group of conditions in which tumors grow inside a woman’s uterus
pathologic proliferation of trophoblastic cells
Gestational Trophoblastic Disease
Types of GTD:
~Hydatidiform mole
~Invasive mole (chorioadenoma destruens)
~Epithelioid trophoblastic tumor
~Placental-site trophoblastic tumor
Risk Factors
~Younger than 20 and older than 35 years old
~Diet low in CHON & Vit. A
~Contraceptive pills
~Hx of molar pregnancy
Abnormal proliferation and then degeneration of trophoblastic villi
- cells degenerate, filled w/ fluid and appear as clear fluid-filled, grape-sized vesicles
Hydatidiform Mole
Molar pregnancies can be…
Complete and Partial
Pathophysiology of Monospermic complete Mole
- The maternal chromosomes are lost
2.) The Paternal chromosomes double up
3.) Results in a conceptus with 46 chromosomes but all of them are derived from the father
Pathophysiology Dispermic Complete Mole
1.) Fertilisation by 2 sperm
2.) The maternal chromosomes are lost
3.) Results in a conceptus with 46 chromosomes but all of them are derived from the father
Normal sperm + Empty Egg = ______
Pathophysiology of Partial Mole
2 sperm fertilize an egg. This results in a triploid conceptus with 69 chromosomes
2 sperms / 1 sperm without 1st meiotic division + Normal Ovum = ______
Embryo may have fetal sac / heartbeat, Vascularized Villi and multiple anomalies =
1.) Fertilization
2.) Little chance of survival
~Confirmation of pregnancy and length of gestation
~Amount of bleeding and description, location and severity of pain
~Assess hCG Level
Assessment with ultrasound Exam
1.) a partial mole that includes some fetal tissue and membranes
2.) complete mole that is composed only of a enlarged villi but contains no fetal tissue or membranes.
1.) The woman will have an eventful recovery following successful evacuation of the mole
2.) The woman and her partner will verbalize their grief at the loss of their anticipated child.
3.) The woman will be able to explain GTD and its treatment, follow-up and long term implications for pregnancy.
Nursing Management
~Assess the woman’s emotional state and coping ability
~Relieve woman’s anxiety and family’s grief about the lost of pregnancy.
~Observe bleeding and signs of infection
Therapeutic Management: Collaborative
A. Evacuation of the trophoblastic tissue
B. Continuous follow-up care
Continuous follow-up
~A baseline CXR & a PE including pelvic exam
~Weekly hCG levels for 3 consecutive weeks. Titers are then monitored monthly for 6 months, followed by every 2 months for 6 months more.
~Continued high or rising hcG titers - D&C is performed and the tissue examined.
~If malignant cells are found
Chemotherapy - methotrexate
Evacuation of the trophoblastic tissue
1.)Before evacuation, chest radiography, CT scan, or MRI may be performed
2.)CBC, coagulation status, and blood type and screen or cross-matching procedures
3.)The mole is usually removed by Vacuum Aspiration followed by curettage.
4.)After tissue removal, IV oxytocin is given, to contract the uterus.