Horace 1.13 Flashcards
What is Horace 1.13 about?
Horace is jealous of a gladiator Telephus because he has captured the heart of Lydia the whore. So he discusses how love is painful.
How does the poem start?
When you, Lydia, praise Telephus’
rosy neck
How does Horace describe Telephus’ body?
rosy neck, Telephus’ waxy
How does Horace react to Telephus’ beauty?
Alas, my liver
churning swells with difficult bile.
How does Horace describe his jealousy in his mind?
Then neither my mind nor colour
stays in the same place
How does Horace describe his sadness?
And a tear
secretly slides down my cheek
What does his tear show?
how deeply I’m being macerated by slow burning fires.
What does Horace fear for Lydia?
I burn, whether arguments
caused by wine, have stained your white shoulders,
What does Horace fear Telephus will do to Lydia?
Or a blazing boy
has made a lasting toothmarks on your lips
What happens if Lydia hears Horace enough?
If you hear me enough, you wouldn’t
hope for him always hurting your sweet
kisses barbously
How does Horace describe Lydia’s kisses?
[your kisses] which Venus
has filled with a fifth part nectar.
But what relieves Horace from his jealousy?
Three times happy and more
those whom an unbroken bond joined
Why is marriage so good?
and love
divided by wicked quarrels, will not be separated
before the last day.
Cum tu Lydia Telephus
stylistic features
Tu = addresses her
Lydia Telephus = next to each other to show their closeness
cervicem roseam cerea Telephi
stylistic features
Telephus… Telephi = repeating the name to show his anger and address the enemy
Roseam = colour imagery
Laudas bracchia, vae, meum
stylistic features
Vae = alas, slightly onomatopoeic injection
stylistic features
Liver = where you feel negative emotions according to Romans
tunc nec mens mihi nec color
stylistic features
Murmarance = shows the seriousness and despair of Horace
certa sede menet, umor et in genas //
furtim labitur, arguens//
stylistic features
Enjambement and similar sentence structure = to show his complex emotions.
quam lentis penitus macerer ignibus
stylistic features
This metaphor of being burned alive is inspired by Sappho
Dulcia barbare
stylistic features
Juxtaposition between sweet and barbarian, showing the contrast between the life of a prostitute and gladiator