I4 - Exterior Finishes - LT #2 Flashcards
What is the main difference between shingles & shakes?
Thickness at the butt - 1/4” - 1/2” is a shingle & 5/8” or more for a shake
What is meant by the term self-furring?
Stands out from the wall surface by its own design This helps stucco to bond.
What species of wood is preferred for wood siding?
Old growth edge-grain western red cedar
List the benefits of vinyl siding.
1) Lightweight
2) Inexspensive
3) Easy to install and repair, provides capillary break & drainage.
4) allows for future hidden phone, internet and antenna wires to be hidden.
What are the two types of stucco?
Cement, synthetic
What is the purpose of the expanded metal lath used with stucco work?
To give extra reinforcement at corners and for overhead situations for bonding stucco to the building
What type of metal is used for sheet metal siding?
Sheet & sometimes other metal
What grade of shingles sidewall application?
No1, No1-2 can be used for under course (Starter)
What governs the strength of EIFS cladding?
What are the minimum thicknesses for the three cement stucco coats?
6mm each, for the first two coats and 3 mm for the finish coat
What is the fiber cement board?
A siding made from sand, cement & cellulose
What is done to the bottom course of bricks to allow for drainage?
Weep holes are created by leaving out the mortar between some of the bricks
What is a cultured stone?
An imitation stone only 1/4 thickness of the real stone
Where is frieze molding found?
Intersections of the soffit & wall
What does an S4S stand for?
Surfaced on 4 sides
An S1S2E is made of?
An S4S resawn into two boards
What is the difference between a drip cap and a water table?
Drip cap is small & used over doors and windows
What is always required at horizontal changes in the exterior finish if the materials do not overlap by at least 1”?
What is the purpose of a metal drip edge?
Keep water from running down the surface below or running back (used for flashing & for the lower edger of roofs)
Where is a brick mould used?
Around doors for casing & sometimes around doors
What type of nail is shown in figure 1?
Galvanized casing nails
Define Split shakes:
Last longer than shingle because split surface resists weather more effectively
Define Resawn shakes:
a thick shake that is tapesawn into 2 shakes.
Each shake will have a split and a smooth-sawn surface.
Define taper sawn shake:
A taper sawn shake resembles a large shingle with both faces sawn instead of being split. Thickness at the butt will be at least 15 mm.
Lapped bevel siding must overlap by at least
A sheet of vinyl siding will change the length by at least:
5/8 from summer to winter
Cement stucco provides a hard, dense, water-resistant finish and must be: ____ thick
5/8th thick over the exterior walls
Stucco is applied in ___ layers
3 layers over metal lath or stucco wire
Cement stucco is made from:
sand, cement, lime & water
Cement stucco is applied in three coats:
1) Scratch coat -
2) Brown coat
3) white sand and colouring
Brick veneer is a primary plane of protection, true or false?
How do you install cultured stone?
1/4 thickness real stone
Wall sheathing is protected with two layers of waterproof barrier, then a metal lath is applied
What is a water table used for?
At the base of a wall to make a horizontal join to the foundation or accent board
What is a drip cap?
The same shape as water table molding, only smaller. A drip cap is used over doors & windows to form a sloping edge to deflect rainwater away from the building.
Flashing is required where?
Over exposed openings in exterior walls and at horizontal joints in the finish
Are dryer vents and hose bibs required to be flashed?
What is a J trim?
Used to finish the sides and tops of openings
What is an F trim?
Used for support & soffit
Sheet metal siding is installed with what?
Installed with lag screws w/ neoprene washer
Galvanized, aluminum and stainless steel are used for:
exterior work
Aluminum nails are used to attach
Aluminum soffit, fascia & trim pieces
Where is the box nails used?
Attach wood finish trim and siding
Roofing nails are used to:
Fasten vinyl siding to sheathing
install panel-type insulating sheathing
apply sheathing paper
install stucco wire and expanded metal lath
What is acrylic caulking good for?
Allowed for low-traffic areas of infrequent wetting.
Elastomeric caulking is used for?
One component caulking for sealing window flanges to the building envelope
Butyl-polyisobutylene polymer caulking is used for:
Exterior joints, good elasticity for joints that move up and down plus or minus 5%
Multicomponent polyurethane joint sealing caulking used for:
applications such as precast, tilt-up, concrete, masonry, exterior insulating and finishing systems. Very elastic.
Backer rod is used for:
backing for caulking
the backer rod should be how much thicker than the joint?
20 %
What is one way to handle the shrinkage of vinyl siding?
A lumber belly band at floor joist level
What is used to set the first course of siding?
A builders-level set around the perimeter of the building
When the foundation is sloped, the line is marked at the top of:
the highest portion of foundation
The height of the starting line is often at the top of:
the first course of horizontal siding, this height should allow the siding to overlap the foundation.