English Paper 2- TKAM Chapter Summaries Flashcards
Scout talks about Jem’s injured arm.
It’s summer and Dill comes to visit his aunt.
Introduced to the characters and town life.
Religion is important yet God-fearing people are intolerant and prejudice.
Dill leaves for Meridian.
Scout starts school for the first time and gets in trouble because she can read and write.
Meet Walter Cunningham who’s is from a poor, but proud, family.
The depression has hit the Cunningham family hard and they’re struggling financially, yet they are too proud to take charity.
Scout explains this to the teacher and gets punished for being cheeky.
She hates school as a result.
Scout fight Walter.
Jem invites him to lunch.
Scout makes fun of the way Walter eats and is scolded by Calpurnia who teaches tolerance and understanding.
Meet Burris Ewell.
Scout finds chewing-gum in a knothole in a tree.
Later Jem and Scout find a box with pennies.
Jem thinks Boo Radley is leaving the gifts.
Dill comes back and the kids resume their schemes to make Boo come out.
Atticus catches them and forbids them to make fun of the Radleys.
Jem and Dill roll Scout in a tyre and she ends up on the Radley property.
She runs away but hears someone laughing in a deep voice.
This makes her want to stop playing games about the Radleys.
Scout mo longer plays Radley games and so doesn’t spend much time playing with Jem and Dill anymore.
She starts to spend time with Miss Maudie.
Some people criticize Miss Maudie for making her garden too beautiful.
Before Dill leaves he persuades Jem’s to try, one more time, to see Boo.
In the dark they, including Scout, go through the garden to the Radley’s back porch.
Mr Radley hears something and fires a shot while the children are running away.
Jem gets stuck in the fence and has to leave his pants behind to get free.
The commotion arouses Atticus and the neighbours.
Jem and Dill have to lie about the missing pants.
Later when Jem returns from fetching his pants he is very shaken.
Jem tells Scout that when he went to fetch his pants he found them mended and neatly folded, presumably by Boo.
More gifts are found in the tree such as carved replicas of Scout and Jem, a package of gum, and a pocket watch on a chain.
This makes Jem realize that Boo wants to make friends.
Mr Nathan Radley cements the hole in the tree.
It snows in Maycomb.
Jem and Scout make a snowman.
One night there is a huge fire at Miss Maudie’s house.
The house is totally destroyed but no-one is hurt.
Miss Maudie values her flowers more than material possessions.
Boo puts a blanket over Scout to keep her warm.
Jem tells Atricus about everything involving Boo.
Scout is called a nigger-lover at school because Atticus is defending a black man.
This happens again when they go away for Christmas to spend it with their family at the landing, and cousin Francis calls Atticus a nigger-lover.
Scout fights him and gets spanked by Uncle Jack.
Uncle Jack discovers why Scout fought Francis and tires to make it up to her.
Atticus tells Jack that he’s aware that they have a little chance of winning because it’s a black man’s word against a white man’s, but he still feels that it’s his duty to defend Tom Robinson.
Atticus kill a mad dog with a single shot.
Jem views his father with a new-found respect and admiration.
Atticus gives Jem and Scout air-rifles for Christmas.
He says they can shoot tin cans, even blue-jays, but that ‘it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird’.
Explained to them by Miss Maidie.
The racist attacks on the kids continue.
They are taunted by an elderly neighbour, Mrs Dubose.
Jem loses his temper and cuts off all her camellias.
As punishment, he has to go read to her every evening.
Scout goes too.
At first, reading to her is frightening, but they overcome their fear, and begin to feel sorry for her.
When Mrs Dubose dies they learn she had a morphine addiction and was currently withdrawing and reading distracted her.
Jem is now 12, growing up and changing, making Scout feel very lonely.
Atticus is away for work and Calpurnia takes them to her black church.
They are welcomed by all except Lula who objects to their presence beavers they are white.
Money is collected for Tom Robinson’s wife, who can’t get a job because of the rape accusation.
Dill doesn’t come and Aunt Alexandra arrives to stay while the trail is on.
Aunt Alexandra is very proud of her family and sees them as superior to other families.
Atticus is patient with her views, but doesn’t uphold them.
Aunt Alexandra refuses to allow Scout to go to Calpurnia’s house.
Atticus argues with her and tries to compromise.
Scout has to listen to her aunt, but Aunt Alexandra has to understand that Calpurnia is an important part of the household.
Jem is maturing and worries about Atticus.
Dill appears after running away from home and Jem tells Atticus.
Dill is allowed to stay.
Tom Robinson has been moved to the prison in Maycomb, and sheriff, Heck Tate, is concerned the the community might harm him.
Atticus takes off in the middle of the night.
The kids follow as Jem is worried.
They find him in with a light and a book where Tom is being kept.
A group of men arrive and demand access to Tom.
The kids appear and Jem refuses to leave.
Scout steps forward and innocently chats to Mr Cunningham about Walter and eventually the men leave.
At home Scout realizes the real danger of the jail situation.
The court case begins, and the courtroom is crowded.
Meet Dolphus Raymond, a drunken outsider who has a black wife and mixed children.
Jem understand how sad and isolated these kids would be because they don’t fit into any group.
Jem, Scout and Dill sit in the balcony with the black people.
Meet Judge Taylor.
Heck Tate testifies that he was called to the scene of the crime by Mr Ewell where he found Mayella’s right eye was blackened, and that there were bruises all around her neck.
A doctor wants called meaning there was no medical proof of rape.
Bob Ewell testifies.
We learn that he is left handed, violent and uncaring.
Mayella testifies that she asked Tom to chop some firewood, and that he turned on her and beat and raped her.
She admits that her father deals beat her, but he is fine when he is sober.
Tom’s left hand is crippled.