HOSA Dental Terminology Flashcards
Roentgen (R)
Basic unit of exposure to radiation; C/kg
Maximum Permissible Dose
Highest rate of radiation exposure
Rad (radiation absorbed dose)
unit of absorbed radiation; Gy
Rem (roentgen equivalent measure)
unit of radiation needed to produced same biological effect of one R; Sv
Erythema Dose
radiation overdose that produces redness of the skin
device to measure the amount of stray/secondary radiation
Lead Barriers, Shields
device that blocks out scattered radiation
device used for practice in learning radiation-exposure techniques, Dexter
Express Contract
Verbal or written words that are agreed on in an established contract
Liner applicator
to place calcium hydroxide or glass ionomer in cavity preparation.
amalgam plugger
used to pack amalgam into tooth
the process where ALL forms of life are completely destroyed. This includes all microorganisms; bacteria, fungi, viruses and bacterial spores. (Eg- autoclave, chemical vapor sterilization and dry heat sterilization.)
the process where SOME forms of microorganisms are destroyed. It does not destroy spores and resistant viruses.
farthest from the midline
Root Canal Therapy
process of removing pulp of a tooth and filling it with an inert material.
hard and soft tissue forming the roof of the mouth
Broad-spectrum activity
capable of killing a wide variety of microbes
any visible organic debris, blood saliva and other body fluids
Unerupted tooth
a tooth that has not pushed through the gum and assumed its correct position in the dental arch
1/2 of one dental arch
loss of tooth surface in cervical areas
enamel forming cells
angle of the mandible
area from which the ramus ascends on the lower border of the mandible
root end of the tooth
device used to hold radiation film in mouth for exposure
encircles periapical film
principal cheek muscle
small channels or canals may be present in cementum
infection of mouth, thrush
cantilever bridge
only one side of device attached
inflammation of lips
extension of partial appliance that grasps surrounding teeth for support
corner of the mouth where the lips meet
complex cavity
decay involving more than two surfaces of a tooth
nonelastic impression material used in edentulous impression
posterior growth on ramus of the mandible
thin covering placed over remaining tooth surface
core buildup
use of synthetic material to enlarge tooth core area to provide support for a crown.
cortical plate
outer bone layer growth of alveolar bone
grinding, joint abrasion
third tooth posterior of the midline, also called canine, eye tooth
tissue layer covering tooth surface
Nasmyth’s membrane
tissue layer covering tooth surface
small tooth growth, pulp stone
v-shaped tooth gap between contact area and gingival crest
baby’s soft spot literally “little fountain”
plastic surgery of the chin or cheek
gnarled enamel
enamel rods twisting and curving within enamel tissue
holding and anchoring action of a tooth in its socket
Hawley appliance
orthodontic appliance to maintain space after correction
teeth of various shapes
small bone in neck area “adam’s apple”
incipient caries
beginning decay
cutting, anterior tooth
small open space in cementum
developmental imperfections of the enamel extending to the dentin
Maryland bridge
bridge cemented to adjacent teeth
muscle of mastication that closes the mouth
chin muscle that moves chin tissue and raises the lower lip
largest salivary gland located near the ear
artificial tooth part of a bridge
professional tooth cleaning
drooping or sagging of organ, “witch’s chin.”
plastic type material used for dental appliances
removal of hard tooth surface and degeneration of root tissues retromolar
Sharpey’s fibers
periodontal ligaments that attach and hold the tooth
simple cavity
decay on only one suface
smile line
amount of tooth space viewed when patient is smiling
center of mandible
an itemized compilation of materials on hand
the amount of a medicine administered
bone and soft tissue closing the space encompassed by the upper alveolar arch
a narrow opening due to a fissure or crack
insertion of a tube
final step of mixing dental amalgam
therapeutic introduction of a fluid into a vein
a state of dilation
mechanical use of a lever
ability of radiation to extend down into and go through substances
in an abnormal position
a measure of the number of electrons per second that pass a given point on a conductor
substance capable of killing a wide variety of microorganisms
a device for giving artificial respiration
to bind or tie with a suture
a form of inhaler or repirator
an agent that limits the secretions of glands
complete sectioning through the crown of a tooth
a device sued to remove debris and fluids; and aspirator
movement of teeth beyond the natural coronal plane
inflammation of oral soft tissues
turning from a regular course
a colloidal dispersion of one liquid in another
pertaining to sensation
causing expansion or contraction of blood vessel walls
bending of a joint; opposite of extension
a negative electrode from which electrons are emitted
the electrically positive terminal of a roentgen ray tube
translation of data into a definition of a condition
local quivering of muscle fibers
a flexible spiral-wire instruments
a neoplasm characterized by muscle cells
located beneath the tongue
the natural teeth in position in the dental arches
a pathologic space in bone or soft tissue containing fluid or semifluid material
higher mental process of understanding
a acid-base imbalance of the body
inflammation of glandular tissue
manipulation of material with a spatula to mix it into a mass
a shaft that holds any object to be rotated
an alloy, one of the constituents of which is mercery
specialized connective tissue that covers the anatomic root of the tooth
flattened, highly polished wear pattern on teeth
excision of all or a part of a bone
vibratory response to a frequency
a blood clot or other material that travels in the bloodstream and lodges in a vessel
a forceable speech sound
a specific substance that is produced by an animal as a reaction to a presence of an antigen
a tube for insertion into the body
an alcoholic solution of a drug
prominence in front of the external ear opening
free of viable pathogenic microorganisms
a measurement of radioactivity
enlargement of an overgrowth of a part
surgical modification of a bone
a cleanser
The sum of chemical changes in the function of nutrition
abnormal sound heard in the trachea. bronchi or lungs
to elevate to move a tooth coronally
not through the alimentary canal
matter ejection from the mouth
the crowding of anterior teeth in the dental arch
malignant neoplasm of connective tissue
inflammation of the liver
any disease of the skin
restriction to a limited area
connection of abnormal form or relationship of bone structures
an apparatus for sterilization by steam under pressuse
a response of a part to simulation
a disease of the skin and mucous membrane
elevation from the surface, usually of the bone
permitting the passage of radiant energy
to saturate with oxygen
muscular in coordination characterized by irregular muscle activity
the study of the supporting structures of teeth
alternating muscular spasm and relaxation in rapid succession
study of factors causing disease
apparatus used in inject liquid into a cavity or under the skin
network of nerves, lymphatics or veins
a temporary cessation of respiratory movements
without teeth; lacking teeth
difficult or labored breathing
incomplete development of any tissue or structure
an angled cutting hand instrument
a nutritional deficiency due to faulty intake or metabolism of nicotine acid
connective tissue that covers bones
a small needle- shaped body
shaping metal by hammering it into a die
wire inserted into a soft catherer or cannula to secure rigidity
an agent that dilutes the strength of a solution
diffusion through the membrane
to dry by chemical or physical means
a general feeling of discomfort or uneasiness
decrease in the normal number of whit blood cells
a large phagocytic cell
hypertrophy of scar tissue after skin trauma
neurotic anxiety about disease
bluish tinge of the skin and membranes
a form of white blood cell
a measured movement
to lessen
department of medicine that treats health problems of the aging
foreign material loosely attached to a surface
surgical formation of an opening into the trachea
inability to swallow
an instrument having two off setting angles in its shank
tissue about the fragments of a broken bone that become involved int the repair of the fracture
loss of power of expression due to disease or injury of the brain centers
spasms of the masticatory muscles
minute pellet of absorption pellet
low oxygen content
a drug used to prevent or relieve nausea.
