Anaemia In Children Flashcards
Normal Haematological Values
Varies with age
RBC Neonates – Relative ____________ and ___________
-PCV :____-_____%
-Retics: 2-8%
- PCV decrease within _____________ of life and reach nadir of _____% (Physiological anaemia) while Premature infants reach nadir at _______ of PCV _______%
Polycythemia and reticulocytocis
2-3 months; 30
8-10 wks; 21-24
Normal Haematological Values
PCV gradually increase to adult level of _______% after ________
Newborns have (smaller or larger?) red cells; MCV of 94fl (Normal is 90fl)
Newborn MCV reaches nadir of 70 – 84fl at 6 months and gradually increases to adult level after puberty
45; puberty; larger
Normal Haematological Values
WBC count is (lower or higher?) in infancy and early childhood then falls to adult level of ___________ /cm3
Also in neonates __________ predominate but by 1 – 6 years of age ____________ predominate and may be up to 80%
Platelets normal range is ________________/cm3
Higher ; 3000 - 8000
neutrophils; lymphocytes
150,000 – 400,000
Anemia In Children
Definition :
Reduction of the ————- or ____________ below the range of values occurring in healthy children.
It is Haematocrit (PCV) or Hb value that is lower than the reference value for the individual’s age.
RBC volume or hemoglobin concentration
Etiologic classification
I. Impaired RBC production:
A. Deficiency:
- decreased ___________________
- Increased _____________________
- Decreased _____________________
- Increased _———————-
- Protein Energy malnutrition
dietary intake (iron, Vit. B12, folate)
demands (growth, haemolysis)
absorption ( lack of intrinsic factor, malabsorption)
loss ( hemorrhage)
Etiologic classification (contd)
B. Bone marrow failure
i. Failure of single line:
- Platelets: _______ syndrome
- RBC:
•Congenital pure red cell aplasia
(_____________ asyndrome)
•Acquired RBC aplasia
(Transient _______________________) - WBC: Congenital neutropenia (__________ syndrome)
Diamond –Blackfan
Erythrobastopenia of childhood
Etiologic classification (contd)
B. Bone marrow failure
ii Failure of all lines (_______/____________ anemia)
- Constitutional : ______ anemia, Dyskeratosis congenita
- Acquired : Primary/ secondary eg ______________ infection
iii Infiltration
- leukemia, neuroblastoma, storage disease
Pancytopenia/ Aplastic
Fanconi; Parvovirus B19
Etiologic classification
C. Ineffective hematopoietic anemia:
- decreased erythropoiesis
1. Severe ____________________
2. Reduced ______________________
- decreased iron utilization
1. Infections including ________
2. ____________ failure, ________ failure
3. Disseminated malignancy
4. Connective tissue disease
protein energy malnutrition
erythropoietin production
Malaria; Chronic renal ; hepatic
Etiologic classification
II Blood loss
- Trauma
- Burns
-____________ disease of new-born
III Increased destruction ( Hemolytic anemia)
A. Corpuscular:
1. Membrane defects:
2. Enzymatic defects:
________ deficiency
___________ deficiency.
- Hemoglobin defects:
- Heme : Porphyrias
- Globin: Qualitative – Sickle
cell disease
Quantitative -
Spherocytes, elliptocytes
Pyruvate kinase
Etiologic classification (contd)
B. Extra corpuscular:
- Immune : Isoimmune, Autoimmune
- Non- immune: HUS, Mechanical valves
- Drugs, Toxins
Etiologic classification (contd)
B. Extra corpuscular:
- Immune : Isoimmune, Autoimmune
- Non- immune: HUS, Mechanical valves
- Drugs, Toxins
Microcytic Hypochromic:
List 8
Anaemia of chronic disease
- Iron deficiency
- Lead poisining
Sideroblastic anemia -
Copper deficiency
- Vitamin B6 deficiency
MCV ( Mean Corpuscular Volume):
- _________ anemia
-______ disease
- Increased _______________
Liver; erythropoiesis
MCV ( Mean Corpuscular Volume): Normocytic:
- ___________
- ___________, ___________
-_______ failure, _________ failure
- _______ anemia, bone
marrow infiltration
- Dyserythropoietic anemia
Acute blood loss
Infection; inflammation
Renal; hepatic
RDW in relation to MCV
Normal RDW :
Decreased MCV: - __________ traits
- Anemia of _________
Increased RDW:
Decreased MCV:
-__________ diseases
Increased MCV:
- ____________
- Immune hemolysis
chronic disease
Iron def; Thalassemic
Folate deficiency; Vitamin B 12 deficiency