Couvelaire Uterus Flashcards
• Uterus turns entirely blue
because the muscle fibers
are filled with blood
• Uterus contracts poorly after
• Necessitates hysterecto
Couvelaire Uterus
Signs and symptoms
• Bleeding (dark red), which
may be evident vaginally or
may be concealed behind
the placenta
• Uterus becomes tense and
feels rigid to touch
• Uterine tenderness that may
be localized
• Sharp stabbing pain in the uterine fundus
Laboratory and Diagnostic procedures:
1.) Ultrasound
2.) Blood Exams (CBC, Hgb, Hct, Fibrinogen level)
Many nursing assessments are concurrent with medical assessments and include…
– Amount and nature of bleeding
– Pain and uterine tenderness
– Maternal & fetal v/s
– Uterine contractions
– Obstetric Hx
– Laboratory results – CBC, bld. type,
coagulation studies ( fibrinogen, PT, PTT)
Fetus is immature and no signs of distress
1.) CBR
2.) Focus on cardiovascular status of mother and fetus
3.) Administer Tocolytics (decrease uterine contractions)
4.) Keep in lateral position
5.) NO IE, no edema
Monitor for signs of hypovolemic shock like…
1.) Fetal tachycardia (Often first sign)
2.) Maternal tachycardia
3.) Normal or slightly decreased BP
4.) Increased RR
5.) Cool, pale skin and mucous membranes
1.) Falling BP
2.) Pallor, skin becomes cold
3.) Urine output is less than 30ml/hr
4.) restlessness and agitation
1.) Monitor the fets
2.) Promoting tissue oxygenation
3.) Collaborating with the physician for fluid replacement
4.) Prepare woman for surgery
5.) Provide emotional support