Homeopathy - A Flashcards
Name the remedy used in acute situations for any sudden condition with any element of fright: shock, exposure, sudden onset of intense illness (Bell), inflammation; trauma (Arn), anxiety, fear of death (SRP=predicts the time of their feared death and fear of future), panic attack. Early stage pneumonia, croup, measles, flu, MI, UTI with urine retention, hepatitis, conjunctivitis, acute arthritis.
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: Generally strong and healthy type. Tendency to low self-esteem and therefore feels the need to prove themselves. Can be insensitive and mean. Desires company when well. Constitutionally does not deal well w/ shock and fright, which can send them into an acute panic state or sudden illness with fear of imminent death.
Which remedy has the following modalities:
- Worse w/ wind
- Worse at night
- Better w/ fresh air and sweating
These general/miscellaneous symptoms are true of which remedy?
SYMPTOMS HAVE SUDDEN ONSET, fear of death (Phos, Ars), presentiment of death (Arg-n). Anxiety states, panic following any strong fright (Stram). AILMENTS FROM EXPOSURE TO COLD, DRY WIND. AILMENTS FROM FRIGHT OR SUDDEN SHOCK. Restless (Rhus-t, Ars). Thirsty for cold drinks (Ars, Verat).
Name the remedy used in acute situations for ACRID NASAL D/C, BLAND TEARS (opposite Euphr); cough from tickle in throat and feeling of throat splitting apart. For common cold, hoarseness, allergy w/nose running “like a faucet” and causing perinatal irritation. For coryza w/ headache. Also headache, toothaches, and earaches have shooting neuralgic pains (Hyper) may be aided by this remedy.
Allium cepa
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Coryza with headache is worse with closing eyes and warmth, better w/ open air
-Worse w/ warmth
-Better with open air
General/miscellaneous symptoms are also true of this remedy: BURNING PAINS, symptoms alternate from side to side (usually left to right)
Allium cepa
Name the remedy used in acute situations for nervous dyspepsia or reflux that is better w/ EATING, may see nausea and eructations. Acutely it can help w/ headaches.
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: for people w/delusions, hallucinations, and hearing voices. They feel as if they have two wills, a lack of confidence, and have a poor memory. Prone to itchy skin conditions with yellow vesicles and swelling (Rhus-t) that are better with eating. For neurasthenics, trembling, epilepsy, and paralytic weakness. With rheumatic disease feels “stuck, as if a band were around it”. (SRP= sensation of band around body part, sensation of a plug in body part)
Which remedy has the following modalities:
- Better w/ eating (eating relieves all discomfort)
- Better lying on side
- Better afternoon to evening
- Worse fasting
- Worse w/ hot water
- Worse w/ abuse or mortification
Name the remedy used in acute situations for RATTLING MUCUS IN CHEST, CAN EXPECTORATE, cyanosis, coated white tongue. For near drowning, bronchitis, asthma
Antimonium tart
Which remedy has the following modalities: -Better SITTING UP -Better being held -Better belching -Worse w/ cold weather -Worse w/ sour -Worse w/ milk Generalities: SRP = averse to touch but likes to be carried (Cina)
Antimonium tart
Name the remedy used in acute situations for edema, shock, allergy, anaphylaxis, bee stings, insect bites (Led), hives, cystitis w/ burning on urination (Canth).
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse w/ HEAT
-Better w/ cold
Generals: THIRSTLESS, stinging pains, EDEMA, erythema
Name the remedy used in acute situations for bruising, muscle sprain/strain, shock (Acon), black eyes, head injury (Nat-s), after any trauma, shock w/ delayed s/sxs, stroke.
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: morose imagination, restless (Rhus-t, Ars), pessimistic. Will not admit illness or injury - may refuse medical care if injured.
Which remedy has the following modalities:
- Better alone
- Worse w/ touch
- Worse w/head low
- Worse jarring movements
- Worse lying on injured part
These general/miscellaneous symptoms are true of which remedy? Feel whatever they are lying on is too hard (Bapt, Pyro, Rhus-t). THINK THEY ARE WELL BUT THEY ARE NOT. INJURED PART FEELS BRUISED. (SRP= If unconscious, wakes to answers questions correctly then falls back asleep (Bapt)).
This remedy is a polycrest. Name the remedy used in acute situations for food poisoning, gastroenteritis (Podo, Aloe), excessive diarrhea and/or vomiting esp. GI purging “from both ends at once”. Also for colds, flu, vesicular skin eruptions etc. w/ associated burning pains, RESTLESSNESS, and ANXIETY.
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: FEAR OF DISEASE - may call doctor often for reassurance and question treatment plan. Physical weakness of GI, lungs, heart, skin, and mucous membranes. Restless yet weak and extremely chilly (Verat). Perfectionists who pay meticulous attention to every detail - anxious about anything that may not go as planned.
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better or worse with COLD
-Worse at MIDNIGHT - 2AM
-Worse w/ food (esp. fruit and veg)
-Worse w/ exertion
-Worse seaside
Generals include: DESIRES SIPS OF WARM WATER W/GREAT THIRST (SRP = burning pains but better with heat)
Name the remedy used in acute situations for heart conditions, bone pains, grief, depression, suicidal ideation (Nat-m).
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: Serious, intimidating, hopelessness, angry, fears failure but often successful, perfectionist. SUICIDAL IDEATION, GRIEF if they feel they have failed; ailments after financial losses, heart ailments such as angina, and palpitations. Heart, bone, head, testicular pains worse at night to the point the patient may hint at suicide due to pain; tendency to alcoholism, syphilitic remedy.
Which remedy has the following modalities: -Worse w/ cold -Worse w/ winter -Better evening but pains -Worse at night Generals: music ameliorates