Hoofdstuk 16 Flashcards
Internal sign posts
- state associated with stimuli that are rewarding or punishing, often have an inherent survival value
thinking about other people’s intentions, desires and beliefs via perspective taking (Theory of Mind)
sharing mental states/emotioins of others
James Lange Theory of EMotion
the self-perception of bodily changes that produces emotional experience
ANS Autonomic Nervous System
mediates changes in the bodyv
emotional perception/interpretation occurs first, bodily reaction after
- theory centered on the hyopothalamus’ role
All emotions involve a core affecct system (pleasunt-unpleasant, high-low arousal)
- core affect is linked to bodily feelings of emotions and linked to limbic structures such as medial temporal lobes, cingulate and orbitofrontal cortex
Moral emotions
refers to emotions that are related to the behaviour of oneself (in relation to others) or the behaviour of others (in relation to oneself or others)
part tof limbic system, implicated in learning the emotional value of stimuli (fear conditioning)
* Kluver-Bucy Syndrome (lesions amygdala)
- unusual tameness/emotional blunting
- examine objects with mouth
- dietary changes
Skin Conductance Response (SCR) involves recording changes in electrical conductivity on a person’s skin on the hand
region of cortex buried beneath temporal lobes: body perception (pain+task) + Primary Gustatory Cortex (responds to disgust)
* involved in intereoception = monitoring the internal state of the body
General function of orbitofrontal cortex
is computing CURRENT value of stimulus
Anterior Cingulate
linked to motivation and determining costs/benefits of actions
Cyberball Game
social exclusion activates the antterior cingulate (stress)
Dorsal region Striatum