Commendation & Honor Awards Flashcards
The ______ Committee, appointed by the Chief of Police, reviews the recommendations for these awards and other awards given by outside agencies and organizations.
True/False: Only the Chief of Police may recommend another member or element for the Medal of Valor, Distinguished Service Medal, Purple Heart, Certificate of Commendation, Meritorious Service, Award, Special Unit Citation Award, and Live-saving Award.
False - any member may recommend another member for any of these awards
Definition: The highest award the department may bestow upon a member who performs an exceptionally valorous act far above that which is normally expected, while aware of the imminent threat of personal danger. The recipient will receive a medal, a certification, and a ribbon.
Medal of Valor
Definition: This is the second highest award that may be bestowed upon a member who performs above and beyond the duty required. The recipient will receive a medal, a certification, and a ribbon.
Distinguished Service Medal
Definition: This shall be awarded to department employees who receive a wound or injury (or death) to a degree necessitating hospitalization or the immediate care of a physician. The recipient will receive a medal, a certification, and a ribbon.
Purple Heart
Definition: This may be awarded for an exceptional police act which brings credit to the Department and the member, and is highly recognized by fellow officers and citizens as an outstanding accomplishment of policy duty. The recipient will receive a certification and a ribbon.
Certificate of Commendation
Definition: This is awarded to a member for the successful development or accomplishment of an administrative task or project in which the candidate displayed exceptional initiative, tenacity, and expertise. The recipient will receive a certification, and a ribbon.
Meritorious Service Award
Definition: This may be awarded to a unit, element, or personnel who, as a group, performed in a manner which, if performed by an individual, would merit recognition in the form of the Certificate of Commendation or the Meritorious Service Award.
Special Unit Citation Award
Definition: This may be awarded for commendable life-sustaining actions in a life or death situation. The recipient will be awarded a certificate and a ribbon.
Life-Saving Award
Definition: Any member of the Department, sworn and non-sworn, who has been honorable discharged from any branch of the United States Armed Forces, or who is currently serving on active-duty for any branch of the military.
Military Service Ribbon
Definition: Members who demonstrate proficiency with the department-approved firearm carried during the normal tour of duty will receive this ribbon.
Firearm Proficiency Ribbon
To receive the Firearm Proficiency Ribbon, a member must score ______ percent.
a. 98%
b. 95%
c. 99%
d. 100%
D. 100%
Definition: Members who demonstrate physical fitness excellence by successfully completing the annual Physical Abilities Test will receive this ribbon.
Physical Fitness Ribbon
Definition: This ribbon is awarded to members assigned to designated training positions which have been approved by the Chief of Police as eligible to receive the ribbon.
Trainer’s Ribbon
Definition: This ribbon will be presented to members who complete ______ consecutive years of service without a preventable vehicular accident as defined in the current written directive.
Safe Driving Ribbon / Five (5) years
Definition: Members who continuously demonstrate conscientious adherence to all departmental rules, regulations, guidelines, and policies, are to be recognized for such dedication with this ribbon.
Good Conduct Ribbon
Members shall be recognized for every ______ years of consecutive service.
a. Ten (10)
b. Five (5)
c. Two (2)
d. Seven (7)
B. Five (5)
Definition: Which ribbon is presented to members for every five (5) years of consecutive service?
Tenure Service Ribbon
Definition: Presented to citizens, and may be presented to any individual, business, organization, or member of another law enforcement agency who has provided outstanding assistance to the KCPD.
Certificate of Appreciation
Definition: The department may bestow this award upon members who lose their lives during honorable, duty-related police service. It is presented to the family members.
Police Cross
All member of “Awards Committees” will serve for ____ years.
a. Two (2)
b. Three (3)
c. Four (4)
d. Five (5)
A. Two (2)
True/False: Sworn members who retire will receive a non-numbered civilian badge mounted on a plaque, a retired officer badge at current rank, and a retired officer identification card.
True False: Non-sworn members who retire will receive a non-numbered civilian badge mounted on a plaque, a retired civilian badge, and a retired officer identification card.
In the case of an officer’s death, what will his/her family receive?
The member’s badge mounted on a plaque
Department members, reserve officers, and auxiliary service volunteers who complete _______ years of service will be awarded a department ring/necklace recognizing their length of service.
a. Twenty (20) years
b. Thirty (30) years
c. Twenty-Five (25) years
d. Fifteen (15) years
C. Twenty-Five (25) years
The _____ ________ Department will notify the _______ Unit of retiring members, active members, reserve officers, and auxiliary service volunteers who complete twenty-five (25) years of service.
Human Resources Department / Media Unit