division into two parts or branches
a fragment
bleeding from the nose
mixing silver alloy fillings with mercury to produce amalgam
the external part of the ear
a benign tumor of cartilage
the rush of blood to a part
pertaining to caries or decay
pus in cavity or space
normal muscle coordination
lesion of the mucous membrane not above the skins surface
abnormally increased thirst
substance that can produce blistering on direct contact with skin
mid line point at the anterior margin of the occidental foramen
accumulation of foreign material such as plaque and calcus on teeth
lack of muscular coordination
inducing or pertaining to sleep
easy or normal respirations
pituitary gland
a gumboil
root of the nose at the median saggital plane
inflammation of the mucous membrane
prominent point on the tip of the nose
artificial model of teeth used for teaching technique exercises
rounded surface at a bones articular end
add fluoride to water supply
a benign neoplasm
most anterior point of the alveolar mandibular process
a drug to other substance that serves a supplement purpose in therapy
small yellow nodules that generally occur in subcutaneous tissue
surgical procedure to restore alveolar ridge height
deficiency of hair
inability to act purposefully do to selective damage of brain centers
a loose compound of iodine
white plaque formed on the oral mucus membranes
fine, pure whit clay
sixth cranial nerve, used for lateral eye sense and movement
loss of tooth surface in the cervical area, caused by tooth grinding compression forces
drug used as as aspirin replacement in children
a chemical ingredient that maintains the required acidity of the fixer and stop-bath solutions
condition of being sour; makes litmus paper red
acquired pellicle
little skin; thin covering on teeth, plaque
to adjust an appliance so that it will exert force on the teeth and jaws
substance that reacts with the initiator to start polymerization
acute radiation exposure
radiation resulting from a massive, short-term, ionizing dose, such as an accidental exposure or explosion of radiation material
lymphatic tissue found in the nasopharynx area
adjunctive orthodontics
procedures necessary to correct or restore function
byproducts from the adrenal cortex; drugs to treat inflamed conditions, allergies, and emergencies
ala-tragus line
imaginary line from the ala (wing) of the nose to the ear meatus (center)
deficiency of hair, baldness
alternating pulse sound
alternation weak and strong pulsations
surgical removal of alveolar bone barrow= crests
bone growth on the bone of maxilla and mandible; makes up and forms tooth sockets
surgical reshaping or contouring of alveolar bone
AMBU bag
bag placed over the nose and mouth of the victim to force air into the lungs
anti-infective antibiotic drug (ex Amosil, Larotid)
anti-infective antibiotic type of drug (ex Polucillin, Omnipen)
without pain
dial-type blood pressure device using air pressure readings
dilation of a blood vessel due to wall weakness, possible rupture
agent or drug for pain relief (mild drug)
angina pectoris
pain or pressure around the heart
shortness of the lingual frenum, “tounge-tied”, limited tongue movement
stiff joint caused by bone fusion; tooth fixation, retention of a deciduous tooth
loss of sense of smell
total lack of oxygen
opposite or contrary action of drug
opposite tooth; tooth that occludes or counteracts
antecubital fossa
interior depression of the elbow. blood pressure site
material, usually graphite, applied to retard the forward advance of melted solder
drugs that decrease or prevent high blood lipid plasma
drug used to reduce a fever
opening or port in the lead collimator disk that regulates the size of the beam
treatment of a nonvital tooth to stimulate closure
aphthous ulcer
canker sore
failure of an organ or body part to develop
addition of parts; fourth stage of tooth development
layout of dental equipment and material
arrested caries
decay showing no progressive tendencies
small artery closing; may be caused by plaque but usually over the course of time, arteries begin to harden and not be as elastic
cutting into a joint
articular eminence
forms anterior boundary of the glenoid fossa and helps maintain the mandible in position
coming together in a pattern of design, to place in a connected sequence
articulating paper
colored paper strip for testing level of occlusion
movement of teeth of the lower jaw in and up-and-down,tooth position relationship
mechanical device that simulates jaw point actions.
