History Unit Test (Civil War + Opening the West + Reconstruction) Flashcards
Great American Desert
land between the mississippi river and west coast prior 1860
cornstock lode
400 million in gold found and mined in nevada that attracts settlers in the west
cattle drives
refers to long drives in the late 1800s from texas to kansas rr to chicago then to the east coast meat industry
barbed wire
used by sod busters to settle the great plains since wood was scarce
frederick jackson turner
us historian had a frontier hypothjesis that said american frontier broke down social and class districts
sitting bull
native american chief that led several battles against the us and won many battles for the sioux
crazy horse
native american warrior that attacked the us military throughout the great plains
general george custer
american colonel responsible for many indian wars during the late 1800s killed at the battle of little bighorn by crazy horse
chief joseph
indian leader who led an attack north into canada before being defeated in 1877
helen hunt jackson
assimilationist author who wrote a century of dishonor about the us indian relations in 1881
dawes act 1887
broke up triebs and gave up to 160 acres and citizenship to any native american who lived on the land for 25 years
ghost dance
native american religious ceremony suppressed by the us govt (led to wounded knee massacre)
wounded knee
massacre of unarmed sioux during a military search
new south
vision of a southern economy based on industry rather than agriculture
indian reorgnaziation act
passed during the new deal by fdr that put reservation back together
oklahama territory
former indian land made open for settlement in 1889
carlisle school
one of several assimilationist schools set up to make natives more white
northeres who wanted to break away from south
draft riots
riots where poor laborers attacked black people and wealthy white ppl
7 days campaign
McClellan’s initial invasion of Virginia aimed at taking Richmond, the C.S.A. capital Miserable failure forcing Lincoln to fire McClellan for the first time.
Trent (Slidell) Affair (late 1861