Certification Flashcards
What certificates, logbooks and manuals, would I expect to see when joining a new vessel operating under LYC, as master?
- CoR (flag state)
- Safe manning (flag state)
- International Tonnage Certificate (class)
- International load line certificate (class)
- ISM DOC (Administration)
- ISM SMC (administration)
- International ship security Certificate (
- Certificate of class (class)
- Continuous synopsis record (flag)
- LYC (flag)
- Cargo Ship Saftey Construction Certificate. (SAFCON)
- Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate. (SEC)
- Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate. (SRC)
- International Anti-fouling certificate
- Wreak removal certificate
- MLC including DMLC part 1 and 2
- Certificates of financial responsibilities towards crew liabilities.
- Bunker convention certificate
- Ships sanitation cert
- International energy efficiency certificate and management plan
- Official log book
- Oil record book
- Garbage logbook
- SOPEP manual
- EIAPPC / NOx technical file.
- GMDSS logbook
- Stability booklet
- Manoeuvring booklet
- Crew certificates
- Training manual
What is a CRA?
It is a _C_ertificate of _R_eceipt of _A_pplication for when your applied for a CoC at the MCA and they have acknowledged that it is under review!
Ship Certificates required under SOLAS?
- Cargo ship safety construction cert
- Cargo ship safety equipment cert and form E
- Cargo ship safety radio cert and form R
- Cargo ship safety certificate and form C
Ships MAIN Certificates
- Certificate of Registry
- Safe manning document
- International Tonnage cert
- international Load line Cert
- (as long as conditions of assignment are in place)
- ISM - Document of compliance
- ISM - safety management cert
- International ships security cert
- Certificate of Class
- Continuous synopsis record
- LYC CERT of compliance
Ships MARPOL Certificates?
- International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC)
- International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (ISPPC)
- International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPPC)
- Engine International Air pollution prevention Cert/ NOx technical Code (MSN 1819)
- International Energy Efficiency Certificate.
- International Anti fouling system Certificate
- Ballast Water Management
Ships LIABILITY Certificates?
- Wreck Removal convention Cert
- MLC CERT(including DMLC 1 and DMLC 2)
- Certificate of financial responsibilities towards crew liabilities.
- Bunker Convention cert
- Ships sanitation Cert
Ships LOGBOOKS/PLANS required?
- The Official Logbook (OLB)
- Oil Record Book (ORB)
- GARBAGE record book
- Ships Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP)
* - GMDSS radio logbook
- Stability booklet
- The Manoeuvring Booklet
- Crew Certificates
- Training manuals
What type of Ship Surveys are there?
• Initial Survey. A complete examination, before the ship is put into service, of ALL ITEMS relating to the certificate to be issued, to ensure that they meet all relevant requirements, and are satisfactory for the ship’s intended service.
• Periodical Survey. A complete examination of ALL ITEMS relating to a certificate, ensuring that they are in satisfactory condition, and fit for the ship’s intended service.
• Renewal Survey. A complete examination of ALL ITEMS, just as a periodical survey but leading to the issue of a new certificate.
• Intermediate Survey. An inspection of SPECIFIED ITEMS relating to a certificate, to ensure they are in a satisfactory condition, and are fit for the ship’s intended service.
• Annual Survey. inspection of the items relating to a certificate to ensure that they have been and remain fit for the ship’s intended service.
• Inspection of the Outside of the Ships Bottom. An inspection of the UNDERWATER part of the ship and related items to ensure that they are in satisfactory condition and are fit for the ship’s intended service.
• Additional Survey. An inspection, either GENERAL or PARTIAL according to circumstance, to be made whenever any important repairs or renewals are made.
List the different types of Survey systems?
- AD HOC (Latin for “for this”)or Occasional Survey system
- Routine Survey system
- Harmonised System of survey and certification (HSSC)
- Alternative Compliance Scheme (ACS)
- Enhanced Authroisation Scheme (EAS)
What’s an AD HOC or Occasional System?
Surveys are carried out @ intermittent intervals when ever certification is required for the vessel to carry out a specific task.
What is a Routine Survey System?
- A Traditional system, continous certification is required.
- Expiry date of cert is determined by the due date for the regulkar surveys during its validity.
What does HSSC stand for and what is its purpose?
Entered into effect February 2000
Primary aim is to harmonise survey dates and their associated certificates issued under the SOLAS, LOADLINE and MARPOL Conventions.
MSN 1751 - Key Points
- Max validity for all certificates is 5yrs. (Except Passenger Ship Safety Cert. Renewed Annually)
- Each full term of five years (or one year) will follow directly on from the previous one. (dated from the expiry date of the previous one)
- The renewal survey may be carried out up to three months before the expiry of the existing certificate. (This allows increased flexibility, and ability to harmonise the survey and expiry dates for all the certificates)
- A certificate may also be extended by a period of up to three months, in order that the renewal survey may be carried out.
Every certificate will be subject to an Annual, Intermediate or Periodical survey each year within three months of its anniversary date as follows:
- The Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate (RADIO) requires a Periodical survey each year.