not breathing, results form oxygen imbalance
aspirating tips
tip ends placed into suction tubes; used to remove mouth moisture
narrowed arteries caused by buildup of plaque; preventable
valve situation between the atrium and ventricle
diluted or reduced virulence of a pathogenic microbe
auditory meatus
large opening in temporal bone for passage of the auditory nerve
auditory ossicles
small bone in the ear; not not considered part of the face or skull
pertaining to the ear; site for taking temperature
buildup of gingival ad bone tissue in collapsed area, resulting from tooth extraction
in transplantation, moving a tooth from one area to another in the same cavity
bone graft form another site in the same patient
auxiliary springs
stainless steel attachment used to apply force for directional pull
axial surface
long-length surface of a tooth; axis
under the armpit; site for taking temperature
a removable appliance that covers the occlusal surface of the teeth to prevent twit articulation
a removable appliance that covers the occlusal surface of the teeth to prevent twit articulation
bad breath (aka halitosis)
(aka tartar) hardened plaque caused by the accumulation of minerals (e.g. calcium salts) from saliva on plaque
one of the four pointed teeth in humans; cupids
a lightweight container in which x-ray films are placed for radiation exposure
either one of the two main arteries of the neck
genetic disorder resulting in enlargement of cheek tissue and other facial structures
dens in dente
tooth within a tooth
dentinogenesis imperfecta
incomplete of improper development of dentin tissue, between enamel and cementum
early tooth exfoliation
tooth loss resulting in shifting of tooth and loss of position
an aspirator; device used to remove debris and fluids
reshaping of a tooth/removing a small amount of the enamel by grinding
a hard fibrous/connective tissue tumor in the jaw/mouth, benign
bending of a joint, opposite of extension
a natural opening in a bone
used to grasp tissue and clamp blood vessels
a pit, hollow of depression
death of tissue (necrosis) en masse, caused by lack of blood supply
division of a single tooth into 2
desquamative fingicitis (red, ulcerated, shedding gums)
the fossa in the temporal bone in which condyles of the mandible articulate with the skull
mass of blood in tissue
arrest of bleeding
stops bleeding by clamping the blood vessel
howe pliers
(aka 110) straight and includes breaks that have a flat rounded end, making them useful for holding items
substance that prevents moisture loss
excessive amounts of blood flow to a tissue
supernumerary teeth; teeth that appear in addition to the regular number of teeth
missing teeth due to lack of growth
internal discoloration of teeth resulting from diet, medication, or excessive fluoride intake during tooth development
type of wart
a flexible spiral-wire instrument
linear applicator
place calcium hydroxide in or glass ionomer in cavity preparation
benign fatty tumor
tumor made up of lymphatic vessels
lower jaw
removal/excision of all or part of a bone surrounding a tooth
a benign neoplasm of bone tissue
neoplasm arising form epithelial cells; benign tumor
retrofill endodontic restoration
process of filling a root canal beginning from the apex of the tooth to the pulp
returning of tooth to normal function and purpose; last step of root canal treatment
dental dam
used to isolate the endodontic site
dental dam material
thin sheet of latex or non-latex rubber that varies in thickness, color, and size; component of a dental dam
dental dam frame
device used to hold dental dam material in place; may be metal or plastic, rigid or adjustable
dental dam punch
device used to place selected holes in dam material for isolating a tooth/teeth
dental dam forceps
hand device used to transport and place clamps/retainers around a tooth being isolated with a dental dam
rubber dam stamp and pad
making stamper and pad devices used to indicated alignment spots for puncturing dental dam material with the punch
dental dam clamp
retaining device used to hold dental dam material in the mouth;
Ex: dental floss, latex stabilizing cord, small piece of dental dam
thin, rough-edged instrument used to plane and smooth pupal walls
flex file
stainless steel or nickel titanium alloy file that is stringer and more flexible; used in narrow, curved root canals
pesso reamer
thicker, engine-driven reamer with larger and longer parallel cutting edges for use in root canal openings
paper points
small, narrow, absorbent paper tips that may be inserted into a obdurated root canal; used to dry the prep site or to carry medication to the area; available in various gauges and lengths or
small piece of elastic band or commercial plug that is moved up or down the shaft or an endodontic instrument; used to mark and indicated the length of penetration
rotary burs and stones
friction grip burs with diamond or carbide tips used to gain access to a root canal through restoration and crowns
root canal plugger
longer-shanked with a flat tipped nib; used to condense and adapt root canal filling material
root canal condenser
handled, long- tip instrument that may be heated and used to condense gutta-percha to root canal walls
lentulo spiral drill
thin, twisted wire, latch type rotary instrument used to spread calcium hydoxide or cement into a root canal
apex locator machine
used to determine to proximty of the test file to the root apex and relate to information to PC board screen during preparation of a root canal
heat carrier machine
provides adjustable heat to soften, deliver, and condense guttapercha to a root canal
electric endodontic handpiece
permit the use of instruments at slow speeds for finger instrument
luer-loc syringe
barrel-type syringe with piston force plunger; used to inject fluids into cavity
silver points
tapered silver points comparable in size to files and reamers; used to fill root canal
cement pastes and fillers
zinc oxide and eugenol mixes with the commercial materials; used to cement points in a root canal
sodium hypochlorite
chemical used to clean and sterilize
hydrogen peroxide
chemical used to clan and sterilize
used to lubricate root canal
chemical ion softener used to soften tissue
citric acid
used to soften tissue
ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid; used to soften tissue
used to dry an area or clear away other chemical traces; EX: methanol, ethanol alcohol
scraping of the apical area; may be necessary to remove necrotic tissue
surgical division of a tooth retaining both sides
tooth loosened as a result of a blow; usually recovery occurs with minimal attention
tooth partially dislocated; may evidence bleeding but require only minor attention
lateral luxation
tooth may be partially displaced with the root apex tilted forward
extruded luxation
tooth may be forced partially out of its socket
