Homeiostasis Flashcards
what is homeostasis
defined as ability of organism to maintain stability of internal conditions despite change in environment.
what is included in homeostasis
blood concentration water concentration CO2/O2 concentration blood pH body temp salt concentration waste
explain the sequence of a negative feedback system
- Imbalance occurs
- receptors detect change and stimulate control centre.
- control centre responds to stimuli
- control centre send messenge to target organ.
- target organ responds
- target organ corrects imabalance
- Balance restored
where is thyroxine produced and secreted
explain how thyroxin levels are maintained
- amount of thyroxin in blood is kept constant by - feedback mechanism between hypophysis/ pituitary and the thyroid.
- when thyroxin levels decrease
- pituitary is stimulated to secrete more TSH
- TSH released into blood to reach target organ (thyroid gland)
- higher levels of TSH in blood stimulate thyroid gland to secrete more thyroxin
- thyroxin levels increase (return to normal)
- when thyroxin levels increase
- secretion of TSH by hypophysis is inhibited
- hypopyhysis secretes less TSH into blood.
- lower TSH in blood results in decreased thyroxin production by thyroid
- levels decrease and return to normal
name the 2 substances that manage BG levels
insulin and glucagon
what type of hormones are insulin and glucagon, what does this mean?
- have opposite effects
- stimulated/inhibited
describe what happens when BG levels are high
pancreas releases INSULIN
converts glucose
glycogen in liver
lowers BG levels
describe what happens when BG levels are low
pancreas releases GLUCAGON
converts glycogen in liver and muscles to glucose
levels increase
what is the product of CR
byproduct of CR
what happens when there is an excess of CO2 in blood
pH of bodily fluids too acidic (lowers pH)
what happens when there is insufficient CO2
pH of bodily fluids too alkaline (increases pH)
name the receptor that is sensitive to change in CO2 concentration of blood
chemoreceptors in aorta.
name the hormone that is secreted that regulates water balance
explain how body regulates blood water content on a hot day
- sweats a lot
- osmoreceptors stimulated
- hypothalamus sends impulses to pituitary to secrete MORE adh
- more ADH in kidney
- increased permeability to DCT making walls more permeable.
- more water reabsorbed
- less water lost due to low volume of concentrated urine.
- osmorereceptors stimulate thirst centre in brain
- water content returns to normal.
name the hormone that regulates salt concentration
explain the process that occurs when there is an increased salt concentration in blood
- salt levels rise above normal
- receptors in afferent and efferent arterioles detect high salt level
- adrenal gland is inhibited
- less aldosterone secreted into blood.
- decreased reabsorption of sodium ions from renal tubules into surrounding blood capillaries.
- more soidum ions excreted in urine.
- concentration returns to normal.
explain the process that occurs when there is an decreased salt
concentration in blood
- salt levels drop below normal
- receptors in afferent and efferent arterioles of kidney detect low salt level
- adrenal gland stimulated.
- aldosterone secreted into blood
- stimulates reabsorption of more sodim ions from renal tubules.
- fewer sodim ions excreted in urine
- concentration returns to normal.
what is thermoregulation
the regulation of body temperature.
explain the difference between ectothermic and endothermic species
ecto - cold blooded
endo - warm blooded
explain ectothermic animals
- body temp varies according to environmental temperature
- dependent on external heat sources
- low MR
list 4 things that ectothermic animals do to ensure thermoregulation.
- dark colour
- increases SA
- dig holes
- hibernation
name 4 ways that heat is transfered to ectothermic animals