Homeopathy - N & P Flashcards
This remedy is a polycrest. Name the remedy used in acute situations for GRIEF, watery discharge (e.g. urethritis, URI, vaginitis), migraines, cold sores
Natrum muriaticum
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? EMOTIONAL VULNERABILITY, repress feelings, perfectionist, reserved, romantic, non-suicidal depression, thirsty for cold drinks, depression after loss, unable to cry, passionate about trifles. AILMENTS FROM GRIEF OR DISAPPOINTED LOVE.
Natrum muriaticum
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse sun
-Worse heat
-Better open air
-Worse consolation
-Worse talking
Generals: sensitive, hates fat, craves salt, “bashful kidneys” (difficulty urinating in public), fears robbers
Natrum muriaticum
Name the remedy used in any acute condition with yellow creamy discharge (sinusitis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, conjunctivitis), GREENISH DIARRHEA
Natrum phosphoricum
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? Worse sugar (phos). YELLOW, CREAMY DISCHARGES are seen from the eyes or as a tongue coat. Tend to be forgetful and easily frightened. They are a combo of Nat mur’s grief and depression w/ added sympathy and fears. They fear bad news, thunderstorms, death. They seem open, but are actually closed off (fear telling secrets). History of excessive nocturnal seminal emissions which aggrevate and weakness in legs following seminal emission.
Natrum phosphoricum
Which remedy has the following modalities:
- Worse morning
- Worse evening and after midnight
- Worse drafts and open air
- Worse butter, fats, sour vinegar
Natrum phosphoricum
Which remedy has the following generalities? Sour eructations, vomiting, flatus, taste. Discharge complaints are always yellow and creamy. Worse w/ thunderstorms. They crave fried eggs and spicy food. Have many sexual dreams.
Natrum phosphoricum
Name the remedy used in acute situations for chronic bronchitis or pneumonia w/ rattling cough - must hold chest when coughs, brown bitter tongue coating; asthma, head injuries and meningitis.
Natrum phosphoricum
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? Suicidal melancholy, serious and responsible, sad after hearing music. PROBLEMS AFTER HEAD INJURY, esp. DEPRESSION OR SUICIDAL FEELINGS; DIABETES esp. AFTER GRIEF; asthma in children. Worse in damp weather; liver disease w/ icteric sclera
Natrum sulphuricum
Which remedy has the following modalities: -Better dry -Better pressure -Better changing positions -Worse lying on Left side -Worse spoken to speaking -Worse damp -Worse humid weather Generals: Cheerful after large stool, worse tight belt/pants (Lach, Lyc)
Natrum sulphuricum
Name the remedy used in acute situations for SPLITTER or SPLITTER-LIKE PAINS, mucus membrane w/ cracks, pain, and ulcerations
Nitricum acidum
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? Picture of offensive odor w/ perspiration and discharge and an overall negative attitude about life. They have periods of extreme irritability (worse in the morning) and can have feuds w/ neighbors or co-workers. They are selfish but show great empathy for others suffering. They are hypochondriacs and have fears around ill health. Regarding the mouth, herpes and fissures around corners of the lips are seen and deep cracks in the tongue.
Nitricum acidum
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse in the morning
Generals: CHILLY and worse cold and better riding or with a gliding motion, craves fat and butter, foul smelling urine
Nitricum acidum
This remedy is a polycrest. Name the remedy used in acute situations for dyspepsia and complaints from overeating; HA and migraines esp. from hangovers; insomnia, allergies, cold, hay fever, UTI, morning sickness (Tab)
Nux vomica
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? TYPE A PERSONALITY (irritable, workaholic, domineering, zealous, ambitious), always cold: OVERSENSITIVE esp. to odors, noise, light, etc. sedentary (sitting at desk), foggy and, bad temper, abuses stimulants, sensitive, and expressive
Nux vomica
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better warmth
-Worse touch
-Worse cold
-Worse 3am
Generals: Craves spicy and fatty foods. “Wants to but can’t” (cough, pass stool, urinate, etc.)