replacing an avulsed tooth in its tooth socket; in some rare cases, if RCT cannot be completed in a conventional manner, the tooth may be extracted, undergo RCT, and then be reinserted and stabilized into the same alveolus
transfer of a tooth from one alveolar socket to another
describing a transplantation in which a tooth is transferred and inserted from one place to another
describing a transplantation in which a tooth is transferred from one species to another; not yet a feasible practice
intracanal bleaching
process of heating or photo-oxidizing with ultraviolet rays to help lighten the tooth color
removable appliance
prosthesis that is placed in and out of the mouth at patient’s will
base metals
chromium-cobalt or chomium nickle; used in the construction of prostheses, may be used alone or in a mixture with noble alloys
synthetic resin material used in the fabrication of appliance parts, as coverings for the metal frameworks, or as natural tissue replacement
ability of a material to be drawn or hammered out, as into a fine wire, without breaking
solid casted or milled restoration involving some occlusal and proximal surfaces that is cemented into a tooth preperation
solid casted or milled restoration that covers some occlusal tooth cusp and side wall area that is cemented onto the prepared site
full crown
cast metal, tooth-shaped cover that replaces the entire crown area; acrylic resin crowns maybe used as a temporary crown cover during treatment
jacket crown
thin, preformed, metal shield used to cover a large area of anterior crowns; can be gold metal covered with porcelain material to resemble tooth enamel
dowel crown
full crown cover with dowel pin extending into the root canal of a pulpless tooth. usually with positioned on an anterior teeth
porcelain-fused-to-gold (PFM)
crown that has a complete capping of metal based with fused porcelain to metal, giving tooth contour, shape, and cover
direct veneer
veneer that is placed and cured directly on the tooth surface to build up the area of replace missing tooth structure
indirect veneer
tooth material is prepared in the lab and later cemented onto the tooth structure
fixed bridge
bridge that is cemented into the oral cavity and not removed by the patient, the number of teeth involved in the appliance determines the number of units
resin-bonded bridge
bridge that replaces anterior or posterior tooth and is cemented directly to the adjacent or abutting teeth; also called Maryland bridge
adjacent teeth
may be included in units if they are involved in the bridge area
complete denture
full denture designed to replace the entire dentition of an upper or lower arch
prosthetic denture that is prepared to fit and be secures upon implant posts or prepared retained roots
metal skeleton or spine onto which a removable prosthesis is constructed
part of the removable prosthesis that strides or saddles the gingival crest; used to balance the prosthesis, and serves as a base for placement of artificial teeth
small extensions of removable prosthesis made ti fit or sit atop the adjoining teeth; provide balance and stability for partial denture appliance, named for the area that is in contact with the tooth surface-occlusal, lingual, incisal, ect.
used to connect quadrants of a partial denture or connect and support an overdenture
stress breaker
connector applied in stress-bearing areas to provide a safe area for breakage
artificial teeth
anatomical substitutes for natural teeth; made of porcelain or acrylic material in various shades and shapes, called molds
denture base
acrylic part of the denture prosthesis that substitutes for the gingival tissue
post dam
posterior edge of the maxillary denture, helps to maintain the denture and suction
having properties similar to rubber
impression material that is both reversible and irreversible, agar-like material that can change from one form to another
reversible hydrocolloid
impression material that can change from a solid or gel state to a liquid form and back again, depending upon temperature changes
quality of a material that changes from a rigid to plastic or movable form as a result of application of heat
irreversible hydrocolloid
quality that, once chemically set or in gel form, cannot be reversed or used again; water balance and stability can be affected by humidity
swelling from absorption of water
extruder gun
twin-cartridge, calibrated mixing dispenser, used for rubber bases
basic types of rubber bases
silicone, polyther, polysulfide, polyvinylsiloxane
surgical removal of alveolar bone crests, may be required to provide smooth alveolar ridge for denture seating
surgical reshaping or contouring of alveolar bone
removal tooth decay and surfaces to receive the appliance; various margin edges are prepared on the natural tooth to accommodate the thickness and material of the covering artificial crown
(tampered margin at tooth cervix); preparation to provide junction of the crown and tooth
(cut gigival margin edge); preparation to provide junction of the crown and tooth
(slanted edge); tooth preparation for seating and holding a crown
hard connective tissue that forms the framework of the body the hardness is attributable to the hydioxyapatite crystal
Buccal Development Groove
Gropve that separates the buccal cusps on a buccal surface
buccle glands
small minor salivary glands in the cheek
process when organic tissue hardens by a deposit if calcium salts within its substance. the term, connects the deposition of any mineral salts that contribute to the hardening and maturation of hard tissue
fibrous band of tissue surrounding a joint
basic functioning component of the body; capable of reproducing itself in most instances (tissues are made up of groups of cells)
cemento enamel junction (CEJ)
junction of the enamel of the crown and the cementum of the root. this junction forms the cervical line around the tooth
cementum tumor at root tip that destroys surrounding bone
central development groove
developmental groove that crosses the occlusal surface of the tooth from the mesial to the distal side; divides the tooth into buccle and lingual parts
Centric Occlusion (central occlusion)
Relationship of the occlusal surfaces of one arch to those of the other when the jaws are closed and the teeth are in maximum intercuspation.
Centric Relation
Arch-to-Arch relationship of the maxilla to the mandible when the condyles are in their most upward position, the mandible is in its most posterior position, and the jaw is most braced by its musculature.
Cervical Line
Line formed by the junction of the Enamel and cementum on a tooth
Cervical Line
Line formed by the junction of the Enamel and cementum on a tooth
Cervical Thrid
Portion of the crown or root of the tooth at or near the cervical line.
Cervicoenamel Ridge
Prominent ridge of the enamel immediately near the cervical line on the crown of the tooth
Constricted structure; the narrow region at the junction of the crown and the root of the tooth.
