Homeopathy - B & C Flashcards
Name the remedy used in acute situations for any condition w/ enlarged glands or organs (tonsillitis, prostatitis, cervical glands inflammation and enlargement, etc.)
Baryta carbonicum
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: Any patient w/ mental, emotional, or physical immaturity. For children who are developmentally delayed or w/ mental retardation. Those w/ mental weakness (senile, dementia, slow mental grasp, difficulty concentrating) w/ childish behaviors. Very dependent on caregivers and lacks self-confidence. Frequent colds w/ enlarged lymph nodes. History of cerebral vascular accident.
Baryta carbonicum
Which remedy has the following modalities:
- Worse w/ mental exertion
- Worse w/ thinking of symptoms
- Worse w/ lying on painful side
- Better w/ walking in open air
Baryta carbonicum
These general/miscellaneous symptoms are true of which remedy? Immaturity or atrophy of body, mental immaturity w/ strong dependence on others. Tend towards being chilly. They desire sweets.
Baryta carbonicum
This is a polycrest remedy. Name the remedy used in acute situations for BRIGHT RED FACE, thirstless (Puls), dilated pupils, raw red throat, high fever radiating heat, head doesn’t sweat, VIOLENT (Stram), expressive, obstinate (Calc, Sil), delirious. For complaints w/ rapid onset and inflammation: otitis media (esp. R sided), mumps, HTN, heatstroke, throbbing HA
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: Violent and obstinate; sensitive to light, touch, movement, noise when ill. Healthy person of this remedy are strong, energetic, and upbeat. Obstinate (esp. won’t admit they’re wrong ever), strong identity, hard working, violent, loyal (Apis), express their emotions.
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Eyes are worse w/ light
-Worse w/ jarring (Bry)
-Worse lying down
Generals Bruxism (Cina), desire for lemonade
What is the 5 word mnemonic for for Belladonna?
Blind as a bat Red as a beet Dry as a bone Hot as a hare Mad as a hatter
Name the remedy used in acute situations for PAIN WORSE WITH SLIGHTEST TOUCH OR MOTION; thirsty, materialistic. For acute conditions that develop slowly; bronchitis, pleurisy, joint problems, acute gastroenteritis, appendicitis, flu, OA, dry hacking cough, and violent HAs
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: Material success a major concern. Will become depressed, anxious, irritable if financial security is threatened. Not in touch w/ emotions.
Which remedy has the following modalities: -Worse SLIGHTEST MOVEMENT -Better w/ firm pressure -Better lying still -Better alone -Better after 9pm Generals: -Better lying on injured part (Arn) -Worse gentle touch yet
This is a polycrest remedy. Name the remedy used in acute situations for DYSPNEA ON EXERTION, SWOLLEN GLANDS, PREMENSTRUAL BREAST PAIN, SOFT OR BRITTLE FINGERNAILS, bone, lymph and circulation problems, obesity, eczema, GI complaints such as heartburn and constipation
Calc Carb
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: Obstinate, responsible, many fears and anxities, proper (Kali-c), workaholic that crashes when the task is finished, self-sacrificing, obese, profuse sweat on head, sedentary - prefers relaxing at home to going out. Common remedy for chubby, sweating, sour-smelling babies w/ large heads, frequent URIs and a tendency to be late reaching developmental milestones (teething, talking, etc.).
Calc Carb
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse w/ cold, esp. feet
-Better food and water in general
-Better fatty, sweet, or acid foods
-Better w/ milk
-Worse w/ heat
Generals: SRP = Worse with cold, but longs for cold drinks, perspires on head during sleep, flaking fingernails (Sil), frequent sour belches.
Calc Carb
Name the remedy used in acute situations for UTI and cystitis w/ intolerable urging pain that is worse with urination; severe burns w/ blistering, scalds w/ itching and burning (Urt-u).
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse w/ movement
-Better w/ cold
SRP: Cold is better, but is worse with cold drinks. Worse with coffee, worse with touch and better at night
Generalities: BURNING PAIN, tenesmus, strong sexual desire. SRP=scalding urine passed drop by drop, thirst w/ no desire to drink.
