Human prescence Flashcards
introduction of chemicals that can harm the environment
natural pollution
oil seepage from seabed
pollution from different parts of seafloor
seafloor (benthic/settling/burrowing), pycnocline (density driven, estuaries), neuston layer (0.1mm-10mm)
how do pollutants get broken down
by biological processes
hydrocarbons/metals/nitrogen, comes from ground, also known as crude oil, needs to be refined to hydrocarbons
hydrocarbon pollution
crude oil/petroleum, majority comes from run off/normal tanker incidents
what happens to oil in the environment
changed by evaporation/dissolution/emsulification (mix of oil/water)/sedimentation (mixed with sediment), microbial degradation/formation of tar balls
distillation only happens in
chemical production NOT at the sea
depends on weather/composition or crude oil/waves/currents
is all oil toxic
degree of petroleum damage depends on
habitat/type of petroleum
methods of oil clean up
burning of surface oil, floating blooms/skimming
can all water clean itself
what happens when humans exceed cleaning capacity
water cant clean itself
where is most waste disposed
how much waste is produced by humans
20 billion tonnes
where does most waste come from
farms, cities
where is waste concenctrated
what happens when effluents are released
produce a plume which gets bigger from the source
sewage/metals/artificial biocides
human waste (eutrophification)
toxic in large doses, lead/mercury
artificial biocides
chemically made toxic chemicals that dont occur naturally (pesticides)
bio accumulation
organisms retain toxic chemical in body
toxic material increases at each trophic level
organic micropollutants
personal care products, anything that damages endocrine
ocean dredging/mining
wouldnt be issue if it is cleaned/dumped slowly
contaminated dredge spoils
solid waste dumped into sea and spreads across pycnoclines
ocean deposits gathered by hydraulic pumps, vacuums sediments/organisms, killing majority organisms, sediments released creates plume
removing fish faster than replaced causing populations to collapse
maximum sustainable yield
maximum amount of fish that can be caught without affecting population
what people thing should replace yield
precautionary principle (avoid anything that may damage fisheries)
ocean future
coasts destroyed/polluted, not enough being done
future of pollutants
major pollutants are problem