Cricumvallate Papillae
Large V-shaped row of papillae lying on the posterior dorsum of the tongue. (Also called the Vallete Pappillae)
Class I Occlusal Relationship
Normal relationship between maxillary and mandibular molars
Class I Occlusal Relationship
Normal relationship between maxillary and mandibular molars
Class II Occlusal Relationship
Relationship in which a mandibular molar is posterior to its normal position
Class III Occlusal Relationship
Relationship in which a mandibular molar is anterior to its normal position
Cleft Lip
Gap in the upper lip that occurs during development
Cleft Palate
Lack of joining together of the hard or soft palates
Clinical Root
Part of the tooth embedded in the gingiva and socket
Clinical Root
Part of the tooth embedded in the ginglva and socket
Depression in a surface
Occurring at or before birth, may or may not be hereditary
Contact area
Area of contact of one tooth with another in the same arch
Contact point
Specific point at which a tooth from one arch occludes with another tooth on the opposing arch
Cutting through a tooth perpendicular to the long axis
Major pointed or rounded eminence or near the occlusal surface of a tooth
Cusp of Carabelli
Fifth lobe of a maxillary first molar
Fluid substance of cells
The action of swallowing
Classified tissue that forms the inside body of a tooth, underlying the cementum and enamel and surrounding the pulpal tissue
Dentinal Tubule
Apace in the Dentin occupied by the ontoblastic process
Dentinocemental Junction
Location in root where the dentin joins the cementum
Dentoenamel Junction
Line marking the juction of the dentin and the enamel
Lowering of the mandible or opening of the mouth
Developmental Depression
Noticeable concavity on the formed frown or root of a tooth; occurs at the junction of two lobes, as on the mesial survace of the maxillary first premolars, or at the furcation of the roots
Developmental Grooves
Fine depressed lines in the enamel of a tooth that mark the union of the loves of the crown
Distal Proximal Surface
Proximal surface on the posterior side of a tooth
Distal Third
Viewed from the facial or lingual surface, the third of the surface farthest from the midline
Distobuccal Developmental Groove
Developmental groove that extends on the buccal surface of a lower first or third molar between the distobuccal and distal cusps
Relationship in which a mandibular molar is anterior to its normal relationship
Dorsum of the Tongue
Top surface of the tongue
Swelling of tissue
Edge (incisal)
Edge formed at the labioincisal line angle of an anterior tooth after an incisal ridge has worn down
Enamel Displasia
Abnormalities of enamel growth
Enamel Hypocalcification
Enamel that is not as dense as regular enamel
Enamel Hypoplasia
Enamel that is thin or pitted
Epithelial Attachment
Substance produced by the reduced enamel epithelium that helps secure the attachment epithelium at the base of gingival sulcus to the tooth
Movement to the tooth at it emerges through the surrounding tissue so that the clinical crown gradually appears longer
eruptive stage
period of eruption from the completion of crown formation until the teeth come into occlusion
shredding or loss of a primary tooth
Facial third
from a proximal view, the third of the surface closest to the facial side
space between the left and the right palatine tonsils
FDI system
The federation dentaire Internationale (international dental federation); system for tooth identification
Filform Papillae
small, pointed projections that heavily cover most of the dorsum of anterior two thirds of the tongue
deep cleft; developmental line fault usually found in occlusal or buccal surface of a tooth; commonly result of imperfect fusion of enamel of the adjoining dental loves
discolored enamel resulting from excessive fluoride intake during crown development
foliate papillae
poorly developed papillae that appears as small vertical folds in the posterior part if the sides of the tongue
short circular opening through the bone
free gingiva
Gingiva that forms the gingival sulcus
little frenum or fold of tissue
Frontal sinus
air sinus in frontal bone above the eye that opens into the hiatus
fungiform papillae
small circular papillae scattered throughout the anterior two thirds of the dorsum of the tongue
Two teeth that fuse at their dentin while developing
part of the gum tissue that immeditaly surrounds the teeth and alveolar bone
gingival crest
most occlusal or incisal extent of the gingiva
gingival cervice
subgingval space that, under normal conditions, lies between the gingival crest and the epithlial attachment
gingival sulcus
space between the free gingiva and the tooth surface
incisal edge
edge formed at the labioincial line angle of an anterior tooth after an incisal ridge has worn down
incisal third
From a proximal, lingual, or labial view of an anterior rooth, the third of an anterior tooth, the third of the surface closest to the incisal edge
incisive papilla
small, rounded, oblong mound of tissue directly behind or lingual to the maxillary central incisors and lying over the incisive foramen
Inflammatory reaction
Body’s mechanism to combat harmful organisms by bringing more plasma and blood cells to the injured area
passed on by your parents or grandparents
located between the teeth
interdental papilla
prjection of gingiva between the teeth
movement of the tooth as it emerges through surrounding tissue so that clinical crown gradually appears longer
Eruptive Stage
period of eruption from the completion of crown formation until the teeth come into occlusion
shedding or loss of primary tooth
facial third
from a proximal view, the third of the surface closest to the facial side
space between the left and right palatine tonsils
FDI system
the federation dentaire international (international dental federation); system for tooth identification
filform papillae
small, pointed projections that heavily cover most of the dorsum of the anterior two thirds of the tongue
deep cleft; developmental line fault usually found in the occlusal of buccal surface of a tooth; commonly the result of imperfect fusion of the enamel of the adjoining dental loves
discolored enamel resulting from excessive fluoride intake during crown development
foliate papillae
poorly developed papillae that appear as small vertical folds in the posterior part of the sides of the tongue
short circular opening through a bone
free gingiva
gingiva that forms the gingival sulcus
little frenum or fold of tissue
fungiform papillae
small circular papillae scattered throughout the anterior two thirds of the dorsum of the tongue