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: Angry, irritable, sexual mania. Weakness in mucous membranes of urinary tract, GI, and respiratory systems. Similar rapid onset to Belladonna and Aconite w/ mental symptoms similar to Stramonium. This remedy’s conditions become destructive to the tissues more rapidly and deeply and often have a component of excessive sexual desire that is unrelieved by masturbation or sex.
Name the remedy used in acute situations for shock, asthma, digestive disorders, whopping and spasmodic cough, COPD, severe bloating, and indigestion.
Carbo veg
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: apathetic, negative, irritable w/ family, faint, collapse states, extreme weakness, cold breath, cold sweat.
Carbo veg
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better cold
-Better air
-Better belching
Generals: SRP = WANTS TO BE FANNED, air hunger, dyspnea, wants to sit up in bed
Carbo veg
This is a polycrest remedy. Name the remedy used in acute situations for burns (deep, sunburn, chemical, 2nd degree, old ones not fully healed), neurological problems and paralysis, ailments after rape (Acon, Staph), warts near the fingernails
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: SYMPATHETIC, activist types who cannot stand injustice of any kind, weakness or paralysis, grief (esp. after failure), raw chest and throat from dry cough. Tendency to rheumatic, skin and mucous membrane ailments.
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better damp
-Worse COLD
Generals: SRP = must swallow scanty expectorations, craves salt (Nat-m) and smoked meat (Tub), urinary incontinence from cough or sneeze
Name the remedy used in acute situations for teething, horribly painful otitis media (esp. Left), colic, GI s/sx with much distress
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: inconsolable, desires to be firmly held by loved ones, irritable, wants things then refuses them
Modalities: Worse w/ pain and worse w/ HEAT
Name the remedy used in acute situations for convulsions, worms, ADHD (Verat, Stram, Bell), rectal itching, spasms (Agar).
Modalities: Worse night and summer
Generals: irritable, mean, upset. SRP = nose picking, desires to be rocked but w/out being touched.
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: mainly a children’s remedy for extremely irritable (even more than Cham) kids who react to discipline w/ tantrums or even convulsions. Precocious children w/ tendency to bore fingers in the nose, grind teeth in sleep, or have intestinal worms (esp. pinworms) w/ resulting anal itching. Worms + convulsions.
Name the remedy used in acute situations for nervous exhaustion, debility, shock from hemorrhage or fluid loss, periodic fever.
Cinchona (China)
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: introverted, moody, artistic, hypersensitive, sudden outbursts. SRP = fantasize about heroic deeds. Weakness from loss of fluid such as diarrhea, nursing, pus, hemorrhage. Periodicity of symptoms (ferr-p). Anemic, ethereal, otherworldly.
Cinchona (China)
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Worse w/ draft
-Better bending over
-Better open air
-Better warm
-Worse light touch (Better w/ firm pressure)
Generals: WEAKNESS FROM FLUID LOSS, violent dry sneezes, cough after meal
Cinchona (China)
Name the remedy used in acute situations for acute abdomen. Colic of any kind - GB, Kidney, GI, and uterine (Mag-p).
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: rigid, black and white types w/ strong sense of right and wrong (Kali-c, Calc-c, Con). Averse to contradiction (Nux-v). Easily angered and impatient (Apis). Ailments from anger or humiliation (Staph).
Which remedy has the following modalities:
-Better hard pressure
-Better warmth
-Worse anger
Generals: DOUBLED OVER IN PAIN, obese, irritable, feeling of being clamped w/ iron bands. For abdominal pain, Left-side sciatica, neuralgia, colic, dysmenorrhea. SRP = feeling of stones being ground together in abdomen, perspiration smells of urine
Name the remedy used in acute situations for glandular enlargement: tumors (hard), BPH, breast cancer, nervous conditions w/ ascending paralysis, vertigo
Modalities: Worse w/ light, worse w/suppressing sexual desire, worse lying down or turning head.
Generals: SRP = pain, better feet on chair
Which remedy’s constitutional picture is: AFFINITY FOR GLANDS, slow progressive onset, induration of mind and body, hard tissue esp. after injury, feels “bruised by blows”. Can be practical, down-to-earth and often materialistic (Bry). Emotional hardness can develop leading to closed, flat affect and indifference.