Age of Jackson #2 Flashcards
Hostility towards immigrants
Know-Nothings (American Party)
Nativist Anti-Immigrant (Anti-Irish Catholic) political party
Belief that God/Universe has a plan for you & you’re destined to do things… Feelings over reason
The theory that man has the ability to give up his material possessions & become one w/ the natural universe/God… Crush the limits that your mind puts upon you
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)
Embodied the Transcendentalist movement when he gives up all possessions & moves to Walden Pond
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882)
Founder of Transcendentalism movement & leading literary figure
Brook Farm (1841-1849)
Transcendentalist utopia in Massachusetts that includes equal rights for women
Ideal society that gets away from the hustle and bustle of city life
Second Great Awakening
revival of religion where ministers preached salvation by faith and hard work, started in western New York
Religious sect led by Joseph Smith (N.Y.) eventually led to Utah by Brigham Young
Penny Papers
Newspapers the common man could afford
Consuming alcohol in moderation
Horace Mann (1796-1859)
Leader of the educational reform movement
Republican Womanhood / Cult of Domesticity
The idea that women should be at home and care for the children
Process of slowly ending slavery
To immediately end slavery (usually w/out compensation to owners)
Freeing of all enslaved people
William Lloyd Garrison
Radical abolitionist; Editor of the Liberator (anti-slavery newspaper in Boston); believed in total equality
Frederick Douglass
Former Maryland slave
-Runs away to North for freedom
-Most famous African American
-leader of the anti-slavery movement
-Editor of The North Star (anti-slavery newspaper)
King Cotton
Refers to the amount of wealth cotton produced and how it ran the Southern economy