History- Genocide Flashcards
1941- 1945
Henrich Himler
Head of the SS.
Black uniform with death’s head and a swastika.
Pure, healthy Germanic race.
‘Only the fittest survive.’
A concentration camp in Poland
Arbeit Macht Frei
‘Work sets your free.’
On the gates of the concentration camp.
Aryan children
Were taught to hate Jews in school.
November 1939
Jews could leave Germany
But they had to pay a hefty fine.
German soldiers
Beat up Jews in the streets.
Any who resist
Execution, public hangings.
Jews had to wear
The Star of David and Jude at all times.
Quote from that time
‘The Jews started the war, now let then clean it up.’
Jews orders into ghettos in Poland
Ghettos were closed off.
They were special suburbs within cities.
Warsaw, Poland
1 room =
3 families with children
They were given
Starvation rations
Harsh punishments for
Smuggling food
Execution squads
Firing squads at first but the SS
3 million Jews in
5 million in Russia
11 million in Europe
No chance
Of escape
People forced to
Undress and then were shot dead.
They had to lie
In an open grave head first and then were shot dead.
Germany planned
A thousand year empire.
A conference was held here.
Final Solution was decided upon- the gassing of Jews in Europe.
Zyklon B
Commercial poison.
Used in high amounts in gas chambers.
Jews were told that they were being moved
For resettlement
Barely any
Air to breathe in the trains on the way to the camps.
Medical inspection upon arrival
Separated into two groups.
Those who could work were placed one side and everyone else on another.
They were told they were getting
A shower so they had to undress before entering the gas chambers.
Gas entered
Fro the top and killed people.
Death by
Beating, exhaustion and gassing.
Some people couldn’t take it
And committed suicide on the electric fences.
A Rabi said
‘There is no God’
After gassing
The bodies were burnt to remove evidence in July 1944.
Extermination camps.
Gypsies were gassed
When the German army was retreating.
6 million Jews were killed (4 million in camps and 2 million by shootings).
Russians came to Auschwitz
January 1945
The survivors or the camp were abandoned by the Nazis.
After the Americans came, they were liberated.
5 million undesirables killed +
6 million Jews = 11 million people.
Mao Zedong
1949- 1976
A Chinese ruler who also committed genocide.