History: Hinduism Flashcards
Civilization after harrappan, archeological evidence, important because they were described in the Rig Veda, culture that Hinduism developes from
Harrappan Civilization
Sophisticated due to sanitation, written language, straight streets, ect
Historians do not. Know why there was a decline in the civilization, they think it is because of an earthquake, economic, river. Changes, ect, lived in northern part of india
Became part of Indian society, conquered by Aryan’s, they lived in a central and southern part of India
Written in Sanskrit, four books, Indian “bible”, psalms, poems, god stories, explanations for ritual, written down by 500 BCE
Bhagavad Gita
Teaches the last section Mahabharata about following dharma
Civil war in north west India, main characters are Krishna and Rama, Vishnu, how good Hindus live,
Wheel of Life
Follow dharma, when body dies soul is reborn higher class and so on, if completely follow dharma cycle is broken and unites with brahma, if you do something wrong you must redo all of the classes
Language in India, not spoken, but is readable
Brahman Atman
inner part of every living thing in everything in the universal world soul, goal is to break the cycle of incarnation so your Brahman Atman to brahma
reuninion with divine, reuniting with your Brahman atman with Brahman, people search for moksha, ultimate goal
illusions, we cannot see the whole, only part, humans don’t have enlightened or complete understandment, if you can get past maya you can reach moksha
Everyday world of pain and joy, work and success, birth and death
Can’t avoid it it follows you, dharma determines it, if you do good deeds it will be good, your fate based on past lives
Carry out their student, family, and work responsibility
Essense of life, creator god, wrote Vedas,purpose of being, god like spirit
Protector god, maintains law and order, blue skin represents infite like sky, discus is slices of evil, conch shell is universal concept, locust flower is rise up and above, golden baton is hits people if they are bad, comes to earth as human being
Destroyer god, pure contiousness, stark reality, has a wife named Parvati
goddess, brahmas wife, divine muse(creatvitity) goddess of creativity, children pray to her for help on test, beloved
goddess of wealth, incarnations with Vishnu, philosophy is that wealth is not just material possession, it’s happiness and peace, comes to earth in human form, Sita is Lakshmis avatar
Shiva’s second wife, goddess,worshipped shiva
Parvati and Shivas son, elephant head, god of the luck
a god coming. To earth in human form, for example Vishnu,
Vishnua avatar
incarnation of Vishnu, another avatar of Vishnu, Ramas wife Sita is an avatar of wealth, Ramayana is a love story about Rama and sita
the outcasts, untouchable, casteless people
Raja Yoga
yoga through physical actions that promote meditation
Bhakti Yoga
serenade ring completely to god with love
Karma Yoga
based on action, think about how you act, live out the truth, do what’s right for the sake of doing what’s right not for the outcome for your actions
Religious caste system
The higher caste, the closer. You. Are to brahma, sets upon priest hood
Economic caste system
Different occupations according to Kati
Political caste system
People with higher caste have more power, sets up ruler, military
Social caste system
Discrimination, whatever your Jati is you associate with them and don’t interact with other Jati, different food
Geogriphical effect on India
Himalayas mountains borders, seperation causes different culture
All the caste systems in order
Brahmans, Kshatriyas, Vaisyas, Sudras, Untouchable
Union with. God
Priests and scholars
Warriors and rulers
Merchants and farmers
Laborors, servant, peasants
Tells of features of Rama, an Aryan prince, literature. Written around 700 BCE