two teeth that fuse as their dentin while developing
part of the gum tissue that immediately surrounds the teeth and alveolar bone
gingival crest
most occlusal or incisal extent of the gingiva
gingival papillae
portion of the gingiva found between the teeth in the interproximal spaces gingival to the contact area; also called interdental papillae
gingival sulcus
space between the free gingiva and the tooth surface
incisal edge
edge formed at the labioincisal line angle of of an anterior tooth after an incisal ridge has worn down
incisal ridge
rounded edge form of the incisal portion of an anterior tooth
incisal third
from a proximal, lingual, or labial view of an anterior tooth, thee third of an anterior tooth, the third of the surface closest to the incisal edge
incisive papilla
small, rounded, oblong mound of tissue directly behind or lingual ti the maxillary central incisors and lying over the incisive foramen
inflammatory reaction
body’s mechanism to combat harmful organisms by bringing more plasma and blood cells to injured area
located between the teeth
paaed on from youth to gtsnfes
located between the teeth
interdental papilla
prjection of the gingiva between the teeth
interproximal space
triangular space between adjoining teeth; the proximal surfaces of the teeth form the sides of the triangle; the alveolar bone, the base, and the contact area of the teeth from the apex
latin word for lips; singular, labium
voice box; the trachea begins just below it
voice box; the trachea begins just below it
pertaining to or affecting the tongue; next to or toward the tongue
lingual frenum
fold of tissue that attaches the lip to the labial mucosa at the midline of the lips
lingual glands
minor salivary glands of the tongue
lingual groove
developmental groove on the lingual side of the tooth
lingual surface
see: lingual
lingual third
from a proximal view, the third of the surface closest to the lingual side
one of the three rounded protuberances of the incisal surface of a newly erupted incisor tooth
mandibular arch
first pharyngeal arch that forms the area of the mandible and maxilla; the lower dental arch
mandibular condyle
rounded top of the mandible that articulates with the mandibular fossa
mandibular foramen
opening on the medial surface of the ramus of the mandible for entrance of the nerves and blood vessels to the lower teeth
mandibular process
portion of the mandibular pharyngeal arch that forms the mandible
mandibular tori
bony growths on the lingual cortical plate of the bone opposite the mandibular canines
marginal ridge
ridge or elevation of enamel forming the margin of the surface of a tooth; specifically at the mesial and distal margins of the occlusal surfaces of premolars and molars, and the mesial and distal margins of the lingual surfaces of incisors and canines
maxillary arch
upper dental arch
maxillary sinus
largest of the paired paranasal sinuses, located in the maxilla
maxillary tuberosity
bulging posterior surface of the maxilla behind the third molar region
median line
vertical (central) line that divides the body into right and left; the median line of the face
mesial drift
phenomenon of permanent molars continuing to move mesially after eruption
mesial third
from a facial or lingual view, the third of the surface closest to the midline
mixed dentition
state of having primary and permanent teeth in the dental arches at the same time
most epithelial linings of the oral cavity and the respiratory and digestive systems
pertaining to mucus; the thick viscous secretion of a gland
mulberry molars
molars with multiple cusps that are caused by congenital syphilis
multiple root
root with more than one branch
permanent teeth that do not succeed or replace deciduous
occlusal plane
side view of the occlusal suirfaces
occlusal third
from a proximal, lingual, or buccal view of a posterior tooth, the third of the surface closest to the occlusal surface
occlusal trama
injury brought about by one tooth prematurely hitting another during closure of the jaws
tumor made up of enamel, dentin, dementum, and pulp
open contract
space between adjacent teeth in the same arch, an inerproixmal opening instead of a contact area where the teeth touched
Overhanging restoration
excess of filling material extending past the confines of the tooth preparation, an over extension of filling material
palmer notation system
system of coding teeth using brackets, numbers, and letters
papillary gingiva
gingiva that forms the interdental papillae
small supernumerary tooth located buccally or lingually to a molar
parasumpathetic nervous system
Part of the autonomic nervous system that originates from some of the cranial nerves and some of the sacral nerves. It controls a number of functions, including simulation of the salivary glands.
parathyroid gland
small gland embedded in the thyroid gland that helps control calcium metabolism in the body
passive eruption
condition in which the tooth does not move but the gingival attachment moves father apically
peg shaped lateral
poorly formed maxillary lateral incisor with a cone shaped crown
around the tip of the root of the mouth
surrounding a tooth
small depression at the midline of the upper lip
folds of tissue appearing in front of and behind the palatine tonsils
situated toward the back, as premolars and molars
posterior pillars
folds of tissue behind the tonsil that contain the palatopharyngeus muscle
pre- eruptive stage
period when the crown of the tooth is developing
premature contact stage
area in which an upper and lower tooth touch and hit each other before the rest of the teeth occlude
bony area of the upper jaw that includes the alveotar ridge for the incisors and the area immediately behind it.
permanent teeth that replace the primary molars
primary dentin
dentin formed from the beginning of calcfication
primary palate
the early developing part of the hard palate that originates from the medial nasal process and forms a V-shaped wedge of tissue that runs from the incisive foramen forward and laterally between the lateral incisors and canines of the maxilla
nearest, next, immediately adjacent to; distal or mesial
pulp canal
canal in the root of a tooth, including the pulp canal and pulp chamber
pulp chamber
cavity or chamber in the center of the crown of a tooth that normally contains the major portion of the dental pulp. The pulp canals lead into the pulp chambers
pulp dental
highly vascular and innervated connective tissue contained within the pulp cavity of the tooth. It is composed of arteries, veins, nerves, connective tissues and cells, lymph tissue, and odontoblasts
pulp dental
