IAMSAR Vol III Flashcards
Explain Sharanov Turn
Rudder hard over
240 deg deviation rudder hard over other side
Head to reciprocal
Explain Williamson turn
Hard over to side of casualty deviation from original course of 60deg
Hard over to other side, 20 short of reciprocal rudder midships
Explain Anderson turn
Rudder hard over, deviation of 250 rudder amidship heading 270.
Search pattern for an unwitnessed MOB
Expanding Square
Explain Creeping line search
Combination of aircraft and vessel.
Vessel will sail set heading aircraft will fly perpendicular routes to the vessel using vessel as datum in that way covering water moving forward
Preparing for High line operation
- Update position to RCC
- Confirm Com channels with HELO
- ETA to rendezvous position
- Wind on port bow 30Deg if rescue area aft of mid ships
- illuminate Pickup area, no direct light at aircraft
- Clear rescue area of loos gear and remove all aerials
- Weighted line sent down connected to hook via weak link
- Line handled by one person
- When instructed by Helo crew haul line in
- Do not make fast
- Second crew member to coil line into container
- When crewman or harness reaches deck level they must be hauled in.
- If multiple transfers to be made line must be retained.
- Static discharge line must make contact before touching of teh hook.
- Fly flag, illuminated at night for wind direction
- illuminate landing area at night
- Wear rubber gloves to handle winch wire
- DO NOT Touch winch man or cable until earthed
- DO NOT secure any lines
- DO NOT Fire rocket
- DO NOT Transmit on radio while winching in progress
- DO NOT Shine light at aircraft
Purpose of IAMSAR vol 3
To provide guidance to:
Vessel and aircraft which may be called upon to assist in SAR operations
Vessels which May need to perform on scene co-ordination functions in the vicinity of a distress situation.
Vessel experiencing actual emergencies which may require SAR
What is an SRR
Search and Rescue Region
Area of defined dimensions which an RCC provides services
They help to define who has primary responsibility for co-ordinating response operations to distress in this area.
Not intended to restrict anyone from assisting a person in distress.
Where to find search and rescue regions and RCC information
ALRS vol 5, SAR section
Contains RCC and contact information for MRCC’s
What vessels are required to carry IAMSAR vol 3
Vessel over 300gt
What is AMVER
Automated Mutual assistance vessel rescue system
No charge
Land based providers relay ship report to AMVER
Any vessel over 1000gt welcome to participate
Info made available ONLY to SAR authorities
Purposed of the On scene Co-ordinator
When multiple facilities involved in SAR one will be designated On scene Co-ordinator
OSC will be in charge of SAR operations in the area and will relay information between vessels and back to the SMC (SAR mission co-ordinator)
Factors to determine type of search pattern and size of search area
LKP Weather Current Drift Visibility Sea state Water temperature Available number of vessels Height above sea surface Type of craft in distress Size of craft Time of day Arrival time
Loren turn
Assists launch and recovery of RB
Creates calm patch in the sea
Additional ships circling to windward will calm further
- Head to wind full speed
- begin circle and reduce to slow when wind abeam
- When wind crosse to opposite quarter increase half speed
- Continue circling for as long as calm water needed
- Slow down or stop to launch or recover.
Duties of On- Scene co-ordination
- Co-ordinate operations of all SAR facilities on-scene
- Receive Search Plan from RCC OR plan the SAR operation
- Co-Ordinate onscreen communications
- Ensure operations are conducted safely
- Maintain Detailed RECORD
- Advise RCC to release unnecessary Facilities
- Report Number and names of survivors and the location
- Request additional RCC assistance when necessary
Search Pattern for a witnessed MOB
Sector search
How to undertake a sector search
From datum, search area is circle with radius 2-5nm.
1st leg: Datum,into wind, 2nm, 120deg star 2nd leg: 2nm turn 120deg 3rd leg: 4nm Star 120 4th leg: 2nm Star 120 5th Leg: 4nm star 120 6th leg: 2nm star 120 7th leg: 2nm return to datum turn 30 deg 8th leg : 2nm turn 120 Continue
What can be used from IAMSAR vol 3 to determine search areas and sweep width or track spacing.
Lifrafts drift table
Uncorrected sweep width tables (Table for ships, helicopter, fixed wing)
Weather correction tables
Parallel Sweep Search
Datum at centre of search
First leg Down wind
At end of leg sail in opposite direction at s distance from initial leg.
Multiple vessels multiple parallel sweeps