Catullus 99 Flashcards
What is Catullus 99 about?
Catullus feeling the repercussions of kissing Iuventus and him not enjoying it.
What did Catullus do to Iuventus?
I stole from you, while you play, sweet Iuventus
What did Catullus steal?
A kiss sweeter than sweet ambrosia.
How did Catullus feel about taking the kiss from Iuventus?
In truth I did not take it without punishment,
Why did Catullus not take the kiss without punishment?
For more than an hour I remember I was fixed to a top of a cross
What did Catullus do while fixed to the cross?
While I excused myself to you Im not able to take away
What can’t Catullus take away from Iuventus?
a tiny amount of your anger with any weeping.
How did Iuventus react to the kiss?
For as soon as it was done, you washed away your diluted lips
with many buckets of water will all your fingers
Why did Iuventus wash his mouth so thoroughly?
So that not anything infected would stay from my mouth
How did Catullus describe his kiss on Iuventus?
like dirty saliva from a prostitute who has pissed herself.
What did Iuventus do after he washed his mouth?
Meanwhile you didn’t stop to hand over poor me hostile love
and tortue me in every way
Why did Catullus feel tortured by Iuventus?
For me that kiss was changed from ambrosia
What was the kiss changed from ambrosia into?
into something sadder than sad hellebore
What has Catullus learned from this experience?
Since you impose this punishment for sad love
I will never steal kisses again.
Surripui ….
….. Surripam
stylistic features
Emphatic first position of I stole,
then at the end of the poem I will steal emphatic last position