Horace 3.26 Flashcards
What is Horace 3.26 about?
Horace explains that he used to be brilliant in love with many girls, but now he must retire because he’s too old. He also hopes the mountains of love goddess punish Chloe.
How did Horace live recently?
I recently lived suitable for [picking up] girls
How does Horace describe his recent years?
And I served with glory
Now, what has Horace decided to do?
Now this wall has my arms and cloak
Why does the wall hold the arms and cloak?
[they are] finished with war
What does the wall guard?
This wall which guards the left side of
seaside Venus
What else does Horace place on the wall?
Here, here place
the shining torches and crowbars,
and bows,
What lies opposite the wall?
With the threatening doors opposite.
Who does the wall hold?
Oh, you hold blessed Cyprus as a goddess
Who else does the wall hold apart from Cyprus?
And Memphis lacking Cythonian snow
What does Horace ask of Cyprus?
queen, strike arrogant Chloe once
with a whip from above.
Who is Cyprus?
Cyprus is where Venus came out of the sea, here it is used to refer to Venus
What is Memphis?
A place, holding the mountain Cythonia (latin Sinthonia)
Why does Memphis lack Cythonian snow?
Because there is no love
Non sine
stylistic features
litotes = not without, is a double negative to make it sound worse
nunc arma defunctumque bello habebit
stylistic features
Metaphor = of being in love to being a solider, put your weapons away now you have retired from a soldier of love
stylistic features
Old fashioned latin word for left, to give a sense of old fashioned Rome and Gods
Hic, Hic
stylistic features
Repetition to give imagery of pointing in multiple directions