Horace 1.5 Flashcards
What is Horace 1.5 about?
Pyrrha the whore. When a young boy falls in love with her, Horace explains how he has been tricked and that love is not so sweet. So Horace declares he has retired from love.
How does the poem start?
What slender boy makes love to you
How does Horace describe the woman he is in love with?
drenched in rose oil and perfume
Where is the woman?
In a pleasant cave, Pyrrha?
How does the woman treat the boy?
For whom do you tie up your blonde hair
with simple elegance?
Describe the relationship between the boy and Pyrrha?
Alas, how often he will weep
at his faith and changed gods
Why does the boy weep?
and will marvel at the rough seas
and dark winds
What does the boy like about Pyrrha?
He who now enjoys golden you, trusting,
What does the boy hope for Pyrrha?
Who always hopes you are free,
always for love, unaware of the false
How does Horace describe those who fall in love with Pyrrha?
Miserable, are those to whom
you shine untested.
Because of Pyrrha, what does Horace believe about love?
The sacred wall
with its votive tablet shows that
I have hung up my wet clothing to the
mighty god of the sea.
Quis multa gracilis te puer in rosa.
stylistic features
Gracilis te puer in rosa = boy is surrounded by her because of word order.
Puer = calls him boy to make him seem immature
Gracilis Puer = tautology
perfusus liquidis urget odoribus // grato,
stylistic features
Enjambement to mimic flowing perfume as she is “drenched”
Simplex munditiis? Heu quotient fidem
stylistic features
Simple elegance = oxymoron - natural beauty
stylistic features
He will weep = Horace foreshadowing
emirabitur insolens
stylistic features
metaphor about dark winds for rocky relationships
qui // qui
stylistic features
Qui anaphora, focussing on he who
Semper … Semper
stylistic features
Repetition of always shows his everlasting love
fallacis. Miseri, quibus // intempta nites.
stylistic features
Caesura at full stops and enjambement creates disjoined syntax, foreshadowing how badly the relationship will turn out.
Suspendisse potenti
stylistic features
Illusion to dark seas and winds, now hang us cloak to god of the sea.
Imagery of being shipwrecked
Using “god of the sea” rather than Neptune.
metaphor of clothes to show his participation in love