- The International Load Line Certificate (LOADLINE) requires an annual survey each year.
- The Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate (SEC) requires an annual survey every year. On either the second or third year - this is replaced with a Periodical survey.
- The Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate (SAFCON) and the International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate (IOPPC) all require Annual surveys each year. On either the second or third year this is replaced with an Intermediate survey.
A new combined Cargo Ship Safety Certificate (CSSC), which includes provision for recording all the surveys required for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, the Cargo Ship Safety Radio Certificate and the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate, may be issued as an alternative to the existing cargo ship safety certificates.
What is an Alternative Compliance Scheme, (ACS)?
- Delegates most of the survey work to RO’s.
- MCA issues C.O.I (certificate of inspection) then handed over to Class.
- MCA Maintains inspection of operations such as ISM, ISPS, MLC, but allows RO’s to inspect “Hardware”
Guidance is found in MGN 568
What is an Enhanced Authorisation scheme (EAS)?
- Is a survey scheme available only to selected ships that are low risk under the Paris MoU.
- Available to selected non-passenger ships which trade internationally and to which the principal maritime conventions apply.
- MCA have given all responsibility to RO’s except for the ISM DOC.
- Guidance is found in MGN 561
Which Certificates issued under the HSSC, are subject to an Annual, Intermediate or a periodical?
- Cargo Ship Saftey Radio Cert (SRC) - Requires a periodical.
- International Load Line Cert (ILLC) - Requires an Annual.
- Cargo Ship Safety Equipoment Cert (SEC) - requires an Annual and on 2nd or 3rd year is replaced with a peridical.
- Cargo Ship Safety Construction Cert (SAFCON) and International Oil Pollution Prevention Cert (IOPPC) - Require Annuals and on 2nd or 3rd year are replaced with intermediate.
What survey system do superyachts use and which Publication stipulates that requirement?
The HSSC system.
The REG LYC requires yachts to be survey under the HSSC.
Surveys are carried out by the administration or RO’s! RO’s are aware of their responsibility to issue load line and SAFCON certs. When using RO’s, the Surveyor shall be given detailed guidance on the scope of the survey provided by the administration.
What is the masters responsibility with regards to any accidents or incidents?
Master is required to inform the administration, port state, flag state, DPA, management and Owner. The administration is obliged to investigate any accidents or incidents, especially when there are lessons to be learnt.
What is a SAFCON Cert and what does it cover?
• Cargo Ship Safety Construction Cert • Required on cargo ships of 500GT and greater • required on ships on international voyages. • valid for 5 years • subject to an Annual and an intermediate 2nd/3rd year anniversary. This cert is issued when all structure, machinery and equipment of the vessel meet the construction requirements of Solas regulation 1/10 The survey includes: Arrangements, materials, scantlings and workmanship of the; Structure Boilers Main and auxiliary machinery Steering and control systems Electrical installations Ensuring all these items comply with solas!
What is an SEC cert? It’s purpose and it’s validity?
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate – All LSA / FFE equipment
All vessels >500 gt valid for 5yrs
Subject to: Annual / Intermediate Survey
• Life Rafts / Life Boats
• Rescue Boat
• Life Buoys
• Life Jackets / Immersion Suits
• Radios in Life Boats
• SARTS x 2 (8 hrs. ping / 96 hrs. standby)
• EPIRB (48 hrs.)
• VHF x 3
Form E
• Nav Equipment
• Fire Control Plans
• Embarkation for Pilots
• Compasses
• Radar X- Band
What does a certificate of class prove?
It proves that a vessel is designed, constructed and maintained in compliance with the structural, mechanical and electrical requirements of a classification society.
Who can suspend or cancel a DOC or SMC?
What is an SRC cert and what is it for?
Issued to cargo ships of 300GT and above • Valid for 5 years, subject to; • A periodical on 2nd/3rd year anniversary • A renewal 3 months before expiry. • supplemented by with FORM R This certificate certifies that the vessel has been in surveyed in accordance with SOLAS chp 4. The vessel complies in regards to radio installations and that they are functioning in use with LSA. (GMDSS) Record of equipment FORM R includes; • Details of radio facilities onboard • methods used to ensure availability of radio facilities, such as duplicates and maintenance programmes.
What is a CSSC and what can you find on it?
A cargo ship safety certificate issued as a single cert to cover SAFCON, SEC AND SRC! Supplemented by FORM C. Issued to cargo ships of 500 GT and over engaged in international voyages. Valid for 5 years, subject to annual surveys. Issued by class on behalf of the flag state. All items inspected, would be the same as in SAFCON, SEC and SRC.
The requirements for statutory and classification surveys
Solas - Regulation 6 Inspection and survey requires that vessels comply with the agreed international conventions:
The inspection and survey of ships will be carried out by the Administration. The Administration may however entrust the surveys and inspections to surveyors nominated for that purpose or to organizations that are recognised by it. (RO’s)
Where Would you find a list of mandatory certificates for a Superyacht over 24m?