Hypothyroidism is one of the most common endocrine disorders of childhood.
Hypothyroidism may be congenital or can be acquired.
Failure to institute early treatment in congenital cases causes _________ .
Untreated hypothyroidism in older children leads to __________ as well as ____________ and ______________.
mental retardation
growth failure
slowed metabolism and impaired memory
The thyroid gland is the first of the body’s endocrine glands to develop.
Develops from
a __________ derived from the primitive ___________[ and
_______________ from the ___________________________.
median anlage; pharyngeal floor
paired lateral anlagen
4th pharyngobronchial pouch
Growth and differentiation of thyroid gland is linked to
2 transcription factors:
_______ and
Paired box family of DNA binding protein, _______
The developing thyroid is first visible in the floor of the primitive _________ by embryonic day E20-22.
_________ _________ cells form the thyroid anlage, distinguishing themselves from their neighbors in a process defined as _________. A defect in this process should result in _________.
During the second stage of early thyroid morphogenesis the thyroid anlage invades the surrounding mesenchyme, forming a bud which proliferates and migrates from the pharyngeal floor through the anterior midline of the neck.
The thyroid primordium becomes a bilobed structure by day _________ and reaches its final position around day _________. An error during lobulation results in _________, and an impaired descent results in _________
pharynx ; Endodermal epithelium
specification.; thyroid agenesis.
E24-32 ; E48-50.
hemiagenesis ; ectopic thyroid tissue.
Thyroid hormone synthesis.
_________________________ stimulates iodi(ne or de?) transport into the thyroid
gland by the __________________.
_________ , a __________________ is thought to transport iodide into the colloid from the thyrocyte.
Iodide is ________ by hydrogen peroxide, generated by NADPH oxidase system (ThOX)
TSH receptor (TSHR) bound to TSH
Iodide; sodium iodide symporter (NIS)
Pendrin; chloride-iodide transporter
Thyroid hormone synthesis (2)
Iodine is Bound to _______ residues in ____________ to form ____________ (iodide organification).
Some of these hormonally inactive iodotyrosine residues [ __________ and ____________ ] couple to form the hormonally active iodothyronines, ______ and _______
tyrosine; thyroglobulin (TG); iodotyrosine
monoiodotyrosine (MIT) and diiodotyrosine DIT
T4 and T3.
___________________ catalyses the oxidation, organification, and coupling reactions.
Thyroid peroxidase (TPO)
Functions of Thyroid Hormones
CNS – Brain __________
Growth and development
__________ hormone metabolism
Increases __________ and __________ production
__________ closure
Brain maturation
Growth hormone ; basal metabolic rate
heat production ; Cerebral fontanelle
Functions of Thyroid hormone
GIT - _____________ activities
Regulates _________ of carbohydrates, proteins and fats
INTEGUMENTARY – ______ maturation SKELETAL – _________ maturation
Hepatic enzymes
Skin ; Epiphyseal
Aetiology of CH
- Thyroid dysgenesis (_____,_______,_______) a) __________
b) __________ and
c) ectopic usually __________ - Synthetic defects
a) genetic defect of thyroid hormone biosynthesis (TPO, NIS, pendrin, TG, oxidase, G protein, diiodinase, other enzymes)
b) thyroid hypoplasia as a result of ________ loss of function mutation (~5%) - __________ ____________ disease and/or treatment
- Maternal use of ___________
TTF-1, TTF-2, PAX-8
agenesis; dysplasia ; sublingual gland
TSHR ; Maternal Autoimmune thyroid
Aetiology of CH (2)
B. Secondary (________) hypothyroidism
C. Tertiary (_____________) hypothyroidism
•___________ to thyroid hormones (peripheral and pituitary receptors)
Newborn Screening
Now routine in most developed countries
Treatment initiated within _______ with ______________ and normal mental outcome.
_________________ samples via skin puncture:3 most common methods-
primary _____ screen
primary _____ screen with _________
Primary ______ and ______ screen
Thyroxine replacement
Dried blood spot; TSH
T4; confirmatory TSH
TSH ; T4
Evaluation and Management
High index of suspicion
Maternal history of ___________ disease
Maternal treatment with ________ drugs or _________
Maternal ____________
Exposure of mother and/neonate to ___________ amounts of iodide may cause transient neonatal goitre & hypothyroidism.
autoimmune thyroid
antithyroid; amiodarone
iodine deficiency
Congenital Hypothyroidism Score
Score >__= hypothyroidism but requires more evaluation
Other Investigations in hypothyroidism
Thyroid imaging- _____ or __________ scan
Serum Thyroglobulin (Tg)- __________ confirms absence of thyroid tissue or Tg synthetic defects.
Neonates with _____ total & free T4 and ________ or ___________ TSH must be evaluated for hypothalamo-pituitary hypothyroidism. (combined or isolated defects).
USS or Technetium
low; normal or mildly elevated
Treatment of hypothyroidism
L-T4: —— μg/kg by _____ _______ daily.
_____________ tablets are easily crushed and can be given in a spoon with a small amount of water, formula, or cereal.
Suspensions are not commercially available and are not recommended because maintaining a consistent concentration of levothyroxine in solution is difficult.
10; mouth; once
Goal of therapy in hypothyroidism
__________ TSH and maintain T4 and FT4 in ________ half of reference range.
Assess permanence of CH:
Thyroid scan shows ectopic/absent gland - CH is permanent
TSH is <50 mU/L and there is no increase in TSH after newborn period, then _______________________
If TSH increases off therapy, consider _______________
Normalize; upper
tail off therapy at 3 yr of age
permanent CH
Treatment of hypothyroidism
Caution: therapy in cases of combined pituitary hormone deficiency: ___________ is required before L-thyroxine therapy.
Neonates with low cortisol must be treated with ____________ before T4 therapy.
This reduces the risk of ___________ resulting from _________________________________ from thyroid hormone replacement.
Serum cortisol
adrenal crisis
increased demands from enhanced metabolism
Monitoring of Therapy
Recheck T4, TSH
2–4 wk after initial treatment is begun Every 1–2 months in the first 6 months Every 3–4 months between 6 months
and 3 yrs of age
Every 6–12 months from 3 yrs of age to
end of growth
___________ monitoring is essential!