.
term used to described all diseases of the hearts muscle
carotid endarterectomy
surgical portioning and removal of the carotid artery lining that has been clogged by plaque leading up to the brain
fatty substance that travels through the body and is found in all parts of the body
chronic venous insufficiency
condition where venous circulation is inadequate due to blockage or leakage
inadequate blood delivery back to the heart
coronary artery disease
atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries that reduces blood supply to the heart muscles.
coronary thrombosis
damage to the heart muscle due to a thrombus blocking a cornary artery.
AKA Cardioversion
the use of electrical shock to restore the heart’snormal rythm; AKA cardioverion
Rx med used to stimulate the kidneys release of urine to decrease excess sodium and waer in the blood/body. Less fluid in result decreases the hearts workload and BP
a recording of the eletrical activity of the myocardium
the sudden blockage of a blood vessel by an embolus
a foreign object (clot, gas/air, or tissue) that is circulating in the blood
inflammation of the inner lining of the heart
mature red blood cells produced by red bone marrow
the oxygen-carrying blood protein pigment of the erythrocytes
hemolytic anemia
condt. where an inadequate amount of RBC are circulating due to premature destruction by the spleen.
to stop or control bleeding
type of cancer characterized by progressive increase in 3 of abnormal leukocytes (WBC) found in blood forming tissue, other organs, and circulating in blood.
mature WBC that are involved in defending the body from infective organisms and foreign substances.
a decrease in the # of disease-fighting WBC circulating in the blood
megaloblastic anemia
blood disorder characterized by anemia in which red blood cells are larger than normal
myeldysplastic syndrome
type of cancer where there are insufficent production of one or more types of blood cells due to dysfunction of the bone marrow.
AKA: Heart Attack
myocardial infarction
the occlusion (blockage) of one or more coronary arties caused by plaque build up
orthostatic hypotension
low BP that occurs upon standing up: also known as postural hypotension
the doule-walled membranous sac that protects and encloses the heart
pernicious anemia
form of anemia casued by lack of protein that absors vitamin b-12. b-12 is necessary for the formation of RBC.
inflammation of a vein
Raynaud’s disease
a peripherial arterial occlusive disease in which intermittent attacks are triggered by cold or stress
a potentially life-threatening infection that results from bacteria or other infectious organisms enterign the bloodstream
sickle cell anemia
a genetic disorder that causes abnormal hemoglobin, resulting in some red blood cells assuming an abnormal sickle shape that interferes with normal blood flow.
abnormally rapid resting HR
temporal arteritis
form of vasculitis that can casue headaches, visual impariment, jaw pain, and other symptoms
thallium stress test
a diagnostic test performed to evaluate how well blood flows through the coronary arteries of the heart during exercise.
a condition in which thereis an abnormally small number of platelets circulating in the blood.
AKA: clot busting drug/Rx
medication that dissolves or causes a thrombus to break up.
The abnormal condition of having a thrombus
thrombotic occlusion
The blocking of an artery by a thrombus
a blood clott attached to the interior wall of a vein or artery. Can can cause a severe occlusion (blockage)
transfusion reaction
a serious and potentially fatal reaction to a blood transfusion because donotr and reciepents blood type do not macth.
inflammation of a heart valve
varicose veins
abnormally swollen veins, usually occuring in the superficial veins of the legs.
ventricular fibrillation
the rapid, irregular, and usuless contractions of the ventricles