highly vascular and innervated connective tissue contained within the pulp cavity of the tooth. It is composed of arteries, veins, nerves, connective tissues and cells, lymph tissue, and odontoblasts
pulp horn (horn of pulp)
extension of pulp tissue into a thin point of the pulp chamber into the tooth crown
pulp stones
small, dentin like calcification in the pulp
ramus of the mandible
vertical portion of the mandible
migration of the gingival crest in an apical direction, away from the crown of the tooth
referred pain
pain that seems to originate in one area, but originates in another
reparative dentin
localized formation of dentin in response to local trauma, such as occlusal trauma or caries
physiological removal of the roots of deciduous teeth, or of some alveolar process after the loss of the permanent teeth
retromolar pad
pad of tissue behind the mandibular third molars
retromolar triangle
triangular area of bone just behind the mandibular third molars
act or process of retraction or moving back, as when the mandible is placed in posterior relationship to the maxilla
long narrow elevation or crest, as on the surface of a tooth or a bone
portion of tooth that is embedded in the alveolar process and covered with cementum
root canal
pulp canal
root planing
process of smoothing the cementum of the root of a tooth
small ridges of tissue extending laterally across the anterior of the hard palate
secondary dentin
dentin found throughout the pulp chamber and pulp canal from the time of eruption
single root
root with one main branch
soft tissue
non calcified tissue, such as nerves, arteries, veins, and connective tissue
supporting layer of loose connective tissue under a mucous membrane
permanent teeth that succeed, or take the place of deciduous teeth after the latter have been shed; that is the incisors, canines, and premolars
supplemental groove
shallow, linear groove in the enamel of a tooth. It differs from a developmental groove in that it does not mark the junction of lobes; it is a secondary, or smaller, grove
supplemental tooth
supernumerary tooth that resembles a regular tooth
eruption of a tooth beyond the occlusal plane
taste buds
small structures in vallate, fungiform, and foliate papillae that detect taste
temporomandibular ligament
thickened part of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) capsule on the lateral side
tongue-tie or tongue-tied
condition on which the lingual frenum is short and attached to the tip of the tongue, making speech difficult, Also called “ankloglossia”
tonsillor pillars
vertical folds of tissue that lie in front of and behind the palatine tonsils in the lateral throat wall
tooth germ
soft tissue that develops into a tooth
tooth migration
movement of the tooth through the bone and the gum tissue
torus palatinus
large, bony growth in the hard palate
transverse ridge
ridge formed by the union of the two triangular ridges, traversing the surface of a posterior tooth from the buccal to the lingual side
diversion of three tooth roots at their point of junction with the root trunk
substance that constricts the blood vessels
vermillion zone
red part of the lip where the lip mucosa meets the skin
space between the lips or cheeks and the teeth
managed care
any contractual arrangement where payment or reimbursement and/or utilization are controlled by a third party
the lower jaw
the upper jaw
nearer to the middle line of the body or the surface of a tooth nearer to the center of the dental arch
teeth posterior to the premolars(bicuspids) on either side of the jaw; grinding teeth, having large crowns and brad chewing surfaces
individually molded device designed primarily to be worn for the purpose of helping prevent injury to the teeth and their surrounding tissues
mucous membrane
lining of the oral cavity as well as other canals and cavities of the body; also called mucosa
necessary treatment
a necessary dental procedure or service as determined by a dentist, to either establish or maintain a patients oral health
pertaining to the biting surfaces of the premolar and moar teeth
orthotic device
apparatus used to support, align, prevent, or correct deformities
actions that relieve pain but are not curative
panoramic radiograph
an extraoral x-ray whereby the entire mandible and maxilla are shown
partial denture
removable prosthetic device that replaces missing teeth in a dental arch
periapical radiograph
a dental x-rat that shows the apex of a tooth and the area surrounding the apex
periodontal disease
inflammatory process of the gingival tissues resulting in an abnormally deep gingival sulcus
periodontal pocket
pathologically deepened gingival sulcus; a feature of periodontal disease
inflammation and loss of the connective tissue of the supporting or surrounding structure of teeth with loss of attachment
primary dentition
the first set of teeth
removal of plaque, calculus, and stains from the tooth structures
inflammation of the dental pulp
an image or picture produced on a radiation sensitive film, phosphorus plate, emulsion or digital sensor by exposure to ionizing radiation
procedure used to encourage biologic root repair of external and internal resorption defects
process of resurfacing the tissue side of a removable prothesis with new base material
orthodontic retainer
appliance to stabilize teeth following orthodontic treatment
rubber dam
a rubber barrier for saliva or moisture, or to provide an isolated operative field
removal of plaque, calulus, and stain from teeth
a resinous material designed to e applied to the occlusal surfaces of posterior teeth to prevent occlusal caries
sedative filling
a temporary restoration intended to relieve pain
a device used to support, protect, or immobilize oral structures that have been loosened, replanted, fractured, or traumatized
study model
plater or stone model of teeth and adjoining tissues; also referred to as a diagnostic cast
table of allowances
a list of covered services with an assigned dollar amount that represents the total obligation of the plan with respect to payment for such service, but does not necessarily represent the dentist’s full fee for that service
temporomandibular joint
the connecting hinge mechanism between the base of the skull and the mandible
treatment plan
the sequential guide for the patient’s care as determined by the dentist’s diagnosis and is used by the dentist or the restoration to and/or maintenance of optimal oral health
zygomatic bone
quadrangular bone on either side of face that forms the cheek prominence
dental specialty that includes the diagnosis, prevention, interception, and correction of malocclusion.
