Age of Jackson #1 Flashcards
closed-door meeting of a political party in Congress or State Legislature to nominate a president
The Election of 1824; “Corrupt Bargain”
an illegal agreement between politicians
Attempting to ruin someone’s reputation w/ public insults
Spoils System
giving gov’t jobs in return for party loyalty
Andrew Jackson
self-made man and living legend who became a symbol of the “Common Man” and promoted the expansion of democracy
Kitchen Cabinet
Pres. Jackson’s group of informal advisors that he trusted over his cabinet due to the Peggy Eaton / Petticoat Affair
Indian Removal Act (1830)
Forced relocation of Indians from States east of the Mississippi River to West
Cherokee Nations v. Georgia (1831)
Cherokees are NOT a foreign nation and have the right to sue in federal court
Worcester v. Georgia (1832)
Laws of Georgia had no force within the boundaries of Cherokee territory = they DO NOT have to leave
Trail of Tears (1838)
Refers to when the Cherokees forcibly left Georgia to Oklahoma
-under Van Buren’s presidency
Withdraw from the Union
1) The theory that States have the right to declare a federal law invalid
2) Created by John C. Calhoun (b/c the Tariff of 1828 aka Tariff of Abominations”
Force Bill
JAX tells Calhoun / S.C. he will bring in the military to enforce any federal law
King Andrew
Critics nickname for Andrew Jackson b/c the way JAX used Federal authority
Political party started to oppose JAX (favored Clay’s American System)
“Pet Banks”
After JAX destroys the National Bank, $ is distributed to various State Banks
Panic of 1837
depression caused as a result of banknotes losing value, speculation of western lands, inflated goods, and closing of banks
William Henry Harrison
Former governor, war hero, and Whig President who dies after 32 days due to pneumonia