History And Science (1c) Flashcards
What is discriptive research ?
They include case studies, naturalistic observation, and surveys. They allow researchers to peruse the goal of description: to determine the existence (and sometimes strength) of a relationship between variables of interest
What are some advantages and Disadvantages of Descriptioin research - Case study
Case study is an intensive study of one person
A: helps develop early ideas about phenomena
D: Researcher bias. You can not generalize you results to all people
What are the advantages and disadvantages f Descriptive research: Naturalistic observation
Naturalistic observation is observing people behaving as they normally do
A: more reflective of actual human behaviour
D: Researcher bias. Hawthorne effect
Advantages and disadvantages to descriptive research - surveys
They ar the use of questionnaire or interview
A: gather information that they migh to be able to gather using other methods. May be able to measure realtionship strength between variables
D: Participant Bias. The direction of relationship between variables is unknown (which one is the result of which )
experimental research
Manipulation and control of variables. the purpose is to identify cause and effect (meets the explanation goal of psychology). Examines how one variable (IV) CAUSES another variable to change (DV)
Advantages and disadvantages of expiremental research
A: Can establish cause and effect. Can eliminate outside influences
D: Might not be generalizable. Sometimes unethical
Experimental group
The group that is exposed to the independent variable
Control group
The group that is not exposed to the independent variable; this group is used to compare how the IV changed the DV
Random assignment
The researcher should randomly assighned who goes in which group, which helps groups be balances in terms of any other factor that could influence the results
Double blind procedure
Neither the participant nor the researcher knows who is in which group
Describe and measure realtionships between variables
Descriptive research
Correlations indicate if there is a relationship between variables
Expiremanetal research
Statistics indicate if the hypothesis has been supported or if there is a meaningful difference between the groups
Correlation coefficient
The strength and nature of the relationship ( -1.00 to +1.00)
Positive relationships
Is when both variables increase together