Holiday/Vacation/Funeral/Regular Time Off Compensation Flashcards
Name the ten (10) paid holidays (hint: think of them from month to month starting in January)
New’s Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr Day, President’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veteran’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Friday after Thanksgiving, Christmas Day
Definition: Designated members will normally be granted holidays off and will not receive holiday pay or holiday time; however, they will receive their regular number of daily hours (8 or 10) of pay at the regular rate of pay.
Holiday Off
Definition: A member may receive their regular number of daily hours (8 or 10) of holiday pay which is computed at straight time hourly rates in effect on the day of the holiday in addition to their normal hours of pay at the regular rate of pay.
Holiday Pay
Definition: A member required to work on a holiday (H-day) may receive holiday compensatory time at straight time rates in addition to their normal hours of pay at the regular rate of pay.
Holiday Time
True/False: Members who are normally granted holidays off, but are required to work their regular number of daily hours (8 or 10) or less on a holiday will be authorized a four (4) hour call-back or the actual time, whichever is greater, computed at the straight time hourly rate.
Which sworn members will normally be granted holidays off?
Captain and above AND sworn members assigned to administrative duties
Which non-sworn members will normally be granted holidays off?
Members with management authority and all others except communications, CSI, and Communications Support Unit
True/False. The immediate supervisor may grant time off with pay up to one (1) day for a member desiring to attend the funeral of any person other than those specific in the policy.
True/False: Immediate Family members include spouse or domestic partner, child or step-child, parent, grandparent, grandchild, niece/nephew, brother or sister, mother or father-in-law, daughter or son-in-law, brother or sister-in law, spouse’s grandparent
A member will be granted up to ______ days of leave, with pay, to attend the funeral of an immediate family member.
Three (3)
Non-exempt, non-sworn members and Detention Officers assigned to the 10-hour Work Plan will receive ______ days off during each twenty-eight (28) day work period.
Twelve (12)
Non-exempt, sworn members and Detention Officers assigned to the 8-hour Work Plan will receive ______ days off during each twenty-eight (28) day work period.
Eight (8)
Non-exempt, non-sworn members assigned to the 10-hour Work Plan, with the exception of Detention Officers, will receive _______ regular days off during the seven (7) day work week.
Three (3)
Non-exempt, non-sworn members assigned to the 8-hour Work Plan, with the exception of Detention Officers, will receive two (2) regular days off during the _______ day work week.
Seven (7)
All full-time department members assigned to the 10-hour Work Plan will be scheduled how many regular days off per year?
One hundred and fifty-six (156)
All full-time department members assigned to the 8-hour Work Plan will be scheduled how many regular days off per year?
One hundred and four (104)
Full-time department members shall be granted Regular Days off during each _________ day work period.
a. Twenty-Eight (28)
b. Thirty (30)
c. Fourteen (14)
d. Seven (7)
A. Twenty-Eight (28)
With the exception of the ________ of _______, all members will accrue vacation leave (V days) based on the number of years of service.
Chief of Police
V time can be used in as little as ____ hour increments?
a. Eight (8)
b. Four (4)
c. One (1)
d. None of the above
C. One (1)
Members with less than five (5) years of service will earn ______ hours of V time?
One hundred twenty (120)
Members with more than five (5) years, but less than twelve (12) years of service will earn _______ hours of V time.
One hundred sixty (160)
Members with at least twelve (12) years, but less than fifteen (15) years of service will earn _______ hours of V time.
One hundred eighty-four (184)
Members with at least fifteen (15) years, but less than thirty (30) years of service will earn _______ hours of V time.
Two hundred (200)
Members with more than thirty (30) years of service will earn _____ hours of V time.
Two hundred forty (240)
True/False: Unused Vacation time will roll over into the next calendar year.
Definition: The type of leave a member is placed on when they are absent from a scheduled day without proper authorization.
Absent (A) Day
If a member has three (3) consecutive absent (A) days within a calendar year, they will be considered for _______.
Name the Act that protects the rights of active and reserve military members regarding time off (hint: USERRA)
Uniformed Services Employment Rights and Re-employment Act
True/False: Members who are on active or inactive status with the US military are not entitled to time off if called to serve.
Members are entitled to paid military leave not to exceed _______ days, in any federal fiscal year (October 1 - September 30).
a. Fifteen (15)
b. Fourteen (14)
c. Twenty (20)
d. Thirty (30)
A. Fifteen (15)
Sworn members appointed prior to November 16, 1987, accrue sick (S) time as _____ hours per month (Option I) or ______ hours per month (Option II).
Twenty (20) or Twelve (12)
Sworn members appointed after November 16, 1987, accrue sick (S) time at a rate of _______ hours per month.
Twelve (12)
Non-sworn members appointed prior to November 16, 1987, accrue sick (S) time as _____ hours per month.
Ten (10)
Non-sworn members appointed after November 16, 1987, accrue sick (S) time at a rate of _______ hours per month.
Eight (8)
Do you understand how to call in sick?
Yes, I’m not wasting our time with pointless questions, call your immediate supervisor and TADA, you have the day off
Definition: An approved, unpaid absence from duty granted only when the member expects to return to duty at the end of the absence.
Leave without Pay
Leave without Pay between one (1) and twenty-eight (28) days can be granted by whom?
Division Commander
Leave without Pay between twenty-none (29) days and one (1) year can be granted by whom?
The Chief of Police
Leave without Pay extending beyond one year can be granted by whom?
The Board of Police Commissioners
Definition: Compensatory (O) time, Extra (E) days, Holidays (H), Personal (Y) Days, Sick (S, SF, FS) days, Quality (Q) days, and Vacation (V) days.
Accrued Paid Leave
Definition: Two adults who share the same principal residence and are jointly responsible for the basic necessities of life.
Domestic Partner
Definition: A member that has been employed for a total of twelve (12) months and has worked at least 1,250 hours during this time.
Eligible Member
Definition: Inability to work, attend school, or perform other regular daily activities due to a serious health condition, treatment, or recovery.
Definition: Those with day-to-day responsibilities to care for and financially support a child, or, in the case of a member, who has such responsibility for the member when the member was a child.
Loco Parentis
Definition: A biological, adoptive, step or foster father or mother, or any other individual who stood in loco parentis to the member when the member was a child.
Definition: Any non-medical activity of a member’s spouse, child, domestic partner, or parent on active duty or called to active duty status.
Qualifying Exigency
Definition: An individual who lawfully enters into a marriage under any state law or outside any State that recognizes such marriage.
True/False: All eligible members may be granted FMLA leave with no interruption of benefits, job position status, or anniversary date.
Up to how many weeks of FMLA can be granted to an eligible member?
Twelve (12)
Members may receive _____ E day each calendar year if they do not have any of the following: A, L, PX, S, X, SF, or LF.
One (1) extra
True/False: Family Sick Leave (FS) will count against the member’s perfect attendance?
False - see the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993
Members may earn ______ hours of E-time for successful performance in the Aerobics Program with a maximum of ______ hours per year.
Sixteen (16) / Thirty-Two (32)
Members may convert a maximum of ______ hours of Sick (S) leave into Personal (Y) hours each calendar year.
Sixteen (16)
Members will at least ten (10) years of service, but less than twelve (12) years of service, may use _____ Quality (Q) hours each calendar year.
Sixty-four (64)
All other members may use up to _____ Quality (Q) hours each calendar year.
Forty (40)
All members may request a maximum of ____ hours each calendar year fo the observance of a religious holiday.
Sixteen (16)