Catullus 62 Flashcards
What is Catullus 62 about?
It is a song to be sung at a wedding to the god Hymenaeus the god of weddings. Each verse is sung alternately by gender.
Who sings first?
Why should the men start singing?
- evening is here, young men arise
How has evening arrived?
- … Evening is barely
- raising his long awaited light from Olympus at last
What should men leave to start singing instead?
- Now it is time to leave the fat tables.
What will happen once everyone has left the fat tables?
Now the bride will come, now the wedding song will be said
What do they sing at the end of every 5 line phrase?
Hymen, O Hymenaeus, Hymen you’re here, O Hymenaeus!
How did the girls get the girls attention to fight the boys?
- Girls do you see the boys? Arise against them
What triggered the girls to sing against the boys?
- The bringer of night is surely showing the Etnan fires
Why are the boys going to lose against the girls in line 9?
It certainly is so, do you see how quickly they jump?
They haven’t even jumped up hastily
What will the boys sing? According to the girls.
They will sing something worth defeating
Why do the boys struggle according to the boys?
There is no easy victory for us comrades
Look the girls are searching for what they have learnt
Why are the girls so impressive?
They do not learn in vain, they have something worth remembering
How do the girls make sure they remember well?
No wonder, they work deep with their whole mind
How have the boys treated their minds compared to the girls?
We have separated our minds and ears in different directions
What will the boys’ separated minds achieve?
Therefore we’ll be beaten justly, victory loves effort
How do the boys get the other boys’ attention?
So now at least turn your minds
Why should the boys pay attention?
Now they [the girls] are beginning to speak, now it will be right to respond
How do the girls describe Hesperus?
Hesperus, what crueler fire is carried in the sky?
Why is Hesperus so cruel?
You who can tear a daughter from her mother’ s embrace
To tear away a daughter clinging to her mother’s embrace
Why does Hesperus take the daughter from the mother?
To give the pure girl to a blazing youth
Whom is Hesperus compared to?
What do enemies do more cruelly in a captured city?
How do the boys describe Hesperus?
Hesperus what nicer fire shines in the sky?
Why is Hesperus nice?
You who strengthen arranged marriages with your flame
Which men and parents have promised beforehand
How do people ensure Hesperus has blessed the marriage?
but not united before your flame has arisen
Why is a marriage so good?
What is given by the Gods more desirable than the happy hour?
What has Hesperus done to the girls? L32
Hesperus, friends has stolen one of us
What is missing after L32?
Misses rest of female verse and start of male verse
What happens when Hesperus arrives?
For at your arrival the guard is always awake
Why must the guard be awake?
Thieves hide in the night whom you often catch
What is Hesperus called when he catches the thieves?
While returning under your changed name of Eous
How are girls critiquing Hesperus?
But girls like to criticise with fake complaint
Why should the girls not criticise Hesperus?
What then, if they criticise the one they desire with a quiet mind?
What do the girls use as a symbol of virginity?
As a flower is born in a secret walled garden,
What is significant about the flower?
Unknown to the flock, torn up by no plough
Who takes care of the flower?
Which the wind caresses, the sun strengthens, the rain brings up
How is the secret flower treated?
Many boys desired it, many girls desired it
What happens when the flower is plucked?
But when it is plucked by a gentle nail it dies
How is the dead flower treated?
No boys desired it, no girls desired it
How is the flower similar to the woman?
In the same way, a virgin while she remained untouched, she is dear to her family
What happens if the girl is polluted?
When she has lost her pure flower by polluting her body she does not stay pleasing to boys nor dear to girls
What do the boys use as a symbol of virginity?
As a widowed vine is born in a bare field
What is a widowed vine?
One not held up by a stick
What is bad about the widowed vine?
It never raises itself never produces a soft grape,
What does the widowed vine do instead of producing a grape?
But bending its gentle body down with downward weight
What does the widowed vine do instead of producing a grape?
But bending its gentle body down with downward weight
What does the widowed vine do when it touches the ground?
Now, now it touches the topmost shoot to its root.
What happens to the widowed vine?
No farmers cultivate, no oxen
What happens if the vine is joined?
But if by chance she is joined to a husband elm,
many farmers cultivate it, many oxen
Why is the girl like the vine?
So as long as the girl remains untouched, she grows uncultivated
How does the girl get cultivated?
When the right time she gains an equal marriage
How does a cultivated girl get treated?
She is more dear to her husband and less despised by her father
Who sings Line 60 onwards?
Both genders
What should the bride do?
And you, girl, don’t fight with such a husband
Why shouldn’t the bride fight with her husband?
It is not right to fight, with the one your father gave you
Who gave the girl away?
Your father, with your mother, whom you must obey
Who does the girl’s virginity belong to?
Your virginity is not all yours, [but] partly your parents’
Who does her virginity belong to?
A third part is from your father, a third part is to your mother
What part of virginity does the girl have?
Only a third is yours: don’t fight with the two people
Why shouldn’t the girl fight with the two people who own her virginity?
[they] who have given their rights to their son in law together with the dowry
What is Vesper?
The evening star a.k.a. Venus
surgere iam tempus, iam pinguis linquere mensas
iam veniet virgo, iam dicetur hymenaeus
stylistic features
“iam” Tetralonic anaphora.
Hymenause the god of weddings used as a metonym for wedding
Who is Hymenaeus?
God of weddings
How are the girls verse similar to the boys?
They have similar structure
{Keep an eye out for lots of alliteration}
sic certest: viden… exsiluere
Three line alliteration
mentes… mentes
Deep = idiom
ardenti castam
qui natam possis complexu avellere matris
Complexu matris retinetntem avellerre natam
Sort of chiasmus
{Keep an eye our for rhetorical questions}
How do you describe the similarity in verses?
In parallel
Threee starting with q
qui pepigere viri pepigerunt
extuli ardor
Comical homonym to sex
“Your flame has arisen
Flower as a symbol for virginity
Multi illum puerit, multae
Polyptoton of multae
Nulli illum puerit, nullae
Polyptoton of nullae
Multi illum puerit, multae
Nulli illum puerit, nullae
Similar = repetiton
ut vidua
Mimics girls verse about the flower, but this time with wine
numquam… numquam..
vine = similar for male genitailia/female virginity
iam iam
iam iam
nulli coluere iuvenci
multi coluere iuvenci
Reptition = parallelelismic chiasmus
sic virgo
magis et minus
pars patrest parte parentum