local anesthesia
the elimination of pain by the topical application or regional injection of a drug
behavior management
techniques or therapies used to alter or control the actions of a patient who is recieving dental treatment
a premolar tooth; a tooth with two cusps
process of removing tissue for histologic evaluation
bitewing radiation (BWX)
interproximal radiographic view of the coronal portion of the tooth/teeth
process by which two or more components are made integral by adhesion
the parafunctional grinding of the teeth
pertainting to or toward the cheek
root canal
space inside the root portion of a tooth containing pulp tissue
to provide all or most of the dental services covered under the program to subscriber sin return for payment on a per-capita basis
cement base
material used under a filling to replace lost tooth structure
the clamping and pressing of jaws together in centric occlusion frequently associated with stress or physical effort
clinical crown
the portion of a tooth not visible in the mouth
Complete Series, (FMX)
14-22 radiographs usually consisting of periapical and posterior images
a tooth colored resorative material
beneficiary’s share of the dentist’s fee after the benefit plan has paid
restoration covering to replacing part of a tooth or a whole tooth
pathological cavity, usually lined with epithelium, containing fluid or soft matter
the lay term for carious lesions in a tooth; decomposition of tooth structure
the amount of dental expense for which the beneficiary is responsible
dental insurance
a plan that financially assists in the expense of treatment and care of dental disease and, in some cases, accidents to teeth
generally spouse and children of covered individual, as defined by terms of the dental benfit contract
a space, such as one between two adjacent teeth in the same dental arch
medication, bandages, or other therapeutic material applied to a wound
dry socket
inflammation of the tooth socket following extraction or loss of blood clot; osteities
an injury or wound; area of diseased tissue
pertaining to or around the tongue; surface of the tooth directed toward the tongue
acid etch
use of an acidic chemical substance to prepare the enamel or dentin surface to provide retention for bonding
adult detention
permanent teeth that replace or erupt primary dentition
compound combining two or more elements
used to examine teeth and check decay
cotton pliers
used to transfer cotton
periodontal probe
used to measure pocket depth
used to add support to tooth
dycal instrument
used to mix and place cavity liner
used to carve amalgam in proximal
used to place the amalgam in tooth
composite/plastic instrument
used to place composite filling in the tooth
used to smooth amalgam
used to place base or temp filling
amalgam carrier
used for dispensing amalgam
gates glidden
used to widen root canal
suture scissors
used to cut stitches
crown and bridge scissors
used to cut metal
mixing spatula
used to mix cement or temp filling
extraction forceps
used to extract teeth
used to lossen teeth from the socket for extraction
rubber prophy cup
used with handpiece to polish teeth
endo explorer
uesed to locate the canal
finishing strip
used to smooth composite in proximal area
celluloid strip
uesed to form temporary wall for composite filling
Endo plugger (glick)
Used to pack gutta percha in canals
Endo file
Used to smooth and shape canals
Endo broche
used to remove pulp tissue
periodontal scaler
used to remove calculus or flash
glass dappen dish
all purpose small cup
bone file
used to smooth rough edges of the bone
root tip pick
used to elevate root tip
metal matrix band
used to form temporary wall in class II amalgam
pulp tester
used to determine vitality of pulp
broad lab spatula (beaver tail)
used to mix alginate
narrow spatula
used to mix rubber base or stone
used to cut bone
used to carve amalgam on the occlusal surface
Amalgam well
used to hold amalgam in order to load carrier
wooden wedge
used to hold matrix band in place and helps prevent overhangs
gutta percha
permanent root canal filling
absorvent paper points
used to dry root canal
boley gauge
used to take jaw measurements for dentures
Basic Diagnostic Set UP
mouth mirror
small rounded mirror with detachable handle. Used to view oral area, reflect light into oral cavity, and retract tongue/oral tissues
often double-ended instrument with explorer on opposite end. Has a long blunt working end. One common type is the PSR prove. Marked in mm increments from 1-10mm. Used to measure patients periodontal pockets.
cotton forceps
tweezer like instruments used to place cotton pellets, medications, and dressing in oral cavity.
Diagnostic aids
other aids not included in BDS used to diagnose dental conditions
Digital images/Radiographs
used to detect dental conditions that may not be visible in the mouth
Electric Pulp Tester (EPT)
uses variable controlled electrical charges to measure vitality of pulp. Helpful in diagnosing for root canal.
Aspirating Syringe
used for administering local anesthetic, aspiration action ensures anesthetic not injected into blood stream
refers to the thickness of a needle, larger gauge number, the smaller the needle is in diameter
anesthetic carpule
glass cartridge containing anesthetic, placed into the barrel of an aspirating syringe
rubber dam material
thin rubber square sheet that comes in various thicknesses, light, medium, and heavy. latex and latex free. used to isolate tooth/teeth worked on from the rest of the mouth (visability) prevents damage to oral tissue and swallowing of materials
rubber dam punch
puts different size holes in rubber dam material
rubber dam frame
used to hold rubber dam material once holes have been plcaced. Stretches rubber to fit on the tooth
rubber dam clamps forceps
used to place/remove rubber dam clamps from treatment site
rubber dam clamps
primary means of anchoring/stabalizing rubber dam to the arch. Varies in size according to arch and type of tooth
used to invert rubber dam facially and lingually. also used to place resin into anterior cavity preps
dappen dish
multipurpose glass container used to hold medications, burs, cotton pellets, etc…
made of stainless steel or plastic to mix materials
Composite Shade Guide
used to compare a patients natural tooth color to choose correct color for restorative materials for anterior teeth
High Speed Hand Piece
Removes bulk of tooth structure during cavity preperations. Operates at speeds up to 450,000 rpm. Its speed can generate a vast amount of heat so it is equipped with water spraying devices
Rotary Instruments
Accessories such as burs and mandrel intended for use with dental hand piece
Low speed Hand Piece
Used for a range of finishing, polishing, contouring procedures as well as caries removal when lower speeds are ideal. Operates at speeds of up to 25,000 rpm. Two common attachments are the contra angle and straight attachment
Used to cut tooth structure. Comes in a wide variety of shapes and sizes
Round Burs
Used for initial cut of cavity prep and caries removal
Pear Shaped Burs
Used for moderate to large occlusal caries
Inverted Cone Burs
Make undercuts for retention grooves and smooth the walls of cavity prep
Straight Fisssure Burs
Used to remove old amalgam restoration
Taper Fissure Burs
Used to prepare the WALLS of cavity prep
Finishing Burs
Used after restorative material has been placed in cavity prep. Used to recreate tooth anatomy
Spoon Excavator
Used to remove soft dentin, debris, and caries from tooth
Used to smooth enamel margin of cavity preps on anterior teeth
Gingival Margin Trimmers
Used to place bevel along gingival margin of cavity prep. Designed for mesial or distal surfaces. Even numbered are distial and odd numbered is mesial surface
Tofflemire Retainer
Holds Stainless Steel matrix together. Different parts hold matrix tighten secure matrix to tooth
disposable accessory forms a wall or box around the tooth that holds filling material until it sets. Separates restoration from adjacent tooth. Stainless steel matrix is used on posterior teeth. celluliod strip is a plastic strip used on anterior teeth
Triangular disposable accessories used with matrix. Made of wood or plastic available in assortment of sizes Help contour matrix to tooth anatomy. Helps to reduce gingival irritation.
Amalgam condenser
Flat working end variety of diameters. Will pack amalgam into cavity prep
Amalgam Retention Pins
In Extensive Decay there may not be enough natural tooth to retain filling material. Provides retention for teeth, they have deep threads that grip dentin when screwed into tooth. Other end grips restorative material