life sciences

This class was created by Brainscape user Sarah Gomm. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (16)

Scientific Method
What is the scientific method,
Why is the scientific method bene...,
State the 6 steps to the scientif...
15  cards
What does dna stand for,
What is dna and what does it do,
Name the 3 nucleobases that are f...
39  cards
Mitosis and Meiosis
Where are the chromosomes found,
What do chromosomes consist of,
What are histones
55  cards
Reproduction in vertebrates
What is external fertilization,
What is internal fertilization,
The function of the yolk sac
76  cards
Human reproduction
What is the male primary sex organ,
Name the 3 male ducts,
Name 3 functions of the prostate ...
41  cards
Human reproduction P2
What is gametogenesis,
What is oogenesis,
What is spermatogenesis
47  cards
What is genetics,
Who is known as the father of gen...,
Who was gregor mendel
76  cards
Nervous System
Function of the ns,
What is the brain,
How is the brain protected
31  cards
The Eye
Explain why the eye would be cons...,
Why is it necessary to have 2 eyes,
Name the 2 photoreceptor cells
38  cards
The Ear
What are the 2 functions of the ear,
What part of the ear ensures balance,
Describe the pathway that the sou...
18  cards
The human endocrine system
What is a stimulus,
What is an endocrine gland,
What is an exocrine gland
19  cards
What is homeostasis,
What is included in homeostasis,
Explain the sequence of a negativ...
45  cards
Human impact on environment
What is climate,
What is the atmosphere made up of,
What is the function of greenhous...
32  cards
Name 4 stimuli plants can respond to,
Name 3 plant hormones,
What is a hormone
26  cards
Natural Selection
What is evolution,
What is biological evolution,
What is a species
59  cards
Human Evolution
What caused all of the dinosaurs ...,
How do primates differ from mammals,
List the 2 types of primates
34  cards

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life sciences

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