History Flashcards
Came with the idea that abnormal behaviour and emotion stemmed from the working brain and not the gods
Greeks and Romans
Had the belief the body contained 4 elements: Blood, phlegm, yellow and black bile. Incorrect balance resulted in becoming ill.
Said the soul is an undivided, independent yet immnaterial entity in the head.
Proposed there are many mental organs located in the grey matter or cortex of the brain (phrenology) which were tested through the clinical-anatomincal method in France
Cell theory
Greeks: Three different forms of the soul:
- Survival via food intake (present in plants)
- Activities of an organism in relation to the environment (as in animals)
- A higher order soul that could distinguish between good and bad (psychikon hegemonikon)
Opdeling van cellen
- Sensus communis: verenigde zintuigen, info komt hier binnen
- Imago’ het beeld wordt hier geinterpreteerd
- Memoria aka geheugen, hier werd die infor opgeslagen
Interpretation of the face (Aristotle). Famous in western Europe (under the religious
Doubted it all, I think therefore I am. Two substances: Res extensa (Body) and Res cogitans (mind) and reflex
Localisation issue (Gall)
Foundations of cognitive neurosience. Claims:
All functions are innate
Each function concerns independent organ
These functions are located in the cortex
People vary in their aptitude for certain functions
Lumps can be indicative of these differences, form naturally but also through brain injuries. (phrenology)
Clinical anatomical method
Test localisation ideas by charting the specific loss in patients with focal encephalopathy. Broca’s area was discovered (Patient Tan) and post mortem examination