GMDSS Flashcards
What are the daily checks
Battery on load and off load
Internal dsc test function
Weekly test of Gmdss equipment
- DSC test with appropriate dsc coast station, if out of range for a long period then a dsc test with coast station must take place as soon as in range.
- Emergency source of power if not batteries must be run
Monthly Gmdss tests
- Test functioning of Epirb (self test, check battery and hru exp date, security and condition of housing)
- Test SART(Test function with radar, exp date of battery)
- Test SCT (survivor craft transceiver) on any station except 16
- Check radio antenna, clean and not damaged
- Check batteries: security, conections, leaks.
What is GMDSS
GMDSS Consists of Several Systems
The system is intended to perform the following functions:
• Alerting (including position determination of the unit in distress).
• Search and rescue coordination.
• Locating (homing).
• Maritime safety information broadcasts.
• General communications.
• Bridge-to-bridge communications.
Global maritime distress and SAFTEY system
It is an internationally agreed upon set of safety procedures, types of equipment and communication protocols used to increase safety and make it easier to rescue ships, boats or aircraft in distress.
What are the responsibilities of a Gmdss radio operator
- Act as radio operator in cases of distress
- Perform communications as outlined in INT radio regulations
- Maintain radio watches on appropriate dsc and voice channels
- Receive MSI information
- Ensure ships position is continually imputed into equipment
- Maintain Gmdss logs and record all events that pertain to SOLAS
- Check functioning of equipment and record
- Respond to and comprehend alarms
- Notify master of any distress alerts
What are the sea areas
A1: with in range of VHF dsc coast station +- 20-30 miles
A2: in range of MF DSC Coast station +- 100miles
A3: with in range of Inmarsat foot print
A4: in polar regions outside of Inmarsat and VHF and MF and therefore only HF dsc.
What is the navtex frequency and what are the mandatory subject letters
518khz with range of 250-400miles
490khz local language messages
A- NAV warnings
B- Met warnings
D- SAR and piracy
L- additional NAV warnings
What is the format for a voice distress call
Mayday x 3
This is (vessel name) x 3,
call sign x 1
MMSI x 1 (if initial alert sent via DSC
M - mayday I - ID: vessel name(spell), call sign, mmsi P - position N -nature of distress A - require immediate Assistance N - Number of people I - info extra O - over
What are the dsc frequencies for VHF MF and HF and the follow on channels
VHF dsc 70 , voice 16
MF dsc 2187.5, voice 2182
HF dsc 8414.5, voice 8291
How to cancel a false distress message
Reset dsc controller
Broadcast cancelation message on appropriate follow on frequency. If sent on HF then cancellation message need to be sent on all the HF follow frequencies
Format for voice message:
All stations x 3
This is name x 1, call sign x 3
Vessel name(spell), call sign, MSI Message, please cancel my distress alert sent at date and time indicating (nature of distress) in position..........
This is vessel name, call sign
Mayday relay format
Mayday relay x 3
All stations x 3
This is vessel name x 3 call sign x 1
Mayday Casualty info Position Proceeding Over
What are the battery lasting requirements
Batteries must last at least
- 1 hour if there is an emergency generator
- 6 hours no emergency generator
Batteries must recharge with in 10 hours
Battery capacity must be checked every 12months
Describe battery on load/offload test
Off load Turn battery charger off voltage should hold at 24V
On load press Ptt button voltage should not drop more than 1.5volts or 10%
What details are entered daily in to the Gmdss log
Position once a day Time in UTC Details of Coms relating to Distress, urgency, safety Name of operator on watch Frequencies monitored Results of tests Statement of condition of equipment Any failures of equipment
How long must the Gmdss log book be kept
2 Years
Who is responsible for the log
Primary Gmdss operator and master
Minimum required GMDSS equipment
- VHF (DSC) transmit on 16 13 6
- SART 1 < 500gt < 2
- MF(DSC). Or. MF/HF(DSC) with NBDP
- INMARSAT C. No Inmarsat
- MF/HF (DSC) with NBDP (narrow band direct printing)
Actions in response to Distress vhf message in mid Atlantic.
- Listen to 16 distress message
- Acknowledge by voice immediately
- Gather info
Type of vessel
Call sign, mmsi
Assistance required - Relay distress message ashore by all available means and to other vessels in teh vicinity
- Proceed at best speed
- Contact Coast radio station
- Prep For assistance, all crew on deck
- X-band radar on
- Lookouts on deck with binoculars
- Prep Rescue boat/life rafts
- Medical station
What is LRIT and what vessels are required to carry.
- Long range identification and Tracking
- 300gt and over
- Auto transmit every 6hrs to LRIT data centre
- Capable of remote configuration
- ## Transmit automatically following receipt of a polling comand
Who does GMDSS apply to?
All commercial passenger vessels and vessels over 300gt
What is the purpose of GMDSS
Alerting Search and rescue Co-ordination Locating (Homing) MSI General communications Bridge to Bridge Goals:
Functional Requirements of GMDSS on every ship
Transmit and receive
- Ship to shore distress by at least two methods separate and independent of each other
- Ship to ship distress alerts
- SAR co-ordinating coms
- On scene Coms
- Locating signals (SART)
- General communications to and from shore based
- Bridge to bridge
How does a SART work?
A Search and Rescue Transponder (SART) is an electronic device that automatically reacts to the emission of a radar. This enhances the visibilty on a radar screen. SART transponders are used to ease the search of a ship in distress or a liferaft.
Commercial < 500 ton must carry at least one SART.
Commercial >500 ton must carry at least two SARTs.
Private vessels are strongly advised to carry at least one as well.
A SART has a receiver that detects the signals from X-band radars (9.2 - 9.5 GHz). If the SART detects a signal it immediately transmits twelve pulses on the same frequency. This signal is seen by the radar as “echoes” and will be displayed on the screen as a serie of twelve dots with a gap of 0.6 miles between them. The first dot is at the position of the SART and the others go in a straight line towards the edge of the screen.
If the rescue vessel approaches the SART, the twelve dots will become short arcs. These arcs increase in size if the vessel gets closer. If the rescue vessel is very close, the SART will be activated permanentely by the side lobes of the radar antenna. The signal of the SART will then be visible as twelve complete circles on the radar screen. This will tell the search-and-rescue team that they have more or less arrived.