ABORTION Flashcards
~ Interruption of a pregnancy before a fetus is viable
~ Occurs in 15% to 30% of all pregnancies
~ Early or late miscarriage
Spontaneous Abortion
Abortion Causes
Chromosomal abnormalities
•Implantation abnormalities
•Increased Progesterone from Corpus Luteum
•Maternal & Intra-abdominal infections
•Endocrine disorders
•Abnormalities of the reproductive system (uterus / cervix)
•Teratogenic drugs
•Ingestion of alcohol
~ Unexplained bleeding, cramping or backache
~ Bleeding may persist for days
~ Cervix is closed
~ Evaluation for H. Mole or etopic pregnancy is advisable
Increased bleeding and cramping, dilated internal cervical os membranes may rupture
“Inevitable abortion”
~ All the products of conception are expelled
~ Contracted uterus
~ Cervical os may be closed
~ some of the product of conception are retained
~ Slightly dilated internal cervical os
~ fetus dies in the utero but its not expelled
~ Uterine growth ceases, breast changes regress, brownish vaginal discharge
~ Cervix is closed
~ Abortion occurs consecutively in three or more pregnancies
~ Habitual abortion
~ Presence of infection
May occur with:
~ Prolonged, unrecognized rupture of the membranes
~ Pregnancy with an IUD in utero
~ Ultrasound scanning
~ Assess for hemoglobin and hematocrit
~ Assess amount of bleeding and the description, location and severity of pain
~ Blood type and antibody status
~ FHR if 10-12wks or more
Procedure performed by knowledgeable health care provider to end pregnancy before viability
•A.k.a. therapeutic, medical, or induced abortions
Elective Termination
Reasons for Elective termination
~ Threatens a women’s life
~ Genetic disorders of the fetus
~ Unwanted pregnancy
Involve several different techniques, depending on the gestational age
Surgical Elective terminations
Menstrual extraction /suction evacuation is preformed at
5-7 weeks AOG
Used for less than 13 weeks AOG
D & C
Used between 12 & 16 wks. of gestation
•Adm. of buccal misoprostol or insertion of laminaria tent into the cervix
•Antibiotic as prophylaxis
Dilation and Vacuum extraction
Used bet. 16-24 weeks of gestation
Prostaglandin or 20% saline induction
20-24 weeks of gestation
Formerly used during the last 3 months of pregnancy
Partial birth abortion
Mifepristone (RU-486)
Methotrexate & misoprostol
Antibiotics as prophylactic protection
Medically Induced Termination
The uterine cavity is scrapped with a ______ to determine whether any significant amount of tissue remains
Missed abortions:
First trimester:
Beyond 12 weeks gestation:
1.) Abortion by suction or D&C
2.) Induction of labor or D&E
Collaborative care
1.) supplementation with folic acid
2.) Rh Immune globulin (RhoGAM) is given within 72 hours (Rh-mother and not sensitized)
3.(Bed rest and absence from coitus