Homeopathy - R & S Flashcards
This remedy is a polycrest. Name the remedy used in acute for ligament and joint injuries, restlessness, dry teasing cough, chicken pox, herpetic eruptions, poison ivy
Rhus tox
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? Cheerful and friendly, but shy in healthy state; inner agitation and restlessness leads to frustration and even malicious behavior; rigidity of mind worsens, leading to depression or OCD in worst cases. Often physical complaints such as joint and muscle stiffness occur in the absence of mental s/sxs. Prone to nerve, mucous, serous membrane, and skin disorders, w/ some element of restlessness.
Rhus tox
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better warm
-Better lying on hard surface
-Worse cold
-Worse damp, PAIN
Generals: Worse COLD, PAIN WORSE WHEN MOTION STARTS THEN IMPROVES (‘RUSTY HINGE” EFFECT); low back pain. Skin afflictions w/ itchy, red skin. Stiffness after resting improved by movement. Very superstitious.
Rhus Tox
Name the remedy used in acute for COUGH FROM TICKLE IN SUPRASTERNAL FOSSA, BETTER COVERING HEAD AND MOUTH, Left chest most affected, stress incontinence (Caust), violent explosive exhaustive cough, prolific mucus (which is thin and frothy).
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better covering head and mouth
-Better sucking on candy and drinking (Spong)
-Worse undressing or uncovering
-Worse change in temp
Generals: Pruritis (Urt), numerous varied inconstant pains
Name the remedy used in acute for PERIOSTEAL AND TENDON INJURIES or pain, arthritis, eye strain, tendinitis, bursitis, overuse (Rhus-t) Modalities: -PAIN -Better MOVING -Worse lying on injured part -Worse cold -Worse damp -Better indoors Generals: craves warm drinks
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? STIFFNESS, STRAINS, anxious, critical of others, injured part feels lame or weak, injured part “gives out” upon rising or putting weight on it, feels “bruised”
Name the remedy used for acute HA (esp. Right-sided), migraines and bursitis, resp problems (i.e. bronchitis, hay fever)
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse light and noise
-Better lying down
-Better profuse urination
-Better belching, vomiting
Generals: EASY FLUSHING, RIGHT-SIDED COMPLAINTS, red flushed face, rust-colored sputum, hacking cough, substernal tickling sensation, problems start in AM, worsen in afternoon and improve by PM, burning chest pain that extends to Right shoulder
This remedy is a polycrest. Name the remedy used in acute for complaints in pregnancy. esp. nausea from smell of food. PMS, morning sickness, menopause, prolapse, vaginal candida, skin eruptions (esp. ringworm), offensive discharge.
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? HORMONAL STASIS, STATE OF APATHY AND INDIFFERENCE, irritable (under pressure, PMS, etc.) burned out, introverted, s/sx move from lower to upper body, aversion to sex, weariness after childbirth.
Which remedy has the following modalities: -Better alone -Better sun -Worse cold -Better exercise -Worse evening -Better lying on Right side -Worse alone -Better company General: craves acid foods such as pickles and vinegar, yells at children and then feels guilty, involuntary weeping (Puls)
This remedy is a polycrest. Name the remedy used in acute for abscesses (esp. dental); foreign bodies such as splinters, sinusitis, bone and nail conditions, otitis media, swollen glands, chronic disease esp. w/ suppuration and inflammation
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? OBSTINATE BUT APPEARS YIELDING, DELICATE, WEAKNESS AND LACK OF “GRIT”, fear of failure, strong ideas which they don’t argue for, perspiration, night sweats, cold clammy hands, white spots on nails, constipation, “bashful stool”, low stamina
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse thunderstorms
-Worse cold
-Worse touch
-Better warm
Generals: perspires on head in sleep, feet produce malodorous sweat, fear of pointed objects; preoccupied w/ pins, fishbone sensation in the throat, sensation of hair on the tongue