Nux vomica
This remedy is a polycrest. Name the remedy used in acute situations for respiratory complaints (bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma); hemorrhage, burning pains, blood sugar ailments, after surgery to control bleeding
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? EFFERVESCENT, GULLIBLE, HYPERSENSITIVE, spontaneous, fearful, sympathetic, may be clairvoyant, fears loneliness and death, befriends strangers, bleeds easily, much movement, numbness (MS, paresthesia), Left sided.
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse heat
-Worse scents
-Worse lying on Left side
-Better sleep (esp. short naps) - desires company
-Better ice cream
Generals: SRP = craves cold drinks but vomits fluids when warms in the stomach. Every cold goes to the chest
Name the remedy used in acute situations for hard lesions, BREAST PROBLEMS, Right-sided complaints, lumps, painful red throat like “ burning hot ball” in it, mastitis, LYMPHADENOPATHY, painful pharyngitis with bright red or blue-red throat, weight loss, abscess or infection after breast injury
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better warm
-Better dry
-Worse cold
-Worse wet
-Worse night
Generals: glandular remedy, syphilitic remedy
Name the remedy used in acute situations for pains that increase and decrease gradually (Stan) w/ character of CRAMP-LIKE, SQUEEZING.
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? Filled w/ much pride and show contempt for others. They tend to vacillate between sadness and happiness. A sexual picture of early development, lightest touch of genitals arouses, and high sex drive. MENTAL SYMPTOMS ALTERNATE W/ PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS. Local numbness and coldness to areas of body. Stools are sticky and lead to constipation. ALWAYS GENITAL INVOLVEMENT AND MAY SHOW AS ITCHY GENITAL, SENSITIVE GENITALS, GENITAL CANCER.
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse sitting and standing
-Worse evening
-Better walking
General: Complain of constriction feeling “like a bandage or band” (Anac), headaches that alternate w/ anxiety
Name the remedy used in acute situations for PAINLESS DIARRHEA, alternating constipation and diarrhea; HA alternates w/ diarrhea; offensive explosive liquid-sputtering profuse diarrhea (usu. in the morning) w/ food in it (w/ or w/out cramping pains).
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? Affinity for intestinal (chronic colitis, IBD), liver (hepatitis, GB colic), uterine, and ovarian disorders (uterine prolapse (Sep), ovarian cysts, Right ovary pain), depression, loquacity.
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse early morning
-Worse heat
-Worse fruit
-Worse acid food
Generals: scalloped moist burning tongue, thirsty for cold water, gurgling abdomen
Name the remedy used in acute situations for chronic cases.
-Worse cold
-Worse open air and drafts
-Worse weather change
-Worse coffee
-Better heat
SRP = better warm clothing even in summer
Generals: CHILLY, EXTREME COLD SENSITIVITY, WANTS HEAD WARM, WARM CLOTHING EVEN IN SUMMER, very hungry and need to eat in middle of night
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? ALL SECRETIONS HAVE A FILTHY SMELL, WHETHER THEY COME FROM EARS, SKIN, EYES, NOSE, ETC. Skin looks as if it has not been washed. PERSPIRATION W/ SLIGHTEST EXERTION. They are very melancholy w/ suicidal thoughts. They have frequent acute illness. Focused on disappointment and poverty and believes will come to them. Chronic eye inflammatory conditions that reoccur (such as gonococcal ophthalmia neoinatorum, conjunctivitis)
This remedy is a polycrest. Name the remedy used in acute for measles, non-suppurative otitis media, cough at night or loose cough, hormonal complaints, bronchitis, teething, URI.
Which remedy has the following constitutional picture? WEEPY AND EMOTIONAL, CHANGES CONSTANTLY, WORSE FATTY FOOD, THIRSTLESS, BETTER OPEN AIR, empathetic, gentle, yielding, easily discouraged, run by emotions, self-sacrificing, indecisive, wide awake in PM, no 2 stools alike.
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better cold
-Better open air
-Better consolation
-Worse fatty foods
Generals: Worse fatty foods yet craves them (esp. butter), sleeps w/ hands over head and w/ more than one pillow; clingy, whining children w/ runny noses.
Name the remedy used in acute for SEPSIS, infection, and suppuration including cellulitis and severe influenza w/ delirium (Bapt, Bell) and restlessness during fever w/ aching through the whole body, better motion (Rhus-t).
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better movement, changing position, hard rocking
-Worse cold